Trump is BROKE

Trump and his campaign currently owe El Paso, Texas upwards of $400,000 for the resources needed to host a recent rally. They've sent him multiple notices of delinquencies and are likely going to have to transfer the bill to a debt collection agency and will no longer allow the Trump Campaign to operate in their city.

Trump is either broke (very possible) or a cheap welfare queen notorious for refusing to pay his debts (a well established fact).

Why do Americans continue to support this broke, incompetent clown of a leader. This country use dot be respected around the world - now we don't even respect ourselves. I understand his initial appeal on the campaign trail, but he's proven himself to be an incompetent liar who cares only for himself and the further enrichment of his friends and family members. He is literally the worse kind of politician - corrupt and entitled. Pathetic.

On a more positive note, Beto O'Rourke help a much larger, and more expensive rally in El Paso, and promptly paid his bills the follow day. At least there are some politicians out there who love and respect this country, and don't assume entitlements just because they are part of the establishment elite.

God bless America. Fuck Donald Trump's broke ass.

Attached: BrokeDonald.jpg (480x360, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thanks for spreading the word
get some extra gear everyone

You can't even spell so chances are good this is fake news. KYS faggot.

Trump will pay them back with Wall.

Fuck el paso

T was stationed at ft bliss for years


I don't buy things that are manufactured in China, so Trump merch is off limits for me. I support those who support America, plain and simple.

Thanks for the heads up I sent Trump 25$ to help pay for El Paso cops to protect people from the violent protestors organized by Obama and Robert Creamer.

Ironically, private citizens are currently paying for any current wall construction at the moment.

Not paying debt til you're compelled to is a negotiating strategy that Trump is particularly infamous for and that has helped him grow his fortune. You rack up a huge bill, based on a complicated contract, and then when they demand the money you say they didn't fulfil parts of the contract so you don't have to pay, then you agree to settle for 40-60% of the bill after their lawyers and yours go back and forth with each other for awhile.

This is really common in business actually and if you ever start a business be prepared to have money set aside for lawyers to sue people to get them to pay you. Nothing about this is criminal btw debts are disputed and settled out of court all of the time.

Well, you may have sent that, but the El Paso cops didn't get it - Trump stiffed them.

That $25 is likely buying Don Jr. breakfast at the moment.

Only a Trumptard brags about buying rich people stuff, while they sit in squalor in their single-wide trailer.

I understand that. However, as a business owner, I've also chosen to pay my legitimate debts. That's what keeps you out of bankruptcy.

Who do you think Trump is worth so much less money than his dad gave him? He's a terrible businessman who's basically lost everything. Pretty pathetic.

Personally, I just think it's extremely sad that he chose to stiff cops and first responders. I have no respect for a man who does that - if you can even call him a "man"...

Maybe the 400k is for hospital bills for the cops who were hit by bricks thrown by protestors so Trump doesn't want to pay it because Obama and Robert Creamer are liable since it was their contractors throwing bricks at cops.

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I like how this dumbass seems to think that Trump's campaign funds is somehow liquid cash that Trump can use for whatever he wants when literally every jackass lefty faggot in America is trying to find something to charge him with.
Oh yeah...he's totally just using campaign funds to buy cocaine and strippers OP!
We have to stop him before he gets the nuclear codes!

No this is directly related to the expenses Trump incurred for holding the rally.

Obamacare is covering the hospital bills - thanks, Obama.
I don't agree with anyone throwing bricks, but I'm not sure that's a valid reason for Trump to punish the city.

Please cry more

Attached: HlGt2snr.jpg (945x934, 547K)

How come Beto's campaign was able to pay their bill? I understand that Beto is much wealthier than Trump, but that's doesn't change the fact that Trump one again racked up a bill that he couldn't afford.

I'm not "crying"...

But if you think it's "cool" to stiff cops and refuse to pay them, then that's on you. More power to you in your efforts to become the biggest pussy on planet earth. lol

>Obamacare is covering the hospital bills - thanks, Obama.

>imagines being this retarded

Attached: 12551627512451245126451212451245126451284124129412.jpg (2000x2000, 497K)

>Only a Trumptard brags about buying rich people stuff, while they sit in squalor in their single-wide trailer.

LOL you are so hilariously dumb. Cry more poorfag.

Attached: LOBWo3UR.jpg (600x471, 27K)

Ironically, we know for a fact that he DID use campaign funds to pay that pornstar he was fucking. I had forgot that about - thanks for remind us.

You're in tears bro. You lost in 2016 and you're gonna lose again in 2020. How does it feel to be a complete failure?

Attached: 5fRi8aN.jpg (1125x1124, 176K)

Heres a clue faggot.
Beto = not President
Trump = President
Everything else you say is garbage and irrelevant, Trump could write El Paso a personal check right now if he felt it was necessary.

What did I lose?

My life is fine - the president has zero impact on the quality of my life.

I'm just engaging in a discussion. Not everything has to be so dramatic. Geez...calm down, sport.

