Prove him wrong

White Australian culture fundamentally operates on the assumption that we are citizens to be ruled over, not that the government serves our purposes. Because of this mentality, we will roll over and take it as the next 5 prime ministers and their parties cuck us all the way to a population of 50 million, mostly composed of browns and yellows.

Just like we did when our guns were removed.

We are a race of slaves.

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tell that the the eureka boys and lads like ned kelly, mate

What relevance do they hold now?

Sure, they and Uncle Ned would never have stood for that, but where are those people, that spirit, these days?

no aussie (besides our modern day people you can barely call true blues) would actively be okay with the kind of government you describe. but besides, every human is a slave to civilisation and governments anyway

>convicts in chains
>suppressed by rulers
yeah that's how it works. don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

>“Suppressed by their rulers”

You were suppressed because you were fucking convicts. You didn’t arrive anywhere you were DEPORTED for good reason. Do the historical thing, deport those who endanger your society

Its the kind of government we have right now. Third world people are pouring in, year after year, driving up prices and lowering wages. We also recently went through an election in which while we didnt completely cuck out for labor, the greens retained their seats while based Fraser Anning lost his senate spot.

This once great nation will be indistinguishable from Britain, America and Canada soon, and for much the same reasons.

When will we actually stand up against our governments and demand things for us.

read the replies, you double nig, i said the exact same thing you did

Imagine lionizing a criminal piece of shit because he wore a bucket on his head.

Aussies have always seemed abundantly happy to me, at least thats how theyre usually portrayed here. Every run in I've ever had with one in the states they've always been happy, upbeat guys. Don't let these little sad cunts bring ya down, aussie bros.

it's more like what he stood for, cunt

i really hope civilisation fucking ends

trust me, we only seem happy because we're humorous. it fucking sucks here

He stood for stealing money because he's a criminal piece of shit

We are that, i am one myself, but we cannot ignore the growing fissures in our society. Life is getting materially and spiritually worse for white australia. We put a happy go lucky attitude over the top but we also need to deal with our issues for once instead of just going "she'll be right mate, don't stress."

Things are not alright, and we need to face up to it.

>but where are those people, that spirit, these days?
according to you it was never there because our founding spirit was that of enslavement.
but what you just said belies that fact, that facebook post is retarded, Australia was founded by liberal, 'Enlightened' men, our founding stock was rebellious men ruled over by progressive thinkers.
and imo that's the problem, the Enlightenment promoted the idea of man as a blank slate, and the government's role was to mould him through education and social engineering. America is much the same, anti-aristocratic, egalitarian ideas leading us to deliberately level and crush all notions of superiority, everyone is the same, or at least must be made so through government programs and a policy of dysgenics.

He was a based potato nigger standing up to (((Anglo bureaucrat gang))).

Attached: FB_IMG_1556361157285.jpg (1080x1080, 168K)

This attitude will lose that spirit forever, m8.

You're missing the point.

No he was a murderer and a thief

I'm not, every western country's going through what you are. Every western politician is pushing for more immigration, it's not specific to Australia. This will either be cured en masse, or not at all. But what I'm saying is if you lose that spirit, even for a bit, it'll be gone forever. Breaking cultures of their spirit is what is going on right now.

White Australian turned a massive desert pile of shit into a first world country.
Because that's what we do.
Fuck the non whites.

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Ask the bongs for reparations.

Not that many of your ancestors were actually prisoners, and most of those were debt-prisoners and shit like that, not real criminals.
Stop the self-hate, bro.

the idea that we're a nation of convicts is about as true for australia as it is for america, the americas were full of european slaves and convicts.

Actually don't.