This triggers the rightist

This triggers the rightist

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No it doesn't.

You mean "the leftist" dumbass.

This triggers the cuck.

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Guns kill people
Spoons cause obesity
Keyboards misspell words
Cars drive drunk

Leaf/Liberal Logic

>not only can the left not meme, but they straight up have to steal right-wing content
Absolutely sad.

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how much does a pound of chicken cost in canada?

this triggers the jew

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It's so bad that I interpreted the meaning as sarcastic. As it was intended in the original.

Can the left ever learn to meme? It's beyond pathetic

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i've long thought that it would be a great test case for somebody to burn a rainbow flag and an american flag simultaneously in a liberal city and get arrested for a hate crime. the globohomo wouldn't be able to resist prosecuting but would look absolutely fucking ridiculous in the process

The LGBTQLMNOP is a political movement you fucking autist.

Fags wanna but fuck each other, fine. But you keep that shit behind closed doors and away from children.

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Kill yourself, sodomites belong in fucking jail you stupid boomer. Stop tacitly accepting evil you lazy do-nothing.

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I'm going to say this once because I am unironically an actual libertarian, and not a shit-eating leftist liberal.

Stop appropriating conservative memes, conservative values, and conservative tactics, and then deploying them to manipulate, control, and shape society into your own fucking version of it that ends up being nothing more than another flavor of the same shit.

I swear to fucking god I'm so fucking sick of you people misrepresenting what LIBERTY and what self-determination used to fucking mean.

I hate you liberal scum more than any other group of people on the face of the earth.

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Who the fuck burns clown world flag?

>Stop stealing conservative values
>muh liberty
Why would people stealing right wing memes offend you, given that you’re not even right wing? Liberty is a left wing concept, hence the name LIBERal.

Leafs in this thread: is this poster a good indicator of the average level of faggotry I'm going to have to deal with on a daily basis once I move to Canada?

Liberty is NOT a left wing concept. Fuck are you bluepilled or what. Liberals don't fucking want personal freedom, they want censorship and control over society and regulation of fucking everything. They're even MORE conservative than the right.

I'm not right or left, I say fuck both sides most of the time because it's all a goddamn circus at this point.

That just shows the double standard against people with conservative beliefs


>Liberty is not a left wing concept
Left wing refers to the pro-democracy movement during the French Reveolution who opposed the right wingers who backed the French crown. Literally read history and stop appropriating the term right wing when you don’t match the description of it at all. Libertarians and fags are belong in prison.

Yeah Canadians are a bunch of stuck up shit heads. have fun dealing with us.

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Oh wow you know history, well guess fucking what. Look outside your fucking window. LOOK AT REALITY and tell me that LIBERALS stand for fucking LIBERTY.

You're fucking delusional if you think liberals stand for personal choice and liberty you stupid nigger. They want to censor and control every fucking aspect of society and their propaganda game runs even deeper than the right.

Drown yourself in a pool of lye you piece of shit.

>what is liberal vs libertarian
>what is liberal vs neoliberal
learn what these are before speaking, manchild. Your understanding is at a fifth grade level.

>applying yesterday's understanding to today's events
Dude you really don't understand what you're talking about.
And personal freedom is a good thing. The nation state is also a good thing. These are not mutually exclusive, nor even conflicting concepts.

Liberals do stand for expansion of enfranchisement in a totalistic sense. They’re just being pragmatic about its implementation. They know that expanding the autonomy of shitskins, fags, pedos, criminals, and others has to also involve a slight loss of power for the already autonomous whites. In other words, whites have to be disenfranchised for everyone else to be enfranchised. This is the logical conclusion of liberalism, just like in the French Revolution, only white Europeans are now the Crown. All reveolutionary ideologies are like this, retardanon, that’s why you cannot be both revolutionary and conservative.

>yesterday’s understandings
You have literally inverted the definition of conservative and right wing to mean that exact opposite of what it means. This act itself is an exercise in subjectivity and denial of universal truths, putting it squarely in the realm of Enlightenment era thinking.
But, more than that, why do you feel the need to steal terms that don’t belong to you? You have gay words like lolbergtarian, why not stick to that? Why do you have to co-opt a term that means the opposite of what you want it to mean? Hmmm... I wonder who else likes co-opting movements and redefining people’s motivations to suit their needs...

A space for every race. This triggers lefties.

>personal freedom is a good thing
Haha didn’t notice that at first. Picrel is why you’re wrong.