Not likely. Trump is very, very cash poor. No way he has access to $400,000 cash. Unless Putin wires him some funds, anyways.

This has been debunked multiple times, he did not use campaign funds to pay off Stormy Daniels. Michael Cohen is a documented liar and continuing to push this around as if its a fact just shows everyone that you're a homestuck retard that does nothing but watch CNN.
And also, legitimately, KYS faggot.

Aww poor little loser can't even admit to himself who he really is.

Please keep crying.

Attached: LE7c6TJY.jpg (413x395, 13K)

Why are so dramatic? We're just having a discussion here. No need to throw a hissy fit.

Why are you so angry? Life really isn't that bad. Try and focus on the positive and things will get easier for you.

Lmfao you are such a little baby.

You're going to cry so hard in 2020 when you lose all over again.

Attached: Gka0PWe6.webm (320x320, 2.39M)

you're fucking pathetic. If you're larping you get the rope either way

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I know who I am. I'm just a little Jew in NYC who owns and operates art galleries. I have a wonderful wife and 2 beautiful kids. My life is fairly simple and satisfying. I love my country and the people in it - even you.

Have you considered therapy? Or maybe just a Valium?

Cringe, this isn’t 2016 anymore

Betos father in law is the billionaire not beto. The consultants still smell money though so they are telling him he has a great chance at winning.

Dude it's going to be great entertainment watching them chimp out again

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Trump's dad was a billionaire, not him.

What's your point?


LOL you're a little poor loser. Your delusion is hilarious. Seek mental help.

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>get some extra gear everyone
sound like you could use a hat faggot

Attached: Pride_Hat-Red-Front_450x.png (450x587, 228K)

Dude can you just stay on reddit? We aren't all trumpers here but you're clearly a faggot.

What happened to you during childhood that's made you so angry?

Why are you so angry? Is your life really that bad?

I bet if you took a moments to reflect, things are nearly as bad as you think.

I typed that in a rather calm tone. You guys push shit content... and we will always mock you.

"Calm" people don't usually throw fits and hurl slurs around. Just saying.

But you're free to be angry if that's what floats your boat. It's a free country - for now.

We are self aware bullies here lol. Not sure if that was your comment or not... but it was the words of a faggot. Sorry to break it to you fag.

>he's totally just using campaign funds to buy cocaine and strippers OP!
pretty much this

Attached: stormy.jpg (634x861, 126K)

You realize I'm adult, so calling me names doesn't effect me, right?

Notice how everyone here is extremely triggered - except me. Hah.

The guy who lives in El Paso and has all his family there payed the bill in El Paso, wow I'm shocked.

We aren't triggered... this is how we talk to each other boomer. Go to reddit for civilized conversation. Here, you're a faggot.

>reeees all over his post
>dude wtf chill out everyone

>Trumps campaign is broke

Unlikely, after he deregulated billion dollar fracking, coal, and oil energy companies. They’re probably donating hundreds of millions for the privilege of killing our planet.

Like I said, I don't mind the names. It doesn't bother me.

I'm actually fascinated about what makes your fascists tick - why are you so angry? Why do you hate democracy and individual rights? And so on.

As someone on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, I'm curious and am sure I can learn from those with differing viewpoints.

I, for one, am flabbergasted.

>hurr durr i don't buy things made in china like maga hats hurr durr
>types this out on an apple device as he sips on a extra frothy onions latte

I'm not a fascist... nor a huge trump fan. I think you're getting off on jumping into a sprace that's been belligerent and hostile since at least 2008 demanding civilized conversation.

Reddit spacing newfag

While technically all computers contain materials from Asia - there are simply precious metals that don't exist in this geographic location that are required - Apple actually does the majority of it's manufacturing in...wait for it...Texas!

So as far as computer electronics go, Apple is as "made in America" as you can get.

Hats? I buy hats made in America, yes.



I agree - it's fascinating to stare into the eyes of the grotesque, for sure. Valid points, my friend.

>Whoa why is everyone so angry all the time?
>Can we be nice?
>I'm clearly civilized.

Attached: 1558194232937.png (594x582, 63K)

It's a waste of time to pay or campaign in el paso, considering it's a liberal shithole full of illegals and drugs.

Being nice and civilized isn't really correlated to anger. Someone could be extremely civilized, while being quite angry at the same time. I understand why people aren't civilized and/or nice. However, I do not understand why people get so angry. I've never felt as angry as the people on here. It's interesting.

Well that's a moot point - he did campaign there. What you did is called deflection. Donnie has apparently taught you well.

They'll get paid when they fix their god damn wall

Goys, if you haven't realized yet, this is a shill thread.

El Paso has a wall, and has been one of the safest cities in the country for well over a decade. Just saying.

Well I'm pretty confident that the 5%, I mean 10%, I mean the 15%, I mean the 20%, I mean the 25% tax will surely pay off the 400,000 tacoshells in no time at all user, it's all good puto.

