about fuckin time

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Other urls found in this thread:

US vs Paramount SCOTUS

Your corporate globalist masters are about to get fucked in the ass.

what about gender denial?

well-documented violent events take place in times of war. consider the Allied bombings of civilians and their order to shoot Nazi teenagers. Two wrongs never make a right.

>companies can do what they want! they made it and they are in charge of it!
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Whyd youtube ban me for being a nazi???????????

How that torrent based video hosting name?

jokes on them. The best sandy hook footage is shit like Gene Rosen fumbling through his lines on the news while standing in front of a big DHS check in sign

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bitchute about to explode with popularity

Dresden bombing?

lol no. Look at gab now, a fucking ghost town. Turns out nobody wants to use these alternative free speech sites populated entirely by conspiracy theorists and nazis.

>it's happening this t-time, g-guys!

Why haven't we boycotted Youtube?

I mean, if these crazy fucking leftists are so eager to ban, just boycott everything they do so it crashes... Meme machine it

that antitrust probe can't come soon enough

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There's well documented proof there is only 2 genders so what they should do is ban all the trannys

gab sucks to be honest nigga
i don't mean the people, the website is a fucking mess, if they had done a 1:1 twitter clone they'd be alright


There are other examples, that facebook clone too - they all fail.

I now believe those events aren't 100 percent factual based on the fact they ban any dissent about it, good job YouTube.

>it's a private company sweatie they can do whatever they want and you can never criticize them, freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences™ :^)
>w-what do you mean youtube won't ban Steven Crowder? How dare they disobey me!

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>banning nazis when the definition of nazi is so fucking loose that some consider anyone who isn't a far left communist a nazi
This will only end well.

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This war is about 1-4 years from going hot. We are getting closer. I ask what will behold the HQs of each of these tech giants? Currently the government is silently declaring war on big tech. This sounds like ARmored Core 1. MegaCorps vs Governments vs Militia. Man oh man, Google you have overstretched your reach you won't survive.You need a army now or you will get bullrushed in 2020 by actual forces. Ahahaha you know this actually is exciting in a way.

vice and vox are the only reporting sources
youtube hasn't released a statement. big if true.

This is what they want. They are manufacturing consent for more laws giving government more power. The only ones getting "fucked in the ass" will be future businesses and you.

Sorry, this is new?


All they have to do is swat Jow Forums and this nightmare finally comes to an end once and for all

What a bunch of overdramatizes crybaby faggots. These are the fucking weirdos nobody likes out there in the real world. Remember that, because I know sometimes it is easy to forget

blue checkmarks
blue checkmarks everywhere
its like Musk asking who owns the media all over again

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Looks like Youtube is now a publisher, and therefore legally responsible for *all* content on it's site.


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To clarify I should add that this is what they were trying to do with net neutrality, but that didn't work out. So now they are trying this approach.

You missed a step about the person crying about the company needing to ban people.

>companies can do what they want! they made it and they are in charge of it!
Said no NatSoc ever

>Sandy hook truthers
This late after it? Seems suspicious. They must be getting close to something

fuck the germs

meanwhile in reality a shit ton of German POWs chose to move to the US/Canada, must've been that awful treatment

well what are we going to show the new generations now??

Not even true in capitalism. Monopolies used to be frowned upon

I mean, I agree, but the pendulum will swing. It always does.

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looks like holocaust denial wins, again.


News @11:00

It's a deep-state influencer and it doesn't make a profit. Much like pornography.

Those two are really in the FBI? Really?

a corporation is banning free thought

Let's say that Trump were to propose that tech companies like YouTube, Facebook, etc must respect free speech and cannot restrict said speech unless, as an example, advocates for violence. How could Trump go about this? An EO? Act of Congress?


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New generations? What new generations?

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>"all they have to do is swat over 7 million people all at once including my shill faggot ass and my shill ilk"
why you faggots think you arent just as guilty by association as any other user here is beyond me.... youre getting v& too shlomo

banning nazis*
>* = anyone to the right of Stalin

>pointing a finger at someone else means you have three pointing back at you
have these folks ever heard of irony?

Bet they wont ban Holodomor denial

watch the Creepy Line with Jordan Peterson. Do it now.

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What does that even mean?
The vox faggot says Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist. Does that mean they’re going to ban Tucker carslon?

>Implying yo are politically literate and know what a Nazi is.

>accusation of nazism is then levelled at libertarians.

tell me about it. its my favorite picture just for those two "FBI" guys. they look like they see sell Meth at the local truck stop

have you considered your race is inferior to the pure Aryan race

These people have never had a serious real life issue in their lives apart from being called out on their faggotry.

Define "denial".

If you question the number of deaths, are you denying an event?

If you question who perpetrated a violent event, are you denying it?

This is all subjective bullshit designed to destroy discussion.

>Does that mean they’re going to ban Tucker carslon?
I hope so. I can see the butthurt here already.

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kek Eddie Bravo must be furious right now.

>corporate overlords are bad
>government is bad
which is it, varg?

What about flat earthers and moon landing deniers? Why not all lyers?

Why would they need to ban these kinds of things if they didn't have anything to hide? Is there any reason at all? Shit is getting unreal here

This. Probably another staged shooting. They want to set the precedent to not question it, otherwise you'll be banned like the Sandy Hook investigators.

Oh no, all those #resist channels and their Russian collusion conspiracy theory videos are fucked. Right?

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He's so close to bloom. Is it the beanie restricting him or what.

Cant ban me if I dont use your gay ass product, faggot

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jews are trying to deny your right to hear national socialism truth

Both? At least it's easier to bankrupt a corporation when they act up.

Gods, I hope so.

>Memefagging kikes likes to shut it down
You don't say

I don't use any of those platforms. Am I "based".

Holdomor was not genocide..

hes getting way too powerful

So are they gonna ban Armenian genocide denying TYT too?

at least i can talk about national socialism on Jow Forums

The day is coming when Jow Forums will be deleted. It's getting closer.

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Checked. Based beanie bro.

Show flag, Golan nigger


sage in all fields

In your shekel drea!ms, faggot

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As long as the server is somewhere *they* can't access it will be fine

i doubt it

what a shock that awful cunt popped up

lol no

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Surely this means Youtube will ban COMMUNISTS too! Right guys? Right? Heh...

> These are the fucking weirdos nobody likes out there in the real world.

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no cos the left-wing control mass media

Getting rid of every autist's main punching bag would not be a good idea for the left. Therefore, I hope this happens.

Lol I just checked what the fucking fuck

The worst thing they can do is ban the Chans. As much as they'd love to execute everyone here, they know that banning this site will cause an outbreak of degenerates to shit up every other site. They like us here so they can keep us contained. They can watch and scheme.