Jow Forums BTFO!!!!

Jow Forums BTFO!!!!

AOC just exposed the military industrial complex jews and neocons, and showed how to definitely pay for single payer healthcare. Literal goddess.

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Wow that's a lot of expensive ideas. Who is the generous trillionair who will pay for that!? Wow and so anyone can just immigrate in and get free housing and free healthcare? Surely someone has to be paying all those property owners and physicians for their property and labour respectively... But WHO....???

So, A.O.C. has finally outed herself as being a shill for the Chinese agenda.

To be fair. America has the dosh. They just blow it all on the military and Israel.

What rights do women not have yet?

>Not pictured: Who is going to be paying for it

If one had to guess based on their behavior, one would guess the right to shut the fuck up lol

they only get 50% when they leave you

I'd hit it because I have low standards, her ideas aren't bad except for the full on retard lgbtqiausrtgj and something.

I agree about reinstating Glass-Steagall, campaign finance reform, and ending privately run prisons.

I've been seeing this a lot lately. What the fuck is the A? Autistic? Are the taking the autistismos now and bringing them into the borg?

It's also difficult for women to pee whilst standing. The government must fix this inequality.

campaign finance will never happen. As soon as Dems realize thats their union cheddar they vote against it

You could cut the military and all foreign aid and not even pay for 1/3rd of medigibsmedats let alone all the other free goodie programs.

Do you know how much cheaper health care would be if they just freed up the fuckign market?

>Jews who want money don't want other jews to take their money and give it to niggers.

I fucking hate the health care debate in the country.

top kek, probably asexual

>medicare for all

>federal jobs guarantee

>gun control / awb

That's as far as I made it before closing the image.

Obama my nuts.

Under Obama's watch the US military and CIA including Africom and NATO wrecked Africa.

Ofcourse you can't blame Obama for that. It's us white people really in charge of things. We created the modern world. We house and feed the poor. We take from the rich and give to the needy. We free slaves. We kill rapists.

Blacks... still can't take responsibility for their own actions.

This is enough for me to kill niggers, kikes and browns indiscriminately. AOC radicalized me!

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Not true. And the money didn't disappear. You're investing in the American people to start businesses, live longer and heathier, and produce ideas/economic output than they consume.
But of course you won't be receptive to this idea if you're racist and believe poor and brown people aren't capable of anything worthwhile.

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The free houses will be built by conscripts, comrade.

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"America" has no money. AMERICANS have money. I ain't payin' for nobodyvs shit that I am not DIRECTLY related to. Fuck every gibsmegibsme nigger alive, no matter what their skin color is. If you want gibs, you're a nigger. Full stop.

>and showed how to definitely pay for single payer healthcare
Huurduur let's tax the rich they won't try to fight giving 70% of their fortune to the government or leave the country or anything huuuur duuuuuuur

Give examples of anyone who has come here from Central America or Mexico who has done anything besides make a living for their own family. If it's racist to accept that people from those regions have nothing to contribute and are going to almost definitely come here to take advantage of the better life we have to offer, then I'm a racist and you are too, because you know deep down in your bitter, jealous, cucked heart that I am right.

Jorge Ramos, AOC, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Julian Castro

And that's just in politics. If they're coming here, working jobs, and raising their families then i don't even know what that's a problem.

....What the fuck is the point of asexuals being in the LGBTQ? The whole point of asexuality is to not have a god damn sexuality and thus no sexual identity so ergo people who are asexual shouldn't give two shits about homos.
Christ they are the god damn BORG.

>AOC radicalized me
Can we get this meme rolling?
If we genuinely make everyone seem like a source for radicalization, not only will they go batshit crazy and start radicalizing people in the process, but it will make people more open to the idea altogether. It’s pretty genius.

How is that starting businesses and producing more than they consume? Show me someone who has come here and has done more than take care of their own. Politicians don't count because they've won the popularity lottery and you know it. Show me someone who has actually worked to start a business here and has made a significant impact. You can't.

He didn't say it was all negative, he just covered it as it was presented and critiqued the parts he didn't agree with.

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>this moderate radicalized me!
If people truly think it’s that easy, they might be more willing to accept the idea of it themselves. Fuck it, I’m starting a thread on this later. This is amazing.

To be fair you're a retarded nigger and nobody cares about you're naive point of view.

>>this moderate radicalized me
How is AOC a moderate? But, whatever, I encourage you to push "radicalized by the government."

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I see moldilocks transition is going well.

I’m saying the idea might work better targeted towards moderates instead of hardcore leftists, but either way seems fine to me. I’m definitely not saying AOC is a moderate.


>Ending private prisons

I'm ok with these.

>remove and deport field illegals
>ban outsourcing and get rid of welfare
>abolish minimum wage
>reinstate homelessness as a crime
>bring back workhouses
>basic accommodations, healthcare, clothing, food, and education for children
>wages are placed into an account inaccessible to the earner for as long as they're in the workhouse
>crime or refusal to work are an automatic boot from the workhouse and forfeiture of children
>state run prisons now force all convicts into uncompensated labor

What is with kikes/shills using "BTFO!!!" in every other thread? Do they lack that part of the brain to have any form of originality? We know they can't grasp reality nor comprehend events unfolding beyond a few minutes ahead.

I am asking the rest of Jow Forums this because I find interesting how act like petty children with their arguments and have the strangest victory conditions.

Not even angry at this point, it feels like Jow Forums is just being raided by the special ed class of some elementary school that are told to post some pictures and /paste some buzzwords around without really understanding any of it.

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I bet OAC can't even spell half the words on that agenda. She's a box of hair.

yeah no, US mandatory spending (which doesn't include defense) will exceed tax revenue. interest payments alone are on track to consume double digit percents of tax revenue.

i will vote for candidates like AOC, but only because i want to watch it all crash and burn

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And yet so important as to rival the president in name time

Asexual. Basically, it's everyone not cis male.

We're the new minority, bro. In a couple of years, we can start demanding shit. It's gonna be great.

>Glass Steagall
Yeah a little too late. Why reinstate it now when we'd literally be better off just crashing this economy with no survivors?

Don't forget that under Obama, Hillary and her crew wrecked Libya and Egypt, and were eyeing other countries, and reignited the cold war with Russia, because their Saud masters were irked that Russia was threatening their markets.
And NEVER forget what the Clintons did to Haiti. They looted an entire island nation, and they're not even close to starting to recover from that.

>thinking this
No, they're just gonna chemically castrate you or steal your children to mutilate their genitalia. The goal is white genocide, retard, and you're part of the target.

Who is Sean Hannity? I love him now

I lol'd at this one for a good 10s haha best laugh I had on the internet at years


Watch out Honkler there's a new mutt in town!

No he didn't. Lefties just assumed it was supposed to be negative because it was on Fox and they can't comprehend a news channel showing the unbiased plans of someone they disagree with since none of the channels they watch do so.

What have YOU done?

But I like to gamble on wall street - it's fun as fuck and you make money from doing it - fuck this wetback horsefaced bitch