What is it like to be white? I am an Indo-Chinese immigrant and have always wondered

What is it like to be white? I am an Indo-Chinese immigrant and have always wondered.

Attached: geyxda97uieq5pqtilhq.jpg (1280x720, 227K)

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I second the motion from the dogeater poo.

Like being black except everyone is racist towards you.

Not as good as it used to be.

Attached: whiteflight.png (1074x451, 43K)

>Indo-Chinese immigrant
>American Flag
Just fuck my shit up senpai

Its fucking great

You carry the weight of the entire world on your shoulders while everyone hits you with sticks and calls you worthless.

Don't worry India will become a superpower next year and will take some of the white man's burden.

We can't dance or season food and are also more likely to molest your kids but we also have the best alcohol and women and we won't even murder you unless you are in a public high school.

Pretty much this. Then the more cucked among us start to actually believe it.