What did George Papadopoulos mean by this?
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It’s coming
We all know it
Yes Goy keep waiting. Trust Session, Trust Barr, Trust Papa Bear
>Yes Goy keep waiting. Trust Session, Trust Barr, Trust Papa Bear
kek. You're a scared Israeli and this is how you cope. By pretending to be strong on Jow Forums. BIbi is powerless. Israel is powerless. You're powerless. Zionism's power has waned.
The fuck is going on!?
That he likes double penetration from traps.
Are you trying to bait anti-zionists like myself to say more extreme things about Israel than you just did? Were you also calling people Israeli shills when they said they didn't trust Barr would clean up Iran-Contra? Do you not realize that your scripted responses out you as the shill? Hurrr durr COPE
Papa was complicit in a lot of the oil pipelines and arms deals made by the deep state. He is singing in an attempt to look innocent and to cover his own ass. Shills here to quickly call you an israeli if you don't eat Papa bear's bullshit porridge.
Wrong. PapaD was used as a honeypot against the Deep State. Trump's whole campaign was a honeypot to take down Israel after he won.
I see you're not able to answer any questions. Barr has been honest about a lot of things, such as the spying that was done on Trump. The deep state loves to feed you bits of truth so you'll eat their bullshit. The question is, are you a bullshit eater or intentional distributer.
Keep whining kike all you can do is spam questions because that's how you kikes try to get the upper hand. It's called pilpul. You just make sure every single post you makes ends in a question.
Declass is coming shlomo.
I hope so. That would be one hell of a long con. Pardon me for not trusting the plan until I see anything fruitful though.
>trusting the plan
Nobody uses this phrase but shills. Man you Hasbara losers are really sad these days. You probably hate being forced to shill on Jow Forums still since you're so bad at it.
>Socrates was a kike BAHAHAHA COPE
Been waiting 3 years for declass.
Yes, shills tell you to trust the plan. All im saying is im not buying your shilling. Qtard
How's the weather in Israel right now? Enjoy the Civil War at the same time as muslims invading! Your country is collapsing.
>Trust Papa Bear
I only Trust Big Papa Smurf
Watch the Mark Steyn/ popodopulus two part interview... interesting stuff related to above
Smurf are degenerate as fuck and you shouldn't trust them either. Trust your own reasoning abilities
he's based af. trump should make him head of the fbi. at the very least trump should schedule a meeting with him and barr, because he explains the whole scheme more clearly than anyone
YouTube video title... “The Mark Steyn Show with George Papadopoulos, part one”
PapaD is playing a role right now. He was sent out in order to be purposefully framed because once Mueller got appointed the trail will lead bac kto the deep state.
I-i don't get it
Can I get. Quick bogdown
Trump setup a honeypot to get the people trying to honeypot his campaign.
dude if you think barr doesnt know the whole story youre retarded, barr 100% knows more than papad
Anything but Jews
Israel is doomed.
You're going to be thrown out of the back of a plane by Barr.
>It’s coming
>We all know it
And what do the UK, OZ and Zion have to do with it?
Why are we involved, even?
I'll believe when I see it but these kikes sure are squirming
Fuckin larping leftist fag
Bibi is powerless and you sit on your ass all day posting on the internet trying to protect that powerless retard. Enjoy the war Chaim.
Youre the one that sits on your ass all day calling anyone that is sceptical an israeli. It really is sad. I just hope you're a shill and dont actually believe your own bullshit
Trump told everyone he was "for the working man".
He's never been. He's not done anything for them yet. He never will. He's a con man. Thanks Trumptards. You got took...again!
Man you Israelis are annoying as fuck. You're such a worthless rat the only job you could get is shilling on Jow Forums. Think about that. That's truly worthless.
Iran won't do shit, sadly. Neither will Israel. They will all just wait for America to do something first.
Declass then all the muslims don't have to worry about US defending Israel :)
For exposing him as a CIA stooge that worked for Bush's drug operations back in the day? Well at least that makes some sense.
t. fat jewish spammer
friendly reminder to report moarpheus for spamming this bullshit 24 hours a day
Look at how angry you are. Trump will expose what Israel did to princess diana, what israel did in Fukushima, and what Israel did on 9/11 among many other things. You can't stop these revelations being brought to light. Bibi has no power.
Can you make a single post without mentioning israeli? Theyre at least tangentially connected to everything, but some of us are interested in the entire picture rather than obsessing over Israel. Your obsession makes you seem like a self hating jew desu
yeah but that one girl smuf was wifey
>Can you make a single post without mentioning israeli?
>What is Black Cube, the Cambridge Analytica-linked intelligence firm?
>Twitter Sold Data Access to Cambridge Analytica-Linked Researcher
>New details emerge about Steve Bannon's ties to Cambridge Analytica
>Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s collection of Facebook data, according to former employee
>Israel’s Netanyahu isn’t worried about Steve Bannon and anti-Semitism in Trump’s camp
>How Steve Bannon used Cambridge Analytica to further his alt-right vision for America
No one wants to stop those revelations. Your straw man attacks arent very effective. Im also way too bored to be mad. You shills spam the same shit to everyone who doubts your radical optimism in everry thread.
>No one wants to stop those revelations.
Except the entire Zionist order. Israel is so fucking weak they hire retards like you to post and try to protect them online. Sad. Netanyahu truly has no fucking power at all. Nobody even takes him seriously anymore.
No one in this thread. Obviously there exist people that don't. Unless of course you don't want those secrets revealed, so you shill for us to trust people that will only work towards covering up those truths. Anyone who isnt a newfag can see you're doing more damage to the disclosure cause than anything. Im supplying replying to you to try to make this more obvious to brainlets and newfags.
What is this post? Not even a coherent thought. This is because you ashkenazis are the most mentally ill faggots around.
>G-PAPA-D ftw
Israel is the tail of the elephant. It's good that info is shared about them, but but focusing on them entirely you fail toe expose the non-israeli zionist stooges. I never asked you to stop mentioning them, but i realize you need strawman argument to try to make me look like the shill and cover your true identity.
It might sound more coherent if english was your native language
Didn't his kid get busted on tape making other people pay for his hookers and booze?
>the deceiver = Obama/Clinton/Jews
>deceive the deceiver
Deceiving kikes... nice
I still think he's Mossad. He's way too good at this.
Why do Greeks have such weird names?
Kinda sad that the son of a Prime Minister has to hire a hooker to get any action. Sad!
Yair is a fucking retard that makes Israel look worse with each and every tweet.
Well no offense but fuck Turkey, their actions at Incirlik a while back proved that they shouldn't even be in NATO.
Turkey should be in NATO so when the war againstn Israel begins we have to join in and bomb Israel too.
No, they made it clear that they are not reliable partners when they raided a NATO base. But they can attack Israel, that's fine by me.
seems there are some connections between italian academia and british intelligence
the problem is you have 15 posts by this id so you are clearly the thing everyone sees you as even though you think you arent
Obligatory message to trigger the commie bastards that hate my country and my flag on this board.
To everyone else, please ignore.
Because a paid shill would probably use their VPN to get a new ID. Yet here I am
Commies can't screw the poo
someones mad the Iraq and Afghanistan get more scheckles than Israel
jew the jew