>What is this? The Danish general election is today. Polls are closed and votes are being counted.
>What is the main storyline? The Social Democrats are expected to win, but they have adopted an anti-immigrant platform.
>PARTIES Social Democrats - anti-immigrant gibs party Danish People's Party - /ourguys/ Venstre - cuckservative Red-Green Alliance - communists Liberal Alliance - LOLbertarian The Alternative - green party Social Liberals - globo homo Socialist People's Party - more communists Conservative - green conservative Christian Democrats - Christian greens New Right - /ourguys/ Hard Line - /ourguys/ Klaus Riskær Pedersen - tax jew party
>No matter how harsh the rhetoric gets, it will always just be rhetoric >No party will ever make serious efforts to stem the tide of niggers >No party will ever be truly anti-EU(we're "sceptic"-meme >No radical right wing movement will ever succeed in popular politics >Lobbyists are so prolific our votes are becoming even more useless than they already are >We will continue to forget this and believe their lies every new election Denmark is a dead country, in a dead continent. It's the truth, too few of us would even bother fighting if it came to that. It's over for Europe.
Outflanked on both sides, social democrats adopted their immigration stance while two new parties that want even tougher stance were formed
Colton Flores
SK sitting at 2.2 % in total atm
Isaac Gonzalez
And they'll be escorted out of the country before long.
V for sejr!
Adam Wood
Hvad side er det fra?
Jackson Cox
who are the commimes?
Evan Cook
fucking YAWN
Hunter Howard
Is Thisted really that cucked.
Ryder Hall
Reddit is invading Jow Forums right now. I would know considering I have infiltrated their cucked Discord. :)
Jaxson Bell
i want a QRD on what's happening
Camden Cooper
Well they didn't take part in the government when they had the chance after the last election, and they've recently been having an identity crisis as it tries to please both Venstre and Socialdemokratiet, naturally failing to please everyone. Now the voters the social democrats lost to DF are going back to them, and right-wing DF voters are going to Stram Kurs and Nye Borgerlige
Caleb Morales
They spent four years with their thumbs up their asses.
Andrew Myers
>Suggest violent revolution to get rid of shitskins >Eternal Swede shows up to to >white-post Nice try Svenne
hol up I thought you only had to get 2% to get in, why isn't Stram,kurs getting any mandates?
William King
Asher Hall
There are several reasons. They had a shitty corruption case going in Brussels via one of their EU mandates, and then there are two new right wing parties that are more strict on immigration than DPP, and lastly, the Social Democrats have been copying DPP's policy to steal their voters, and needless to say, they've succeeded.
Mette F., the leader of Soc.Dem have promised to uphold the strict immigration policy, but I highly doubt it, since every other single party on the Left wing are immigrant happy as fuck, and she doesn't have enough mandates, so she needs those parties. And the right wing parties can't muster 90 mandates no matter what. So we might end up having a political shitshow going on for months, without anyone being able to form a government. If I'm not mistaking, Belgium was in a similar situation a few years ago?
Caleb Williams
and that's it? according to exit polls they lost like 12%, SD remained at the same leve +-, NB+ SK are 7% at best
Enhedslisten is based anti-zionist party but their voters are all braindead
James Roberts
Er du go' de er nogle slimede kikes overfor Paludan, håber de får stoppet deres lognagtige munde.
James Williams
If the Alternative gets any real power in parliament i voting blank for the rest of my life.
This is probably the worst election i have ever been a part of, not even Helle Thorning win was this bad. >Radical V larpping as environmental activists for some reason is winning the most votes Fucking shot me already.
Alternative in my opinion isn't nearly as destructive as garbage liked Enhedslisten. Enhedslisten have a goal, whereas Alternative doesn't know what the fuck they even stand for
Henry Turner
My grandparents who had been very staunch DF supporters for as far back as I can remember dropped them when they allowed Lokke to cuck them after the last election. I really don't get why they've allowed the fat pig to behave the way he has recently, if I'd been in Thulsen Dahl's position I would have announced at the debate yesterday that I wouldn't point at Venstre unless they replaced Lokke.
Jaxon Allen
Have you guys seen that movie about the danish (?) guy who was accused of touching the little girl but he didn't actually do it? I watched it the other night it was pretty good.
Michael Howard
Jeg skal love for at vi hore meget fra uffe, det er da lidt suspekt når de er sådan et lille parti.
Jack Martinez
Some times it feels like only women vote in this country, i suppose most Danish men are effectively women at this late stage of degeneration.