
Attached: godsminem.jpg (530x794, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


sminem what are you doing

Attached: i.jpg (308x411, 38K)

He’s had sex you know...have you?

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oh yes

Attached: nice.jpg (1024x768, 244K)

he likes cutes ^_^

i can't compare myself to sminem, nobody can

Nice dox, Ahmed

Activate it

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i'm really confused

looks like my grandfather

he has a girlfriend and over 400 friends, he's doing better than 90% of Jow Forums. Good for him.

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boy sminem cool

he looks happy

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Is there any doubt? He's an absolute Chad

Sminem single handedly saved crypto and modern world and this is how you thank him?
Sminem is dissapoint at you for revealing his secret location.

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i would pay good money to watch these two meet

Attached: holy.png (633x833, 628K)

his gf is cute

Attached: mrssminem.jpg (1260x1680, 313K)

Hes living the life, im proud ;.)

Attached: Sad-Memes-Crying-meme.jpg (800x800, 76K)

putin will issue him a new identity and he will roam the earth saving people with his godlike powerlevel

based fucking sminem

Please leave this kid alone. He's probably developmentally disabled, maybe from radiation poisoning or something, and just wants to live a happy quiet life. From his profile, it looks like mother cares for him, takes him on trips, gets him to pose in photos at historical sites for relatives... It's one thing for us to make jokes about him being a crypto wizard but please, my fellow anons, I beg you... please don't do anything hurtful to him or let him know we joke about him.

He lives an innocent life and doesn't deserve to think that thousands of strangers poke fun at him on an anonymous anime pornography and extreme politics glowboi honeypot.

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Unfortunately I think it would be funny to see his reaction

it's strong Slavic genes combined with Soviet era radioactive supplementation

he's from volgograd formerly stalingrad
hes the result of a german rapebaby

Is that his sister? She cute. Would sponsor for green card.

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we have real enemies who deserve to be shamed and hurt, and instead you find joy in bullying a retarded russian kid from a poor family like some stacey bitch from a bad 2000s high school movie.

Examine yourself, Sven.

>far left
Didn't know they had Mexicans in Russia

What an absolute chad

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>some russian chad had sex
>why cant you, 4chanposter

>He's probably developmentally disabled
Why? His somewhat funny looks is due to weird ears. Weird ears are not a sympom of intellectual retardation. He is significantly more developed, i bet, than an average Jow Forums user.

those a nice tiddies
bet he spunks all over them

sminem is that you?

nobody's even bullying him
even the jokes are pretty light if he didn't get the context and you showed him this thread he'd just see a bunch of people saying how based and cool he is
not that I'm supporting contacting him, but nobody's bullying him and I don't think anybody (at least ITT) wants to


Sminem is hope for the white race.

His hands would crush you easily.

you racists could learn a lot from sminem

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yeah wtf his hands are huge
bet they dont even fit around his monster cock

>you racists
I don't really hate the Swedes, I just don't care to touch them like Sminem is.

Honesty, I don't like getting within 2 meters of another person, though.

someone tell him to set up a patreon

So he really can time travel after all

Agreed. Leave the kid alone. Poor guy tries just to live a normal life. It's ironic that Jow Forums users who are the epitome of autism and ugliness make fun of this kid.


Are you sure that's not his mom? kek

It is not possible to hurt something this pure. Look at him. He's unstoppable. I predict he will take over when Putin #84 finally decides to retire.

December 4 is now an official holiday. Our Sminem-Day.

after all this is happening thread this one happened

I glanced over his friend list. There's tons of Russian hot girls among the list

of course he's had sex, look at this absolute chad

Bump for visibility

I don't speak slavniggerese

What's his name?

What hottie wouldn't want a piece of that? Reviewbrah could have had so much but he wasn't chad enough to roll with it.


desu he looks a lot better with a proper haircut.

he has gf

Attached: sminem gf.jpg (1680x945, 137K)

Its fucking weird that some Mongolian Forum can catch fascination with random person and plaster your photos all over all day and talk to you about some made up bullshit they invented...
Kind of scary

What? Your hand isn't bigger than your head? Sminem is going to grow up to be a world-class pianist. He will likely be call the "The Russian Bach" in the history books.

we did the same with hitler

Russians are the original amerimutts.

Attached: Le_56_Face.png (200x164, 44K)

Roma. Just call him Sminem, he prefers it.


Yep. Pic related is in his friend list

Dude is a natural Chad

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I wonder if Marju knows she's a minor Jow Forums celeb.

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>protein world
bitch looks like she's never worked out in her entire life.

please tell me that's not a dude

Sminem doesn't have time to mess around with hover-handing. He knows instinctively exactly where to grab.

yeah shes hot

How retarded are you that you can't read Cyrillic? You can literally learn it under a week. Argentina are so lazy wtf

>plastic surgery

Show your neckbard

Is BENIS-less Forest Elve.

Attached: Suomifu.jpg (1280x960, 319K)

Show me your nations port.

she just got a wee rhinoplasty amd some lip work
id fuck her silly

He looks like a literal goblin. What the fuck?

oh I remember now.

I bet your, uh, "hands" aren't as big as sminem's. Only she knows for sure.

superior neanderthal genetics

Stfu homosexual

what the fuck are you babbling about?



Do you look better?
It's just his ears which look unusual.

You know what they say about guys with big hands. They need big gloves.

He is 22 and has a mommy gf, r9k seething

Same. I would fuck her from behind and then do a 69 with her for an hour and nozzle in her mouth and pussy

Yup. I’ve learnt both the Greek and Cyrillic alphabets in like a month of just making a conscious decision to look at what the characters mean when reading for example russian names.

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What is OK.ru? Is that like Facebook for Russians? I thought that was Vkontakte

>thinking we are making fun of him
Dude, we are genuinely happy he is living his life successfully. We always wanted that.

The only goblins we have are in folktales.
Virtually everyone looks better, it's not exactly a challenge.


yes ?

Attached: sminem.jpg (1680x1260, 295K)

I remember when i was going through rough time in my life but Sminem gave me hope and sorted out my crypto wallets and top of that showed me how to be chad.
Out of all his conquests he was crowned as prom king as well, truly epitome of masculinity.

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>it's just his ears guys

Yeah the whispy baby hair and tiny head are perfectly normal.

look at these chads

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>lets go boys
Kid leads an interesting fulfilling life. I'm glad he seems to enjoy horticulture.

>bet they dont even fit around his monster cock

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Nobody here seems to be out to dox him and the jokes are just memes and banter. I think Sminem would be genuinely thrilled that he's meme material and that the people who memed him are also rooting for him.