About Chads and lack of sexual partners

People here complain about how some men have to many sexual partners. Women are just sluts, roasties etc.

>enforced monogamy
>Return to Traditional values

What they are advocating, is women ignoring their natural urges, so they have a better shot at mating.

Which is sexual redistribution AKA Marxism.

Prove me wrong.

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women are roasties..

Men prefer debt free, tattoo free, virgins...

not purple haired landwhale roasties

No one is asking for a government subsidized gf you autistic faggot we just want our woman to stop being whores

Let me get rich then I won't complain about girls being roastie.

by forcing them to be with you, and only you.

Marxist confirmed

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>What they are advocating, is women ignoring their natural urges

Men are ignoring their natural urges all the fucking time for the good of society and nobody cares.

Getting a few dozen or hundred men together to raid another city-state or village to kidnap their women was a natural occurrence for 99% of human history.

there's literally nothing wrong with sexual redistribution
neck yourself

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Forcing ? Stop putting words in my mouth.

We should allow men to act on their natural urges such as rape and murder of roasties

Imagine if she had a thick long juicy she cock? GAWD.

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