Chinklink episode 11

I went outside and filmed people without their permission again.

Look up ‘cctv experiment’ on youtube. The jannies wont let me post links!

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>I went outside and filmed people without their permission again.

But why

Why are there so many shitskins?

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Asians you mean?

Question, you say you're from Eastern Europe when you're talking to the Chinese. Which country from Eastern Europe?

No, the dark skinned ones, 2 minutes in, i already see 2 African apes

ah, yes. how could ive forgotten?
i can cut the video with her and send it to her security office, she would get fired in an instant for that ‘go back to your country’ remark.

Should i do it?

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What kind of stupid question is this? But she wouldn't get fired anyway, we all know that nigs are protected class

she most definitely would. soemone that sprints for an attack without any information probably has had talks about her behavior before

what is your native language?

> I’m too dumb to figure out your NL flags means Netherlands

The biggest one.


You can't honestly be this stupid

you should to a compilation of your best clips at some point :D

I should. but my pc is so trash its easier to just go outside and shoot some new footage instead

Post link

i’ll get banned instantly.
The jannies turned the links of all my vids into ‘banned text’.
Pretty based but also annoying.

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why u steal from /x/?

Did you get my criticism of your videos from last thread?

Autistic. Was only funny when the American guy did it.

чyвaк, в Гoллaндии пoмoгaют людям c пpoблeмaми в гoлoвe, cхoди кo вpaчy, нe cтecняйcя

y тeбя cepьeзнoe coциaльнoe paccтpoйcтвo

thinly veiled chainlink shill thread

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I got a bunch from a lot of people.

you mean the less talking criticism or the keep the experiments equal thing?

fucking what? i might be autistic, but not mental

тeбe нyжнa пoмoщь ecли ты в cпeктpe, пoдoйди к этoмy кaк к экcпepимeнтy, пpиди к дoктopy c кaмepoй и пoкaжи cвoи видeo

You are one prime autist. Hats off rusky

if i speak russian that doesnt mean i can read it well too,

i should go to the doc and film? wtf are you saying

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stop harrassing people you cunt

calm down
im just filming

JUST filming

Youd be surprised

Is CCTV harassment?

You seem confused

filming and posting it online, go fuck off

>lives majority of life behind computer
>gets excited to show computer friends about the crazy "outside people"

why not?

Kys jew


make an experiment, go to the doctor, tell him you are worried about your social reactions and autistic trends, show him your vids and film his reaction

I don't know what is the other way to help you mate

just a video dude calm down

That's not the point hes making, hes pointing out people only care about surveillance when it's a person holding the camera. Brainlettes man.

CCTV is not up in your face, and then posted online for the whole world to see

How stupid can you be?