This isn't just an echo chamber afterall

I've only been here a couple months and have been skeptical-- and still am of a lot of things said here. I am still convinced Jow Forums is full of crazy people, but one think you faggots are right about is how blatant the agenda is to destroy white people. A friend of mine posted pic related today, and it just fuckin saddens me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

But we better save the polar bears

white socialists are odd, they literally hate themselves and believe brown people are more accepting of faggotry when they literally push them from the top of buildings

>how blatant the agenda is to destroy white people
That is the only way America will be safe
aired on a Nationally syndicated program on Monday

White people just don't have any empathy, see? So they have to make way for blacks to diversify America

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We have such sights to show you, newfriend

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>full of crazy people
Shills and normies, in a couple months you'll realize you've been the irrational one the whole time

I think that's why they will ultimately win, they have brainwashed stupid fucking liberal white people to hate their own people

It's a tough one. I've been red pilled only to vomit it out to slurp it back up again.

Jow Forums has been 100% consistent with happenings though, and is ahead of everyone else which keeps me coming back

Jow Forums is like a pile of shit with diamonds in it.


The winners are going to be oligarchs, New Left "socialism" is elaborate D&C

It's so fucking potent too. How can average white people not see and feel this shit? I think they do, but are afraid to say anything... and then end up here

>That is the only way America will be safe
The only way America will be safe is to destroy the people that built it

Yep that's some next level kikery

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Read up on the Kalergi Plan

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thanks fren

>The winners are going to be oligarchs

NWO is kike oligarchy. They want to convince you that they are winning when in fact they are collapsing worldwide. Why do you think they spend hundreds of millions to attempt to "control the narrative"?

But see here's the thing that nobody will tell you here, the red pill is a bitter tasting one and one in which you will reject because of your conditioning. But just like everything else in life, the things that you need most are the things that are the least fun and your brain fights against the most
>getting out of your comfort zone
>taking responsibility for your actions
All of these you initially fight back against until you realize there is pleasure in denying yourself those feel good chemicals.

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meme acquired.

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You know what’s crazy? Being worried about climate change while also advocating for importing third worlders to the first world. Bringing third worlders to first world will increase the carbon footprint of them.

This place is full of crazy people but even crazy people can speak the truth

There are a lot of nutters here. And there are a lot of shills astroturfing nutty theories. This is why it is said that newfaggots need to lurk more. The reason being that after lurking for a while it starts to become easier to identify when Jow Forums actually arrives at a consensus on a given subject verses crazies falling for psyop shit or shills astroturfing bullshit.

That said, if you are not careful and mindful of your mental state, the actual truth that is to be found here CAN drive you absolutely mad. The truth is so fucking bitter that as you learn more and more of it you will begin to feel like you dont even know what world you live in anymore.

In order to deal with that successfully you need to focus on self-betterment. Lift some weights, read some books, learn new things, what ever it is that you define as bettering yourself. If you just keep digging for the truth but dont take care of yourself you will lose your grip on reality. The truth is that much of a mindfuck.

Also, while you find more and more of the truth, do not abandon logic and reason; This is tricky because there are some topics that require you to make inferences in order to arrive at the most logical conclusion. But, with that in mind, you also have to be aware of topics that rely solely on assumptions. Like Ayys or lizard people.. Fuck if I know, those things could be legit, but everything that supports them is based on assumption pile sky high. Personally, I stick such things in the "maybe but probably not" pile.

The thing to keep in mind with these sorts of topics is the what why and how of psyops. Psyops are, by definition, designed to change how you think. What greater way to change the way someone thinks than by getting him to believe that lizard men with active camo abilities are out to get him. You can see how quickly one could turn into a paranoid schizophrenic by believing such things to be true when there is spurious at best,,evidence to support it.


>This isn't just an echo chamber afterall
Nothing you said supports this idea. Echo chambers can be right or match a section of the mainstream.

