Why are libertarians like this

why are libertarians like this

Attached: DxDIuObXQAAoQEt.jpg (750x748, 58K)

Answer the question Angela.

I was adopted for 16k. I'm more valued than you accidents

Because they're anarchistic Jews

Who would ever buy a chink?

you don't like free market, you commie piece of shit?

Forgot to change flag. Much better

if you're so valuable, how come your parents didn't want you?

>money over blood
How to spot a sociopath 101

libertarians pretend none is about to abuse the loose system


libertarian or ancap?



more like a coward

don't give the edgelords any encouragement

What's wrong with baby slaves? who is supposed to get to those small areas inside your McNuke©

Words cannot describe this burn

I have two sons, and I will advise both of them to work hard, amass a fortune, and purchase children when they are ready.

Wives are a detriment to a happy family. They are not capable of raising children anymore; feminism has unleashed the truly selfish nature of women.

>He's pro-life
>But against baby-selling
Imagine being this ignorant.

Baby-selling would be like a shot in the arm for the economy, would drastically reduce the amount of abortions performed and stimulate burth rates. How could you NOT want to sell a baby?

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Whats so bad about adult selling?

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>not even a years worth of income on minimum wage