This picture is often posted on /a/ so I decided to read the study and found out that this meme graph is actually made up and things that this study found out are actually:
1) There is no correlation between sexual orientation and being attracted to children
2) Hebephiliac interest is way more common than pedophilia (40 and 3 participants out of 1300 admitted to those) and can be affected by overall higher sexual desire and people who show such interest are younger on average (altough the sample of 33-43 y.o. twins could lead to biased results since this research iteself shows that attractiveness to a specific age group increases with your own age)
3) Those who were abused non-sexually are more likely to be interested children statistically but there is no correlation between specifically sexual and non-sexual abuse influencing attraction to kids and this attraction is caused by other variables such as parental psychopathology, or parental alcohol or drug use.
Basically all of the garbage Jow Forums is spewing about gay abused pedophiles raping kids everywhere is bullshit and has no scientific basis. Thanks for this study based finnbros.
This picture is often posted on /a/ so I decided to read the study and found out that this meme graph is actually made...
Luis Foster
Cameron Thompson
So is this why Japans age of censcent is 13 ?
Jacob Miller
wtf I love fags now. That rando study and graph have completely convinced me.
Sebastian Sanders
This graph doesn't say anything about sexual orientation though
Jordan Mitchell
Can you read the first sentence I wrote
Christopher Powell
Hunter Taylor
>Most Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims.
You can be gay and not a pedophile, awful lot still seem to be both.
Lucas Gray
34% of abuse is homosexual
56% is heterosexual
Do you even read what you post retard?
Thomas Murphy
80% of pedophiles are fags
Isaiah Allen
2% does 34%