Christianity s a dumber watered down version of judaism for pagans. Not only is Christianity at it's core jewish and any rabbi will tell you that the purpose of Christianity was spreading Jewish learning stories and spiritual ideas to the world but it doiesn't mean that it's entirely correct or that jesus is a god Jesus is merely an archetype of the suffering jew. Judiams is a far superior religious system that isn't dogmatic, open for interpretation and revision and isn't dogmatic and riddled with contradictions like Christianity is.
Why don't Christkeks convert to Judiasm?
I'm kinda negative on the ritual murder thing that Jews do, rabbi
Kinda negative on the whole white genocide thing jews do too. Kinda fucked up.
you cant convert lmao. you can only marry a jewess and have jew babies.
Judaism and Christianity are opposites. Jews don’t follow the OT, they follow the Talmud. If they followed the OT, race mixing would be illegal and punishable by death. Same for faggotry.
> shit tier low effort conspiracy infographics
wow im not detecting an argument here. Jews have never been involved in hiuman sarifice the Tanakh multiple times prohibits human sacrifice explicitly
Faggotry is not allowed race mixing is ok for non-jews. Non-Jews aren't required to become jews and follow the law but you can become a jew if you really want, but as a goyim all you really need to do to be in good standing with jews and god is follow the Noahide Laws.
>says the faggot leaf
Please stop using that term. It's like swapping every instance of Jew and Christian in your post with "monotheism" which while accurate makes little sense in context.
> any rabbi will tell you that the purpose of Christianity was spreading Jewish learning stories and spiritual ideas to the world
Rabbis will tell you a lot of things. Why are they now to be trusted?
The biggest contradiction between Judaism and christianity is Jesus who Christians believe was not only the messiah but god himself which is ridiculous jesus never says he's god neither does Paul he hints he's the messiah but there have been so many Jewish messiah figues that it's not surprising but he never says he's god he also didn't contadict Judaism Paul says that the laws of Moses must be upheld (they aren't by christkeks) and Jesus never says anything bad about Judaism itself because he's a jew nothing against the theology of what the Pharisees taught he only was against their behavior it's like if Today a Cahtolic really dislikes the current pope and Catholic Church politics but agrees on all their major teachings