There is no going back.

scapegoating and gaslighting will do that to truth speakers, but it always comes out in the end.

Red pill dump

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>And AIDSier

Isn’t that OP image openly celebrating white genocide
The thing all liberals claim isn’t happening

They'll ultimately win because there is no way to compete with shitskin birthrates. If every white man had 10 white babies it still could not compete The only solution is to build a wall and shoot anybody that gets too close. Anybody that says otherwise on Jow Forums is likely some lonely roastIDF.

After lurking a bit and actually learning how to weed out (most of) shills and idiots, this place is surprisingly bright. Hiding your powerlevel will always be a challenge though, faggot. Many of us play /strasserist/ roles irl in order to avoid excessive hassle. Oh, and you're here forever. Be "here" actually here, cripple or any place alike. There's no going out anymore. We lust for truth

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Witcher. Hmm

Paganism? lol i have no idea

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>Jow Forums is full of crazy people
In a world gone mad, sanity looks crazy.

>A friend of mine

are you white? they aren't your friend.


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>Gays repopulating and replacing normal people

Imagine being that delusional.

If you think that you will stay skeptical you may be right. I did.
But if you think that you will stay on the left and be able to close your eyes on the shit that left does you are wrong.
/ool/ is right about a shit ton of things. The board culture is right leaning. It isn't right wing by any stretch though. It also isn't a circlejerk because there is no banning and no shadowbanning and also no hiding the people that you do not agree with.

I'm starting to see that. It reveals how they really feel, or at least are being programmed right in front of my eyes

its so blatant they already know. If absolute brainlets who don't give a shit about "politics" like boomers or millennials you only care about game of thrones are talking openly about it, then its a cause for alarm for Jews and (((others))).
People think a few choice educated negroes and queers on tv are okay with all this agenda but it's a big illusion. I have talked to many different races here in the sewage melting pot of commiefornia and every race except maybe whites openly dislikes one another and points out their issues with them. Most people don't agree with the shit on tv. If you go outside and tall to working people they all hate this shit. We all tolerate each other and find commeraderie in shit talking other races.
Multicultural society only exacerbates the need for more tribalism. Living in a mostly white neighborhood and you still look over your shoulder.
Anyways sorry for the rant. Go outside and talk to people but seem open and friendly and they'll tell you what they truly think. Don't judge and you'll see into the true hearts of people. That's why this place, Jow Forums, is so great. It's the same thing.

I know you a right, but let me patronize you still
You are a cunt

I think the ones who push white genocide mostly do so unwittingly. They ultimately want change to the system, which they believe is unfair toward the minorities. Perhaps at some point they fell into the meme that "different peoples are inclined to do different things", the very basis of racism, and thought
>ya know, the system is fucked up shit and all, and I think it's cuz it's all white people running it!
>so, we oughta throw in some browns and yellows, who obviously would know how their own people function!
Then, due to circlejerking and other memes being mixed in, that thought got refined into the dangerous philosophy we see today.

is your friend white? or brown/black?

holy fuck this post blew up, I haven't had a chance to read every response yet (i'm a wage cuck faggot at work currently) but i appreciate all the autism outpour. This is the only place I feel like I can fucking talk to people about this shit

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he's white

what a fucking cuck

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why not save both?

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he has a sjw half asian cunt girlfriend though. he's cucking out for her

Based and Dozerpilled

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>this place is surprisingly bright

One of the most prolific shill narratives is: No one on Jow Forums could possibly be successful. Everyone on Jow Forums is a loser that lives in his moms basement and has never kissed a girl. While that is probably true for some anons it is absolutely not true for all. For instance, there are a lot of anons that claim to have served in the military. But, there have been plenty who have actually proven it. And not only proven that they served in the military, but that they actually received medals/ribbons for combat action. I am one of those anons, and if there is any doubt in my words I can go and take a picture of my purple heart citation if I really need to. But, more than that we have business owners, STEM professionals, etc.

