Normies out!
Danish Election General/Paludan Appreciation Thread
Blake Evans
Jose Carter
Carter Edwards
Thread theme
Mason Cruz
What do you guys thing about this new law?
You can get up to 12 years in prison if you criticize the war crimes of (((NATO))) during an election.
Thanks to:
Venstre, Konservative, Liberal Alliance, Socialdemokratiet, Radikale Venstre
Sebastian Peterson
>Normies out
I fucking wish, but you reddit refugees keep coming.
Benjamin Hughes
Og et lille highlight reel fra SK, til alle ADHD zoomere
Ryder Roberts
Check it out, the host of their radio show (266b) made this.
Jayden Stewart
V for Sejr og B for Bajr!
Nicholas Powell
Smil Rasmus!
Brody White
Pretty sure it was Boatsinker who made the song. Lolland is the 266b host.