These states have now committed to assign all of their electoral votes to the national popular vote winner.

Attached: fwPDPlxY.jpg (680x383, 31K)

>shithole states

Republicans will never win again

How many of those states would have gone blue regardless?

Doesn’t go into effect until they get 270, which will not happen. And even if it does SCOTUS will strike it down because the Constitution explicitly prohibits interstate compacts

Looks like all of them, although one or two could possibly swing under the right conditions.

>implying a SCTOUS filled with libfags and kikes will ever do shit

>states can circumvent the constitution
lol no

So if trump wins the popular vote, he’ll win Cali?

I'd have to go back and re-read it, but I'm pretty sure states have a pretty free hand in deciding how to select electors.

I cant wait to watch this backfire.

>Jow Forums seething regarding states rights
how does that boot taste?

>Giving a shit about the Constitution

SCOTUS is comped but not that comped. The Constitution couldn’t be more clear that this shit is illegal

How did that work out in 1973, again?

Watch a Republican win the popular vote and California have to give up all 55 electoral votes to him and flip the election.

Daily reminder that THIS is the endgame, the final push in a decades long gambit by the Democrats to cement their political power forever
>import millions of illegals who lack the ability or desire to support themselves
>give them subsistence gibs, securing their votes
>house them in Democrat-controlled Sanctuary Cities where they won't be deported
>let their numbers grow until they are able to tip the balance against white Republican voters
>effectively abolish the Electoral College, making it a simple majority vote, which they've now secured
>now the influence of their voting chattel isn't limited to the state level, but the national level
>win in landslide backed by 30,000,000+ voting illegals
>enshrine back faith laws into the Constitution
>open borders
>power is cemented literally forever
And at this point there's nothing we can do to stop it

Attached: 2016 Election by Race and Sex.png (1804x2438, 860K)

Abortion isn’t in the Constitution at all so they at least had room to bullshit. The NPVIC goes against something that was specifically mentioned in the text of the Constitution. If they allow the NPVIC there’s truly no hope left for the judiciary

CO and NM are the only states that would really matter from the list, and even they're not much of toss-up states these days with all of the Californians ruining Colorado and the illegals ruining New Mexico.

Now if you were to add states like Pennsylvania and Florida to the list, then there'd be a real problem.

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This is going to be the greatest backfire in history. With the census citizenship question going on, and illegals being removed and made unable to vote, and lefties demoralized and split, that popular vote could easily slide to Trump. Then he will win all the red states, and every blue state will be forced to vote for him too.

Reagan all over again.

what happens when one of the states votes counter to the overall popular vote?

California goes red, confused spics and nignogs torch the state

Unconstitutional good fucking luck lol

NPR ran a whole segment on this plan. It was curious that the experts and guests pretty much all agreed that this is too toxic to actually go through with because it would cause an uproar and that some more gradual and subtle plan should be used to secure permanent communist rule.

No way it holds up in the supreme court. they're literally voting to ignore a constitutional amendment.

Watch how fast they change that when Drumpf wins the popular vote in 2020.

Only blue states are enforcing this, the only thing that will happen is a blue state or two flipping

Sounds quite similar to what you degenerates were saying over a decade ago

When the republicans become unelectable the dems will spilit between the hillary type buisness dems and Osacia-Cortez type socialists

Lol no. Keep crying poor, flyover faggot.

>all blue-leaning states
Good luck getting a red state to sign onto this.

Daily reminder.

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These states do absurdly rediculous things in their government all the time. No shocker here.

Yes. Communists are not people, they are for helicopter dropping and exile. Killing them is not murder, it is public service, it is self defense.

>A choice between ass ripping concrete turds, and Taco Bell flaming diarrhea

We were warned. Could have solved the problem with minimal violence.
Now they're everywhere and we won't get out of this without a civil war that will probably resemble Yugoslavia.

Attached: pic_giant_021615_SM_Joseph-McCarthy-2.jpg (788x460, 57K)

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Imagine having a political ideology that's so asinine that you have to lie and violate the constitution to get your way.

Attached: 2018-04-15.png (300x212, 97K)

No, they can't base it on an arbitrary metric. They might as well pass a law saying they vote Democrat if it's raining, as far as the law is concerned.

So they have chosen war...

SCOTUS humiliates the fuck out of said state. When Dems go apeshit, they get reminded that Civil War, which they think is the most just war ever devised by man, already answered the question of succession and states' rights.

I'm not sure if they have to base it on any metric. Different states already have different policies. But like I said I'd have to back and read what it actually says.

They have some leeway, but not much, and certainly not to this degree - it's always overblown by the media during election time to create drama.

I'll laugh when this kills turnout in those states and backfires.

States are allowed to decide electors to a degree.
However, interstate compacts without congressional approval are strictly forbidden.
(Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3)

Well if that were the case then we wouldn't have to live with niggers, women would have no rights and we'd actually be able to own guns

Hopefully more republicans will be incentivized to vote.
Republicans in blue states can make a difference instead of being ignored.
Republicans in red states can make a difference instead of being redundant.
Those states would vote democrat anyway so they can only be hurt by their policies.

I wouldn't be surprised if republicans in those states challenged those policies by arguing that the state should represent the people within the state.
If everyone in a state voted for one party and the state gave its votes to the other party, then I could see people revolting (especially if it decides the outcome of the election).

Trump can not win the popular vote by demographics alone dude. Give t up

>shithole states
Yep, this. Take a good look at that list.

Could Texas go to war with Mexico?

Attached: Hmmmm.png (632x191, 10K)

So if more than one state does this, they are a compact?

I believe that's explicitly reserved for the federal government, but I don't see why a state couldn't activate state-level forces or even just a militia if need be.

In the wording, it is specifically referred to as a compact.

Attached: (((Compact))).png (867x490, 111K)

It doesn't matter. They're all zionist puppets and you're just a pawn in their jewish game.

Attached: dems and republicunts are both zionist rat jews.png (500x623, 127K)

Interesting, almost like open insurrection.
Come on big Bill, open the indictments.

It's giving the conditions where they don't need approval from the feds.

Attached: Invasion.png (632x439, 16K)

Yah, and I mean Texas has some decent stand your ground laws. So that seems like some leeway if government institutions are failing.

Which is a meaningless distinction as it will just be different flavors of leftists ruling over the goblin masses

Yes, and your point is?

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