Consider the sheer amount of research required to gather even just a bit of the truth, thats not something a loser would tend to accomplish, but rather someone with the mental capacity and drive to do so.

In my case, for instance, it was my realizing that I fell for a lie when I enlisted that gave me the passion to find the truth. I was an average dudebro military chad, now I have a fairly successful life, house 2 cars all of that, And I've been on Jow Forums since 2010. When you see shills posting demoralizing shit about how 'we are all losers' or 'none of us will ever get out of poverty'.. Well here I am and I am not the only one.

>muh girl power
>muh occultism
>muh Satanism
>muh harry potter

wiccanism is an extra intersectional multiplier they put on their character sheet

I've seen this meme but I've also seen pro-diversity / anti-japanese protestors in Japan. It's definitely not only whites that are targeted by this.

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I hope Japan is stronger against the tactics.

probably the best post on Jow Forums in the past couple years desu

And then they have to pay tax.

>one think you faggots are right about is how blatant the agenda is to destroy white people
jesus christ i pity you user. its too late for you to leave, just wait until you find out just how right Jow Forums is about everything in your fragile little fucked up head that seems so evil to you. bless you poor soul

asian women are fucking vile and just a pathetic meme at this point, I really try to avoid any interaction at all with these parasites
>ree i hate white men
>*sucks white dick*

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Nothing more empathic than niggers who manage to kill more of each other in one city than whites do in a small country.

Real life Macgyver who should have been leading us.

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Another big one, this one an absolute read

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I've seen dueling doctors and multiple lawyer fights - they're quiet, but when their area of expertise comes up, they reveal themselves. (By the terms they were throwing around I believed them.) Amazing how apparently even vy smart people find something in this place.

Checked. One of the harder things for me was realizing that all of these people are my enemy whether I like it or not. I had tons of leftist friends. .. But, ya gotta consider.. Even if they arent antifa tier they are still advocating, begging, and voting for policies that invariably place your children and their children in significant danger. At that point it ceases being a mere difference of opinion.

This is a more advanced redpill topic, but.. write this down and look into it when you feel up for it: Left wing politics is 1:1 with left hand path occultism. It does not matter if you believe any of the occultist shit is real, what matters is that THEY do. And by 'they' I do not mean the average leftist, most of them have no idea about just what they are involved with. left wing politics follows the same exact tenets as left hand path occultism, the only difference is that all of the 'magic shit' is left out of left wing politics so that people who wouldnt normally endorse it would fall for it.

For a quick tldr; The tenets of left hand path occultism boil down to: Destroy tradition, embrace cultural taboos, defy societal mores, shun the family, and you can be like a god and have utopia. Remove the like a god part and you have left wing politics in a nutshell.

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Many are likely socially inept but this place has a lot of high IQ fags around. I have seen threads that display a working knowledge of physics, chemistry and medicine that requires higher education at least.

This. So much of this.
And that change is accelerating too.
The left is about to wake up on the losing side.
I don't like what Trump is doing in regards to 2a and won't vote for him in 2020 but he is a guy who actually pushed the change in the left so he has my thanks for that.
I think that 2020 elections will show the Democrats where the majority of this country stands.
They are about to lose in a landslide and depending on their reaction may not recover at all.
2014 will be a real testament of where this country is going and I hope that we get rid of the 2 party system but more realistic outcome would a hope for the Republicans holding the power past the second term of Trump.
I'm closely observing the minoritie's shift

Candance Owens, Brendan Tatum, etc, a shit ton of the Spanish conservatives are doing a remarkable job in the shift.
Trump's approval rate is up across the minorities and it fallen a bit amongst the whites(some of them, like me, are concerned about the 2a). Overall his approval rate is higher than Obama's at the same time in his presidency and is inching up. That approval rate is a symptom of changing times: people are waking up and admitting to themselves that they have been wrong.
The most new conservatives are amongst the minorities. People who voted for Obama and cried when he won, right now are for Trump.
The new conservatives that I listen to are very entertaining and have that spark that the old conservatives forgot about.
They talk like the Convertible that they are and have much less knowledge and aren't redpilled but they are delightful to listen to.
Kevin's Corner is one of my favorites. The guy should do stand up as well.

