Gay latino trying to censor YouTubers

Anyone following the YouTube drama between Carlos Maza (works for Vox) and Steven Crowder?

Crowder made a bunch of videos in which he made rebuttals of Maza's videos and made many jokes about Maza being gay and latino in his rebuttals. Maza had a full-on meltdown and made ~50 tweets in two days about the incident, trying to get YouTube to ban Crowder. After that didn't work, he's called for media outlets to begin publishing hit pieces on YouTube and Crowder in an effort to get YouTube to cave.

TL;DR Crowder made fun of Maza for being gay/latino and now Maza is trying to censor Crowder using the media

Attached: a.png (771x893, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>literal nigger faggot wonders why no one cares about him

>Hello Youtube, this guy is being mean to me
>my name is @Gaydicksuckingfaggotbeaner
>he calls me a gay dick sucking faggot beaner
>please halp..


it wasn’t that crowder said something that maza didn’t agree with. as intolerant, hateful, and disgusting as his views may be, that’s allowed on youtube. crowder consistently bullied and harassed maza not on his politics, but his race and his sexuality. it’s very different.


Fags are just snitches. So we were right when we called snitches fags in school.

Fuck off spic faggot

Meanwhile the far-left consistently harasses straight white males for being straight white males.

Whether you agree with Crowder or not, Maza's response is risible and simply a losing move.

Maybe an indication that youtube is ending its suicidal censorship policies?

Please explain how homophobia and harassment is “comedy”???????????????????????

You saying that there can't be a funny racist or homophobic joke?

How is not?

Attached: 1543749349884.png (657x527, 34K)


You're glowing.

Comedy isn't about not offending others faggot. Comedy is about 7sing absurdity to reflect on life. This faggot likes to prance around like a lispy queer, he earned the name

You have to go back.

Fags' life is comedy.

Has he seen Latino television? They always rip their gay hosts a new one.

Please explain how free speech is "hate speech"???????????????????????

he will kill himself soon or at least fake an attempt

>Actively trying to deplatform Crowder
>Against targeted harassment

Where's the issue in calling him a faggot?

Makes *me* laugh .

YouTube should ban Carlos for harrassing them

Kill yourself communist

Stop being such a faggot and maybe you can get a sense of humor

Attached: Carlos-Maza2.jpg (4152x3139, 3.83M)

Attached: Carlos-Maza.jpg (4493x2667, 3.98M)

>spent two years

you're not that important

Offensive comedy is the best comedy

"People who say things I don't like" =/= Bullies/Harassers
Only fragile, whiny faggots seem to be unable to differentiate between the two.

Attached: 6795417694358769084509267.jpg (2082x1897, 2.06M)

yeah well he is a faggot beaner

I wouldn't be shocked if Vox's videos start getting a little more attention now.

Attached: resetera crowder vox carlos maza YouTube blatantly says anti-gay slurs and targeted harassment don&# (1300x10000, 566K)

snitches are faggots. this is the universal law.

>classic nigger faggot double whamy
Not bad leaf

Just a jew move to avoid the massive breakup of google and facebook

When will Herr Crowder stop gassing homos?

Attached: Fuhrer+crowder+embraces+such+labels+_baf2da544312a65c1c75ad8911280c20.jpg (618x751, 118K)

It's kind of hilarious how Google is hated by both the left and the right

>if you defend anti-fag comments get ready to defend racist comments
Don't threaten me with a good time you faggot spic.

gays should get the rope in minecraft

Here, you need this.

Attached: 1559591114769.png (882x1289, 29K)

It's time for another Meme War. Let's be truthful to ourselves here. Which is why I developed War Plan Queer in the span of 20 hours. (Details in pic), what I'm doing is CNN 2: Electric Boogaloo but instead with Vox Media, which is obviously worse.

Attached: WPQ.png (1780x1158, 3.83M)

>Rey icon
=only faggots love Nu-wars
every time

Attached: deer-drowns-in-a-pool-elon-musk-rip-43069847-kopiya.png (500x313, 115K)

kill yourself

Sure it's funny, here's an example. A faggot lawyer gets into an accident. The lawyer says "ahh, my back! Oh, my neck! I'll sue you for every dime you have!" And the other guy says "sue me? Fuck no, you can suck my dick!" So the lawyer says, "ok, we can settle this out of court."