Internet needs to die

The internet is a destructive force on humans, since most are literal retards.

Name the benefits of the internet.

There's literally none.

Attached: killswitchcomputer630.jpg (630x376, 53K)

All you need is a shovel and some kevlar snips. The fiber lines are just buried along the side of the road between cities.

We need a mass wipeout of it. EMP or something.

I agree. The world has been going downhill since the internet became mainstream. Social media especially is fucking cancer.

Re-introduce Dos commands and keep the retards out!

Attached: retards special.jpg (400x400, 110K)

>We need a mass wipeout of it.
Just get in your car and drive around your geographic region. You can shut down the entire place in a day.

I agree. The internet certainly shaped my worldview though

The Y2K virus will fix this.

No man, world wide shut down of this cyberspace shit.

>>Name the benefits of the internet.
>universities and militaries can instantly transmit important information
>governments and corporations are more transparent than they have ever been at any time in history
>people no longer need to rely on cable television gatekeepers for information about important things like child nutrition
>far right politics actually have a platform
>no need to deal with niggers and disgruntled employees in big box stores