Éire Jow Forums - Trump Visits Edition

Nationalist and Anti-Globalist Parties in Ireland:
>The National Party.

>Anti-Corruption Ireland.

>IrExit Freedom Party.

Pastebin links:
>Social Media and YouTube Channels to follow.

>Learn Irish

>Political Irish

/eirepol/ on Inifinty Chan

News and current events:
>Trump 'honoured' to be in Ireland as official visit gets under way.

>Families of homicide victims demand reforms of the parole system.

>Whistleblower reveals massive oil leaks from ESB cables.

>Rapist who had to be physically pulled from victim by gardaí during late night street attack jailed.

>New Zealand launches investigation into incoming Irish Central Bank governor.

>10,000 health support staff to strike on 20 June.

>Líadh Ní Riada eliminated as Sinn Féin withdraws request for recount in Ireland South constituency.

>Teenager hospitalised with 'serious' injuries after being stabbed in Galway city centre.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Burn a fag flag at a faggot festival this Summer.
Make sure to wear a ski mask.
Know the local police response times.
Scope the place out first.
Know what you're going to be yelling as the flag burns.*
Have your escape routes planned.
Do it when the police aren't nearby.
Consider leaving your phone behind if you're worried about being tracked.
Work quickly and safely.

And don't forget to bring a gun in case you're put into a self-defense situation and need to defend your free speech and prop comedy act.

If you need a fag flag, drive around a rich neighborhood until you find a house flying the flag.
Wear a ski mask to prevent an CCTV's getting your face.
Park your car far away and walk over to the house to get the flag in the dead of night.

*"This flag is being burned in solidarity for all the children who have been sexually and mentally abused by the faggot community."

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>>Teenager hospitalised with 'serious' injuries after being stabbed in Galway city centre.

Is limrick stepping down as stab city? I seem to remember this happening a few weeks ago too

Border lads, don't worry 'bout it, be grand!

>worry about what is in your power to change
No point in worrying about what was designed to fuck up from the start.

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Sound Donald bud

One of the cunts in the 'Pro Trump' group was waving an Israeli flag.
Meanwhile the 'Anti-Trump' group was waving Palestinian Flags.
I fucking hate them both. Complete retards waving foreign flags, one of which was the flag of an enemy state (pic related).

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That's pretty cool. Boomer women embracing pepe is a good sign for the future

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Wtf I hate Trump now! Yang gang 2020!

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found a shit load of fibre optic cable today

what could i do with it

Traitor Trump pretends to be proud of his Anglo/Celtic heritage by visiting Britain and then goes to the most communist country in Europe. I can't wait until all Irish Americans are forced to mix with other European groups once this shitty country collapses. Even Sweden is more right wing than your worthless shithole. Gott Strafe Ireland! The Paratroopers didn't do anything wrong.

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No matter who gets in, they will play ball with Israel.

Haha! Irish subhumans BTFO!

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Normies are ruining meme culture.

Sell it to pikeys.

>t. Good goy for Israel

Oh look, it's a neurotic Kike. No one else reply to this mentally ill person and starve him of the attention he's desperately seeking.

How much is a shit load?

>t. Irish communist who sucks nigger toes
Why do Irish people lump themselves with niggers and pajeets just to own da anglos?

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>Oh look, it's a neurotic Kike.
Irish people are literally responsible for turning America brown along with Jews. I wouldn't talk shit about your allies like that.

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YouTube is fucked. I hope faggots get the rope one day.

Your country is closer to communist than Ireland.

At least king nigger wasn't a sodomite, Ireland literally did something no other country has done before by electing a mixed race faggot.

Did Crowder get the boot?

>At least king nigger wasn't a sodomite
He was a sodomite.
Michelle Obama is a man and Barack is a faggot.

We make the memes. We call the shots. Redpilling with humour instead of indoctrinating by force. Weaponized memes and meme warfare.

Gurrila meme warfare will work best.

