Guys I don't even know how this place still exists, they surely will put an end to it soon.
Public support is abysmall so it wouldn't even be as controversial as deleting YouTube stuff. What do we do when they come for pol?
I live here
Guys I don't even know how this place still exists, they surely will put an end to it soon.
Public support is abysmall so it wouldn't even be as controversial as deleting YouTube stuff. What do we do when they come for pol?
I live here
Other urls found in this thread:
This place is a honeypot bro, it aint going anywhere
>I live here
Go have sex
good. have sex incel losers.
Without us the left wont know what to be mad at. They need us
It would be fun watching this place get rekt, but then the cockroaches will disperse to other websites, so that's a negative.
You should only lie with a woman you are willing to die for.
then kill yourself faggot
Let us hope they are that stupid.
And that's a good thing! Take advantage of the glow niggers hubris.
I'm of two minds on this.
On one hand, Jow Forums is literal containment. Surely they know this.
On the other, they may be stupid enough to do away with it and end up manufacturing two million Tarrants.
So that's a no, got it.
>I don't even know how this place still exists
It doesn't. You are sitting in front of a turned off computer. Your mouse is not even connected.
DARPA will never allow that.
No, I'm literally a high iq male of aryan descent. I will find my aryan princess and have 10 strong sons, red pill them all and help to save the white race.
And redpill more people.
It's a win win for 4/pol/ nein/pol/ and cripple/pol/ (despite taking things way to seriously and being "no fun allowed" fags hitler fanclub at times)
Or they shut every Jow Forums down holla and zigzag and darknet and every political incorrect site you can think of and boom they opened pandora's box.
>What do we do when they come for pol?
Just sit there and take it like you idiots have everything else, also pay more in taxes.
Thanks my dudes!
t. poo in loo
Then we just IRL shitpost.
Pol is a containment board
So they will be nigger, spic, aryan, canadian, gook tarrants? What would be the odds?
you live on the internet?
We need to make one that doesnt allow actual racist speech so it doesnt make us look so vile so we can bring more people to redpill
>implying they are going to delete the biggest containment site on the interwebs
IMAGINE if we got shoahed.
YouTube was our gateway, but now it's shut.
We need a pol business card to hand out to normies
Germany is so cucked dude, I can't go outside. It hurts too much.
This place is the perfect containment board so they can slowly demoralize us with shill posts.
>s stop being racist and vile.
Get the fuck out you nigger.
>slowly demoralize
>letting shills demoralize.
Or your weak leaf.
Nuking Jow Forums would be a terrible decision because anons will end up going to Reddit and red pill people.
Hope that doesn't happen.
GEE it would be a REAL shame
If that was to happen
>implying computers exist
You can literally copy and paste any of the chan boards and have a clone up within an hour or two. Taking down chans are pointless otherwise infinity would have been killed years ago.
This place still exists cause we are all being monitored.
Personally, i don't give a fuck tho.
I ain't a criminal.
I just vote till i can, and when i won't be able to i ll just try to survive.
99% of the stuff posted here is bullshit/larp/edgelording anyways. Literally nobody cares unless there are actual threats made.
Why would that ever happen? Who is "they"? (((them)))? If they can't even coax user info out of Kiwi Farms, what makes you think they can do anything about Jow Forums?
Do you know how many chans would pop up to welcome Jow Forumsfugees if Jow Forums were to be deleted? Nevermind that it makes no sense for Hirohito to delete Jow Forums anyways. This is by and large the most popular board, before even /b/.
The only way I can see Jow Forums going is if the US starts passing anti-hate speech laws, like Europe, where there are literally fines and sentences that you can receive if you say racist shit (and, to no one's surprise, they are greater if you say antisemitic shit, because da joos are a protected class).
But it will never happen. Mutts you may be, but you value free speech more than anything, that's your one redeeming quality.
What the fuck man you’re breaking my immersion.
>send a bunch of poorly adjusted angry NEETs out onto the net with gigs of redpills ad a vendetta
The last thing they would do is close down this containment site. If they take away Jow Forums we will spread all over and drop dank memes.
what's the backup plan for Jow Forums being shut down?
Those digits.
Ideas are bulletproof.
Strike us down and a thousand will rise in our place.
You can no longer be painted as the underdog, years of propagating them as always good will bite you.
My selfless actions for my race, even as you coerce them to hate me, will make me immortal.
Come at me bro. I'm ready valleyfags.
They keep this place open because it keeps us here. Then we're not out and about fucking up (((their))) plans.
you have to use words like hope, and feel
Too late, (((german))) poster:
Crashing the internet with no survivors
Ha. The cockroaches are operating youtube, cnn and the new york times you fucking termite.
Half the politicians die in my country if they do this
literally this just so everyone is aware. They will NEVER delete pol or 8ch pol because it centralizes the viewpoints and people instead of having them fling their shit everywhere else. I know some still do, but having a place like pol greatly reduces the amount. Also, its convenient for when you have the odd "fuck your optics" guy so that they can be more easily entrapped and honeypotted, which definitely DOES happen if you start fed posting.
So if this is a containment board, why are we playing along? We need to expand
We need more lebensraum
You would get away with it this time too, you're not overthrowing a monarchy so we have no reason to care. Bon chance mes ami.
because we're not doing anything illegal, and there is nowhere else to go. As long as we're not being censored, let us have their fun, and they can play their little games, and catch the odd "fuck your optics" glownigger victim from time to time. I don't give a fuck, they probably do need to go to jail
Is this the end of Jow Forums's campaign?
