If Black are low IQ, why are Black babies able to speak full sentences at such a young age?
If Black are low IQ, why are Black babies able to speak full sentences at such a young age?
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That's about as competent as they get, speechwise.
>One nigger = all the niggers
Kill yourself fagget
Well that's because they both have the same IQ
they develop quicker as infants
>If Chinese people are so short, why is this Chinese guy tall? BTFO racists xdddd
wtf are you talking about, a real conversation requires people to understand each other, that kid couldn't understand a thing that nigga was saying.
Should have posted the leddit version instead with 15k+ upvotes and multiple gold and silver and all the comments saying how hot he was
About half of the African American population are hybrids and not pure Africans.