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Here is an archive dump for you lads.
News Archives:
>January 2019

>February 2019

>March 2019

>April 2019

>May 2019

I'll be dumping more in later threads.

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That's a conspiracy theory though, Ireland's PM is an actual faggot. One who actively admits that he sucks dicks. Ireland will be the first white country to probably elect some brown trans communist if it means making Anglos upset.

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You are a Jew and you're trying to put the blame on Americans of Irish heritage for what you did to America. You also prove my point that you're mentally ill because you're here crying to us about shit that has absolutely nothing to do with us. We are Irish people from Ireland living in Ireland just like our parents, grandparents and ancestors and anything that happens in America has absolutely nothing to with us. Imagine the insanity of saying to us that we're responsible for something that happened in a country we don't live in or have ever even been too. This is my last reply to you.

You are a good man. Bless your soul and effort.

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Kikes have been shilling against Irish extra hard the last few weeks.
(((They))) fear us.

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11 rolls of wire
big ones
they have plastic covering too
some dopes of cousins left them in the grannys place in the bushes, after they shite up the place

Why are you so obsessed with israel

Might as well be useful.
Out of work awhile. Getting put on a TUS scheme now. An extra 50 euro to do some work in charity shops. Suppose it will get me up early at least.

Oh look, it's the 'Israel is based goys' kike.

I haven't noticed. I usually just chill in these threads.
Well if you fancy learning a bit of engineering you could build a camera system or something like that if you have a bit of land. There's a few things you could do with it. Have a look online for uses.

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You didn't answer my question

They have been and I've noticed. It's so obvious too. They make a thread about us and a dozen shills are ready and waiting for it and it's the same old shite they post like in every other shill thread. They haven't a clue about us either and they're talking points are easily recognised as that of shills.

Israel are connected to Loyalist terrorists and the (((Orange Order))).
Of course you already knew that since you have been shilling on these threads for awhile.

(((They))) aren't sending (((their))) best.

Don't dox yourself. Yeah they say unemployment is low but most are on those schemes or something similar. I know a few people on them.

Sure I think the big crash is coming pretty soon. I've talked to a few people who said the same. This stuff with China and Russia about to have a trade war with the US and not only that but they have already moved to the gold standard means there is a good chance of a complete flip of world power and a serious chance of a dollar collapse. A lot of people don't know this nut China actually buys bond's from the federal reserve. Means they can have even more sway over the dollar because the fed will act in its own interest as is the nature of a private bank.

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>Israel are connected to Loyalist terrorists and the (((Orange Order))).

Israel aren't based. They have a superpower and other nations as shabbos goys who have their back if the Sandniggers try to invade them and take back their rightfull land. The Askenazi aren't even the same as the Jews of the Bible and are larpers from the Khazar kingdom and are white people yet they do their best to undermine the rest of white people and to destroy them. Fuck Israel and I don't give a fuck about Palestine either.

Where's this and was there any more people out supporting him today ?

Collins had very good taste in facial hair.

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Trump 2020

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That Collins mustache kek
Would have been interesting if he had of lived and was our leader when ww2 started. Might have allied with Adolf in an attempt to take back the North

Daily reminder for newfags
No yous for shills

Checked for limerick not being stabcity kiddies

also found siro wire hidden in the drain load of big red pipes
i might use it all for cameras like ya said
and have it all running into the house

Near Shannon

It's not a secret. Loyalists fly Israeli flags in their areas and the (((Orange Order))) are FreeMason fags that shill for Israel.
>(((Friends of Israel))).

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David McNarry, frmr leader of UKIP, is a wank.

well that just raises more questions.
half the country is on them. unemployment isn't low because they changed the definition of "work"

Rocking the look before Adolf even did.

>Might have allied with Adolf in an attempt to take back the North

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It full of pakis, acid city when?


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That's just diplomacy, lad. It's got fuck all to do with the loyalists or orange lodge. They have it with every country. Including Ireland.

