Why Disney? Why?

I may be a faggot, but I love Toy Story to this day. I would watch the first two on repeat when I was like 6 years old. And now they've made him a faggot. Why? Just... Why? That completely ruins my entire childhood almost. The only thing that I liked just as much as a child was Blues Clues, and they threw that down the fucking drain a long time ago. I miss the old Woody. I simply cant get the image of Woody gargling on a cock out of my mind because of how haunting it is. God Help us.

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Uh. Gargling on a cock? Wtf happens in the new one

Disney said they were making Woody openly bisexual in the new one.

>Psyop: successful
Kikes play both sides, user

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Face it he's a faggot

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>Making Woody sexual

You're fucking lying... Right?

Shut up faggot


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So he’s like Steven Crowder then??

Did you actually take something written by fucking npcdaily seriously

Life is a joke now

That was a shopped tweet

Isn't the whole toy story movie a sad cover about a kid having to grow up because dad left and they needed to downsize? That the one fatherless boy becomes mean and takes it out on his toys dad gave and the other appreciates them and tries to keep them nice to remember dad.

he literally had love intrest in all of films you brainded moron

she looks so comfy.

Yes he is lying.

one day while andy was masturbating, woody got wood.

Woody here, I ain't no homo on the range, I slay mad pussy round these here parts so watch yourself when my name comes out of your mouth kemosabe

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Shame on you for not getting it

Literally a npcdaily article you retard

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Kek nice.