You're allowed to leave, friend.

You're right. El Paso is a very progressive, and therefore financially stable city. But that doesn't excuse Trump being a cheapskate.

>sends Trump money

Attached: trump-laughing.jpg (630x378, 30K)

Sorry bucko, you don't pay your enemies, or your critics. You make them fight it out in court to get their due, and then they capitulate because they can't afford a lengthy court battle.

Of course, I do wonder how much you're getting paid for this thread. Probably not enough I wager.

So Texas is an "enemy" of Trump? Geez. I knew the guy could care less about this country, but I didn't realize he considered it an active enemy. No wonder he's been such a flop in the office. Manchurian candidate, huh?

>grow his fortune.
you mean: lose his daddys millions and go back beggin for more. Fixed it for ya.

Face it, their aint no "art of the deal" with this fucker. he has accomplished nothing but sucking Mitch McConnell and jew cock.

Pusses out and caves anytime confronted. ("Brining the troops home from Syria", Lyndsey Graham says BTFO. trump: "we stayin in Syria 4EVA!'

Lets face it, he lied about his net worth and he lied about the wall. The American people had to crowd fund and build their own wall!

That means you've never purchased a tool or really much of anything actually.

It basically means you're fucking useless, because almost everything is outsourced to china.

The drywall in your wall, the AC unit in your apartment, the batteries in your cell phone.

You're being completely disenginous, and we figured this out a long time ago.

Everyone who's responding to you is a newfag, or part of the spin you're trying to pull.

It's pretty fucking obvious my dude.

So do you get paid per post, per thread, or per response?

I'd like to know because we need to compare rates, I feel a bit underpaid.

Don't tell me you're doing it for free!

>I don't get this at all.
>It must be emotional.

You're essentially an analogy for an immigrant that refuses to assimilate. You're not going to get much out of here. Nobody really agrees on much of anything and it's essentially the boys locker room of forum platforms. You guys keep showing up and very quickly giving yourselves away and are surprised to be mocked for your obvious tells. If you can find an argument against Trump that isn't on par with CNNs cheap shilling you're welcome to try it out here. These kids and adults see through this nonsense pretty well and pretty often. You just get trolled or argue with walls of retardation.

kys nigger kike

I actually live in an apartment that was built in NYC decades before we important any building materials from China. I love American craftsmanship.

Anyways, what I meant was, if there is an alternative available to imported goods, I'll buy America. I realize alternatives don't always exist though.

1. Oil from Iran in spite of closing of Strait of Hormuz
2. Oil from Venezuela
-Though US is a pussy and get pushed in their own hemisphere by Russia, ridiculous.
3. $38 bn to Israel as war investment, Israel is the worst war criminal in the world not to mention the stuff we already know.
4. (((They))) put Pedo Biden to run for Dems, that is not going to happen so we can assure that this was on purpose so Trump doesnt go.

This is too transparent support unless Trump's plan is to sink US, idea which is fortified by trade war with China. It would be most welcomed by the world. Why? Because your kiked military just run around and cause problems like some kind of nigger.

No thanks, but I appreciate your suggestion.

Dude your troll script is sad.
You should quit your job.

Trump is a billionaire. $400,000 is nothing to him. Why doesn't he just pay it? What's really going on?

What a fucking nigger faggot lmfao

I actually get a lot out of this. It's fairly easy to see right through most of the folks on here. I have to assume they aren't poker players. Hah.

suck off a black bull liitle jew fag

Trump can’t be broke. All my favorite Jews told me that he’s using his power for personal profit.

lol, shills seething at this post

That's the idea retard. Matrix tier joke dodging.

See how this works everyone?

This thread is a case study of how not to shill.

we should just crowd fund everything and forget about the government

Broke is a "relative" term in this case. For example, a guy who claims to be a billionaire (lol), but doesn't have access to $400,000, can be considered "broke"

Beto was only charged $21,000.
El Paso charged Trump $470,000.

They had the exact same accommodations.

If their arguments were better than a leftist pundit opinion piece...

Fred Trump was never worth more than $300M.

Beto didn't have many police there because he's not scared.

Trump's bill from the police department was over $320,000, because he demanded hundreds of armed officers for 24 hours.

Beto had 5 offices for a few hours...

Come to my office, did you even read the email I sent earlier?

It's also worth noting that Beto chose to pay the police officers IN ADVANCE, because he respects their time and the work they do.

the same for all corporations and their razor thin margins. a jew like you should know not to keep much money liquid due to ever increasing inflation. you and your kike tricks. fuck off

no one gives a shit about beto, not even the media now that buttfag has surfaced.

>Betos not scared.
>Beto can face fanatical opposition if he had it.
>Beto is actually pretty amazing if you check him out.

Attached: i-just-put-up-my-beto-orourke-sign-omg-so-36356015.png (500x591, 132K)

You are really an ineffective employee, I don't think we can retrain you, this really isn't working out.