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* it’s full

>half the country is on them. unemployment isn't low because they changed the definition of "work"
On top of the massive numbers of unemployed that had to emigrate.

I think Waterford already took the title of Acid City.

You're an idiot, jews and prods have been in bed together for the last century or more. Learn the history of the Catholics in the US.

20% deserters 20% invaders

>larpers from the Khazar kingdom and are white people
They are LARPers in both. Even a lot of the "white" ones come from father lineage of outside our collective (i.e. Y haplogroup R1a scythian/Germanic/nordic and R1b Greek/Roman/Gaelic). These haplogroups you would expect are not as common as you might think.

There mothers line is what they seem to care about most. I wouldn't be surprised if this lead back to a matriarch somewhere in history, a queen sending out her children to conquer or something like that. Or perhaps it is just an inversion of pathriarcal thought to infiltrate royal bloodlines. Or maybe a remnant of the Khans. I've pondered this for a while but i can't figure it out.
I don't think it is possible to map the liniage through maternal lines yet.

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they rented the place off another cousin but got kicked out because they grew grass in the loft and the oul lad next door caught on to the poon and they got booted out
they left shite everywhere and now im getting the stuff left behind

So? Who gives a shit what happens in America

For those wondering about the strong presence of R1b around Nigeria.

That line seems to have been started or diverged from the other R1b groups around 12,000 years ago. This would fit in with the theory that atlantians landed there during the sinking of the islands and the sea level rise 200 ft in about a week due to melt water pulse 1b. It lowered again during the younger dryas due to a massive cooling effect and has been stable since that period ended. I would also say look at how it moves across Africa and into the Nile river to Egypt. This coupled with the fact king tut has the same liniage as over 80% of the British isles but less than 1% of modern day Egyptians


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It's common sense. (((Zawass))) just won't admit Europeans built the pyramids, because honestly, what else of value can modern Egypt claim for themselves?

>WE... WUZ... KANGS!

What is the actual native Irish stance on Irish-American dual nationals?

We still could be relatively easily in a Gaelic system.
sorry you left, but we are incredibly full, unless you can stop being american completely and change your entire way of life.

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Obligatory message to trigger the commie bastards that hate my country and my flag on this board.

To everyone else, please ignore.

Thanks for the bump fren.

Guy who knows literally everything about Catholics talks to Faith Goldy's Lips about the Infiltration:

>I don't think it is possible to map the liniage through maternal lines yet.
Correction: It is and apparently... We Wuz Jews

J* = Ireland = 12%, England-Wales = 11%, Scotland = 9%, Orkney = 8%, Germany = 7%, Russia (European) = 7%, Iceland = 7%, Austria-Switzerland = 5%, Finland-Estonia = 5%, Spain-Portugal = 4%, France-Italy = 3%

Or at least 12% anyway. Sure no wonder they hate us so much, we bailed on them.

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(((zawass)) lmao he always acts like a retard

That matches with our mythology
he has no need to act, he is bitch baby.
>no dig here, no dig there, no dig anywhere

He is extremely unpopular and will be getting the boot next election.

History, fren.

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>A lot of people don't know this nut China actually buys bond's from the federal reserve
This is common knowledge. Try as they might China couldn't sell all of those bonds if they tried. The reason they buy so much US debt is because its by far the largest liquid asset class available so if China sells those bonds there's nowhere else they can put their money.

'Hey Éamonn, dad says its my turn on the xbox'


I stand corrected.
Fuck Judeo history and their fucked up egyptian chronology

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Khazar theory is bullshit. Don't undermine real Jewish conspiracy theories with completely fake ones.

When Micheal Martin beats him

Communism will win
Neck yoself faggot

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are there any white people left in Limerick?


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Link about Irish DNA


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By hue hue standards they're all white

Nationalists do the exam same with Palestine flags, its an embarrasment to both sides

here's a less tabloidy link
go. nature. com slash 2XoIqbC