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>Liberals do stand for expansion of enfranchisement in a totalistic sense. They’re just being pragmatic about its implementation. They know that expanding the autonomy of shitskins, fags, pedos, criminals, and others has to also involve a slight loss of power for the already autonomous whites.

Thank you for proving my point for me, asshole. This right here is the bullshit I'm pointing out. You THINK that is what so called "liberals" are trying to do or strive to do, yet that IS the fucking propaganda you stupid cunt. They aren't trying to generate equality or liberty for anyone except select power groups that ultimately go right back to the root of the state and globalized corporations. They mass market and viralize their memes to try and seduce the population with the BELIEF that they intend to promote liberty, and do the precise fucking opposite. HENCE I am saying there is basically no such thing as a mainstream "liberal" these days in America. Liberals who support these bullshit agendas and advertising campaigns don't even know what the fuck they are getting themselves into.

Look at OBAMACARE as a fucking contemporary example of this in action. Most liberals regretted supporting that shit after they realized they had been outright fucking lied to and manipulated.

both are political expressions lol
both express hatred

left, if you can't meme, don't try to do it.
Then again maybe this is supposed to be a comedic change.... I just do not know.

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I can't wait til they find this little faggots corpse in some gay bathhouse overdosed on cocaine

no it doesn't, it doesn't matter how much you whine about it, we will never open our border to goyim

They are liberals in the truest sense, they DO stand for liberty and equality. But remember during the French Revolution, the crown, the nobility, and many members of the clergy had to die before the violent masses could be enfranchised. That’s simply what’s happening here. Persecuting whites for the benefit of others is not a perversion of liberalism, it is in fact the purest expression of liberalism and the Jewish revolutionary spirit. This is why liberalism and the concept of liberty are not desirable ends. They are evil concepts pioneered by evil, blood-thirsty men.
On a somewhat unrelated note, you really oughta pick up a book on political theory at some point. At least, one that wasn’t published by some disingenuous Jew that is.



It’s bound to happen soon. He’s 12 but looks 50. The only things that do that to a person is sexual disease and/or hard drugs.

I agree with both of these. I don't know when "hatred" became a crime in the west. Probably around the time the culture died and everyone became a fag that is getting replaced by minorities.

You continue to shift away from the point I'm trying to make here. Yes I get it, you're familiar with the French Revolution. I'm sure you've heard of the Sophists, I'm sure you've read the Federalist Papers, I'm sure you know every detail and facet of this subject matter, amazing, you're very educated user. But you're not even responding to my CENTRAL POINT, which is that NONE of that is really what is happening today, nor is it going to happen, nor is it even the INTENT of the so-called "liberal" party that calls itself "left" in America. It is as if a group of people realized that if they simply wore a mask and acted out the pretense of an ideology they could convince the weak-minded to go along with whatever the fuck they wanted because they know how to pull the strings of human empathy and appeal to people with big lofty concepts like "liberty" and "responsibility" and so forth.

In the end, they are spewing out political memes and buzzwords and manipulating what was ONCE UPON A TIME a certain movement and ideology that existed in THAT historical context, into an abomination designed to enslave and control people. Liberalism TODAY has absolutely NOTHING to do with disenfranchising white people. If anything, liberals and their campaigns EMPOWER white people even further by dumping money into superpacts that support representatives who will one day pass through the revolving door into some office where they will negotiate on behalf of their corporate sponsors and sell the next generation of idiots down the river.

NOTHING changes in this fucking country as long as people only look at the surface of things, or, like you, get so lost in theory and semantics that they can't see the forest for the trees.

I’m ignoring your central point because it’s stupid. You’re just gonna give the same “muh liberals are the real Nazis!” line which is just patently wrong. You argue that they are oppressing people, but I’ve explained that they only oppress whites, because they believe they have to destroy whites in order to enfranchise the other races. What do you think welfare exists for? How about affirmative action? All meant to help muds and hurt whites.

I don’t think we’re the ones who are triggered here. The Supreme Court found that burning the American flag was free speech (don’t know how burning a flag is “speech” but that’s what the court found) Therefore if burning the US flag is free speech, then so is burning the fag flag. You can’t have it both ways, where your speech is protected but mine isn’t.

It’s considered free expression, not speech. That’s how it works.

What's wrong with expressing hatred?

