Dozens of women get naked outside Facebook to protest against its female nipple ban

If this is the quality if nips that Facebook is banning, I support Facebook.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-6-5 Dozens of women get naked outside Facebook to protest against female nipple ban. (657x4282, 3.85M)

lol women always get naked to protest anything

Dozens, and not a looker in the bunch, dam shame

Women once again proving the only value they have is their body.

That's just foul.

Attached: brjvnpscnrp21.jpg (576x768, 65K)

I would actually use Facebook if there were tiddays!

black man hidden in top left of the first pict. blends in perfectly with the black poster.


Why are Burgers so afraid of female nipples? Are they all closed homos?


Attached: 1544283003778.jpg (226x170, 13K)

Fucking hell 3DPDs look like shit