Guys a serious question, if 4chin got banned or more cucked because of these FUCKING JANNIES FAGGOTS. Where should I go?
This place is kind of an containment zone. Some people want to shut us down. Mistrust wanna make sure we stay here and not disperse to other sites or irl.
How would they shut /pol down with all those jewish meme flag posters making 0.01 shekel a post lobbying against it.
Home, to Somalia.
I don't think you understand what people mean by containment board
>What do we do when they come for pol?
When 4/pol/ gets (((shut down))), we'll still have 8/pol/
Putting my high IQ on the line here, but I would assume it means that "racist" and "antisemitic" discussions take place here, and only here. It's easy to keep in check and ensures that these ideas dont spread.
they won't close a honeypot containment board
I’m not saying it again what this place is this thread just gets repeated every time leftist platforms ban fags, you know exactly what this place we all know
AHHAHAHHAHA AHAHHA Omg all Swedes are cucks even tho it was only 23% of the population that voted on our current goverment and that is with the help of our block system AHAHHAHAHAHAH I have no understanding about things but I am sure going to meme it even tho my own country has way less freedom and far more niggers and arabs.
Got a license for that post britbong? I'm sure it's illigal to think for yourself in your country, also how is the teethcare over there? All your women are ugly 5/10 and everyone has a problem with crooked or small teeth. Kys brit.
no. It's because if this board died all the shitposting and shilling would runoff into the other boards. You can say nigger and kike and the whole shebang on any other board and the most you'll get in opposition is a troll or someone from resetera or reddit
They won't come for Jow Forumsnone of you mongs do anything anyway besides the occasional mass shooter
how many "gang"bombs blew up today in your city?
Quite a few, but nothing would be possible without you Germany, it's your "mother" merkel that forces this upon us. And yet everytime I see a german poster they think they are the best shit ever. It's your country that forces this shit on everyone within the EU and you should honestly kill yourself. Germans were good in the 1940's but then you turned cucks. I hope someone nukes you and all the EU's problems would be over. Hail Hitler.
We are morlocks
You just made my day Swedecuck.
That's part of the fun mossad literally owning this site we are fucked but can still fight the kike in our own ways
Genug mein neger
This is such a cop out for incels who can’t get any pussy.
>I’m not a virgin bc I’m autistic, boring and ugly, I’m just a man of god who’s doing gods work. If he said I could fuck I totally would no doubt.
Have sex
2 million freedom fighters
They're just trying to clean up the media platforms they own before they get shut down. Large media conglomerates are being pressed hard because of their "practices" and they are flipping their shit. There is a reason almost every Jew turned on Facebook, and then you notice Facebook is one of the only media companies that isn't being affected by this sudden world wide audit.
Burn a fag flag at a faggot festival this Summer.
Make sure to wear a ski mask.
Know the local police response times.
Scope the place out first.
Know what you're going to be yelling as the flag burns.*
Have your escape routes planned.
Do it when the police aren't nearby.
Consider leaving your phone behind if you're worried about being tracked.
Work quickly and safely.
And don't forget to bring a gun in case you're put into a self-defense situation and need to defend your free speech and prop comedy act.
If you need a fag flag, drive around a rich neighborhood until you find a house flying the flag.
Wear a ski mask to prevent an CCTV's getting your face.
Park your car far away and walk over to the house to get the flag in the dead of night.
*"This flag is being burned in solidarity for all the children who have been sexually and mentally abused by the faggot community."
It's true tho, Sweden will turn soon. But your country is far beyond saving.
this place is a honeypot,if they delet it it will just be harder for them to spy on us
>Germans were good in the 1940's but then you turned cucks.
yup it is over.
but this time we take the rest of you racetraitors with us.
And it turns out you are up against chabad and mossad now and all those things were literally mossad not CIA but instead of them trying to ban you they stage literally dozens of shooting hoaxes worldwide based on your memes to discredit you but In the end they cant so they just censor you and then they die because you finally kill them
/po/ is just satire. No believes any of it.
It's useful for them to gather info on the HY here.
Allow me to just say
Go out with a bang of course.
Give those clowns a good honking.
You are the country that is sending us milions of immigrants because you are "progressive" and have to force this into every country within the EU, and Sweden had a post WW2 cuckness so we do whatever germany does. Fucking faggots not understanding what damage you have caused the rest. May arabs rape your family.
>Public support is abysmall so it wouldn't even be as controversial as deleting YouTube stuff. What do we do when they come for pol?
Spread basic normie-friendly redpills while you can so they can get out into the wild, that's what they fear most.
e.g. understanding the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2. Read through this thread, it's all there...
Redpilling normies is the ***ONLY*** battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
good. let millions of autists flood the internet
You mean psyop shooting hoax the entire point is brainwashing the public they are victims and cover up their crimes it's a simple tactics play the goodie when in reality you are the devil hinself
Jawohl, stimmt
in minecraft
I hope to see all of you people sent to jail and executed.Long live the order.
No one here even remembers that moot was raided in 2008 for all the CP that was appearing on /b/ and made a plea bargain to give the FBI a backdoor into Jow Forums to escape charges.
It exists because this is not anonymous.
> all germoneys fault.
fuck off.
step up and take responsability for you own fucking actions.
we atleast tried and lost. what has sweden ever done? nothing but suckdick.