His job is to infiltrate and subvert American alternative media.
Change my mind.
His job is to infiltrate and subvert American alternative media.
Change my mind.
Other urls found in this thread:
What’s the best way to download YouTube videos before my favourite channels go down???!!!!
youtube is fake and gay
There’s some good race realism content I wanna download
Canadians are awful
southern is definitely a csis honeypot op.
And her prosti sister
>looks at thread
>retarded shit about Canada
>self bumping
Checks out
think of all the names she's gathered up flying around the place. she's used to map networks.
you better watch yourself. or else.
yt dl, there’s a GUI version on github too
Keep posting this random shit and I can retire.
you're gonna be an old person in canada one day
So is groceryjew some faggot who jacks off in bottles or is it some group of shill shit? I filtered that shit long ago since they never responded to my grocery list and ignored me.
>he doesn't know
/cic/ stand for command and control. all the pics have secret messages
it doesn't get much worse than a Canadian
>mfw you made me remember they're abhorrent subhuman leafs
>americans blaming canada for subversion
reminder that canada was more conservative than america until the american jews wanted to try their multicult shit on a country with a similar culture before going for the real deal
fuck off frank
Kill yourself america
Ah, a fellow man of culture and taste. Have a bump on me, the dreaded Dr. GFA-kken! Also, I'm pretty damn sure that A5 got the banhammer last week. Probably for another month as usual. Ugh.
Canadian tell American cops what to do because there so stupid.
Americans are just stupid.
Oh, and since I'm here, gotta include a shameless self-promotion for a threas I made about "The Threat of the Left" and whatnot. It's all so tiresome, isn't it?
frank got b&? oh no now he has to post without his trip for a month how tragic
look up helium exit bag pls
No it wasn't. It's always been a bastion for hookers, pedophiles and faggots.
Pro America Canadian is better than anti America American.
It should be
>because they're so stupid
Not "there"
>canadian edumacation amitrite?
This actually is something which bugged me, even though I've found A5 to be a mixed bag overall (Plus, according to his gestalt, i should be put to death due to femen infection, you can somehow hide the construction of a 2+ mile long spacecraft, and if you point out anything of his that's been logically inconsistent, you're automagically a dismissable shill- Occam razor doesn't add up here)
Canada isn't exactly a bastion of conservatism, not in the urban areas where 90%+ of the population is anyway. Lauren Southern falls under "Thot-Right" and is in it for the money, but the others, there's some odd correlations.
Also why did Americans let so many leafs infiltrate their politics?
I could never understand this.
All those leafs, now live in America as well. Guess they didn't get the memo about "canaduh being da bestest nation in da worldz"
What a bunch of traitors!!
Left beautiful canada for shitty fucking USA, got famous and made tons of money.
They should've stayed in canada where none of that would've happened for them.
Is molymeme crying about shekels yet?
4k video downloader
lets you download entire playlists
both southern sisters are prosti-honeythots for CSIS
bump for great justice!
You must be devastated most of all, Gayleaf.
the gayleafs are lost beyond the point of redemption in the frozen gay north
I think A5 caught a 30day
what did the great one do to deserve such a harsh sentence?
MIGA, fellow based boys! :^)
Tbh it wasn’t even spamming.
I think he upset some user that followed his posts flagging them all
Probably triggered another power-hungry undercover leftist / Leftypol mod… again.
Those damn Porkyists keep getting away with it!
Israel is unironically better than Canada at everything other than maple syrup production.
For instance subverting your government?
better to be subverted by Israel than be a puppet nation of the pedo UK royal family.
There is a big Crowder family in Southern Ontario, so yeah. Could probably find family connections on a genealogy site.
>better to be subverted by Israel
why does frank love the jews so much?
I wouldn't go that far as to blame them I believe we were always subpar to the americans but most of the degeneracy that is constantly pushed in Canada is due to America I'm sure of it. The more we are influenced by them the more politically correct and gayer we become.