I'm asking because my roommate has a American Bosnian gf and they won't shut up about how great communism was in Yugoslavia because of Tito.
Is it true tho? After he croaked or whatever the country fell apart. So was he that good of a leader? Or a shitty leader. Need sources but don't know where to begin
Was Tito the only good communist
Other urls found in this thread:
Good Communist = Dead Communist.
Look guys I'm not saying I agree but I need a compelling argument to make besides communist bad
Iran fell apart after Saddam was executed. Was Saddam a good leader?
Now fuck off.
That's because America came and fucked everything up you brainlet nigger
>Iran fell apart after Saddam was executed. Was Saddam a good leader?
Irak*, Saddam and Gadaffi were great for the interests of west though, you could bargain with them.
Multiple civil wars raging all the time in those countries do not benefit the west at all.
Also Iraq and Yugoslavia are 2 completely different situations
US involvement is irrelevant. Saddam was a dictator regardless, he routinely gassed his own people, among other things, of which I don't particularly care but he wasn't a 'good leader' of a 'prosperous and beautiful country'. Why come to this board and attempt to defend communism? I nor anyone else gives a fuck if some bastardization of communism worked once for a few decades in some shithole nation nobody cares about. The 20th century death toll is alone enough to vouch for the toxicity of the ideology.
Also kys, kike faggot.
When the fuck did I say I supported communism you fucking gay nigger? The entire point of this post was to form an argument against communism you dumb faggot. Learn to read you gaywad