Drunk driving deserves the death penalty

Drunk driving deserves the death penalty.

Also good to see that there are some Americans who are good people and immediately pulled over concerned.

Seriously, if you drunk drive, fuck you.

Attached: Capture.png (1266x678, 670K)

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what brand of car is that missing the entire top so I know never to own one

Maybe if you have an accident. And not just alcohol, if you're high on weed too.

The majority of accidents are caused by sober drivers. Equal amount of accidents are caused by cell phones than of impaired drivers. Perhaps you M.A.D.D worshiping cuck beta male just is too dumb to see that driving, in general, is a dangerous acticity and accidents happen.

Where the fuck is this, ohio?
I always felt like I was going to die in ohio because I saw shit like that truck every day.

>The majority of accidents are caused by sober drivers.
and the majority of crime is cause by whites, rapes by men, and welfare by legals.
whats your point?

Drunk driving is very bad, but the intent to harm is almost universally not there, hence the manslaughter charges when a victim dies.

So this was the driver of the truck trying to flee the scene?

Attached: CRASH SCENE.png (1192x942, 1.18M)

t. Drunk driving degenerate

Kind of hard to tell when its just a heap of metal

Holy shit you are retarded