Finally, we arrive at the central disagreement and this is where I fucking ignore you. You could not be more wrong, end of story. If you are so fucking stupid that you cannot see why a larger workforce is something that drives down wages and empowers corporations owned by whites, then you really are beyond reaching with this conversation. I have nothing more to say to you. If you TRULY BELIEVE that liberals give two shits about REAL liberty, and not just using that as propaganda to further enslave people, fucking kill yourself for the love of god. You are destroying America.

they're both political expression

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Well if burning the American flag is expression, then I am also free to express my hatred of fags by burning their flag

>You can’t have it both ways, where your speech is protected but mine isn’t.
Tell that to twitter, facebook and YouTube


Burn the fags, not their flags

Non-whites don’t work, dummy, so depressing wages only affects whites. Literally how are blacks being oppressed by the government handing them free money that they took from whites? How in the name of god is that oppression?

President trump already has. Notice how Louis Farrakhan was banned from Facebook? Or how the krassensteins were banned from twitter? They’re laying the framework to be able to say “we’re not biased against conservatives! See! We banned (insert left wing person here)!” They know trump is coming after them in the near future, and are preparing ahead of time

Probably. Unless somebody could connect burning the fag flag to being an incitement to violence, then you have the go ahead to start burning.

Burning people is illegal, hurting their feelings is not however

This doesn't mean anything different than the first one

Then the same logic could be used in the case of the American flag as well. There are only two possible outcomes — you can either be allowed to burn both, or you can not be allowed to burn either, there is no situation where burning one is okay, but burning the other one isn’t.

don't post that degenerate shit

Farrakhan was banned for anti-semitism, and the Krassensteins were banned for botting. Neither were banned in the name of objectivity. In Farrakhan’s case, quite the opposite I’m fact.

> Louis Farrakhan
took the jew pill

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> Louis Farrakhan
What I mean is, he started naming the jew

It’s not the same actually. Clause 4 of the decision of the Carolene Products case set a new precedent in the court that transgressions against political minorities warrants closer and more unique review when evaluating the case.

Footnote 4 I meant. Pardon my autism

If Facebook and twitter had it their way, both of those accounts would be active still. They were breaking the rules but the rules are only “supposed” to apply to right wingers. They banned them so they could deflect accusations of bias, nothing more

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Oh, I see. That comic is serious! I thought it was being ironic.

Not Farrakhan. He literally named the Jew, and called Jews Satanic. There’s no way you don’t get banned off of Faceberg after a comment like that.

The one on the left is also hatred, just hatred of the country.


He also started saying , it was never the whites, it was always the jews

Every lefty edit of stonetoss I've seen has been absolutely horrendous. They truly are ncps.

He seems like an alright guy. I don’t mind Afro-nationalism so long as it also implies Afro-separatism.

Damn... There is just no chance for the truth to come out in this world. They will always shut it down.

Nobody really wants you to, schlomo. We just want to expose the double standard

What double standard? 6 million jews died because of the original alt right people, you dont get to tell to give up their homeland, they are still recovering from thousands of years of oppression and the nazis

Why must the leaf always make such posts?

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Have sex

>ones hating a country
>ones hating people for their sexuality and gender identity
>alt right bigots are too stupid to understand this

Stop posting this shitty meme, please.

>Away from children
That's ship has already sailed my boomer friend. You lost this war the moment you let sexual deviancy occur anywhere even close to public. It's been put of "behind closed doors" for a long time now.

> ones hating a community that brought us freedom and constitutional values
> ones hating sodomite pedo fags that could ruin family values and civilization in general

Or in this case, both

>kill all straight white men

As the alt-rightists say ''based

when you have one too many keks

Fucking retard
It was almost 7 million who died


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You’ll be stabbed to death by a nigger or muslim in your multi-culti gay city, and I will be here to laugh at you.

One of these flags is only able to exist because of the other

As opposed to living with tolerant white male nazis?

Try and stay out of the cities and you'll be alright.

White male nazis still make up a sliver of the violent crime produced by the other group user. The nazi would probably just want to be left alone.

We've seen what happens when fascist are allowed power

My neighbors are great, it’s not everyone else’s problem that you’re a fucked up faggot.

>muh pre-industrial age beliefs
Liberty is a core value of our country.
Preserving liberty is conserving our values.
Thus liberty is a conservative concept in our country.
Try and remember that next time you want to type out something retarded my thick-skulled socialist friend.

How dumb do you have to be to feed an obvious troll. Someone please delet this gay board already.

They’re a country that murders Native American women but sucks jewish and Somali cock. You tell me lmao

I don't think you understand the meaning of the picture...

Yes, they form antifa. A group that goes around violently pushing their ideology on others

we will open yours, shlomo.

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We are used to it 2016 has passed bro

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