This is the only place in the world you can voice discontent and not ruin yourself

I actually think that they were brainwashed to follow their leadership without question and to have the natural in-group preference that humans have, based solely on the adherence to the ideology.
That makes them a very good group to instigate against the white people.
The white people that they are against really are just the people that they don't agree with politically.
It5obvious when you see their reaction to a minority conservatives. They are absolutely vicious and all of the sudden calling a black person nigger is ok, as long as the nigger is a conservative.

Have you seen the standard zoomer physique?

Even as a white male I am okay with this. I fucking dinosaur faggot boomers, let them die out.

And you are this, here forever.
If the culture becomes conservative though, the Jow Forums will move sharply to the left.
Jow Forums is an epitome of contra-culture.

Kill him.


> Study done by a catholic priest, that cherry-picks data to exclude stable households from the "same-sex" category and doesn't even mention around 70 studies that contradict the findings outright, as opposed to the 3 where they can fudge the statistics


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it's exposure therapy user
the propaganda isn't working as well as it used to

I don't really give a fuck about browns it race at all. I like socialism because I fucking hate rich people, boomers, and corporations.

That "loser" narrative is used on dissenters by the left in general.
When they can't win using facts they always move to attack the opponents intelligence.
And they hold a view that
>>being morally right is more important than being factually right
and call themselves smart.


Behold, the beauty of anonymity.

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This post was by a very close friend of mine. We've kind of grown apart naturally over time but at some point to have to realize these people intentionally or unintentionally want my children dead.

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I agree. Boomers have ruined everything the generation before them worked so hard to pass on

>doctors and lawyers
uh sweaty we're all engineers on Jow Forums

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Mike oligarchy is what you have right now dumb faggot. Go thank capitalism.

*you have to realize

The subversion of patriotism is the first thing that the authoritarians need to take over.
It worked very well up until a few years ago.
Then they take the populace guns( or the guns go first, depends on the situation) then they kill a family unit.
And then they are free to replace the religion and societal structure with their version of religion and their societal structure.
The authoritarian socialists perfected this tactic by learning from the Catholic and the orthodox church.
So now, Japan is following the same subversion tactics.
The problem that they will run into is that the Asian nations weren't conditioned to blindly follow a church so the tactics are going to be adjusted.
The totalitarian government that Japan has had for millenia will be reheated by the socialists for sure.

they obviously don't work in retail, or have had to deal with nigs other than what they see in movies

The left creates a new religion after getting rid of the old one, so the need for their version of magic is strong.
Their new religion is basically science but their new mysticism is the occult.
There is a reason why so many of their people fall for it.

>based solely on their ideology
Not even. Look at how many instances we have of them championing a cause only to abandon it as soon as 'something better' came along'. In considering these many, many instances, it becomes apparent that the only ideology that they hold as doctrine is abolitionism. Abolition of what? Anything that can be abolished. But, more specifically, the abolition of anything that is good, wholesome and beautiful. Their end game is to reduce everything to shit to the point where no one even remembers what used to work well. This is the concept of their 'tabula rasa' which is a very, very old leftist concept. The earliest that I have found writing on this doctrine of mass disenfranchisement goes back to the 1400's, but I would not be surprised if it goes all the way back. If you really, really sperg into it you will find that this war that we fight now has been raging for fucking ever. For instance, sperg into the societal climate in the 50 years preceding the American Civil War. The main grievance that lead to independent political parties (like the know-nothing party) being formed revolved around the unchecked immigration of socialist troublemakers. Slavery wasnt even discussed until a few short years before the fighting started, it was used as a red herring.