Jow Forums lets say the truth it's over

First they came for Milo, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a freak.
Then they came for Alex Jones, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a conspiracy theorist.
Then they came for the Laura Loomer, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a dumb attention whore.
Then they came for the Gavin McInnes, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a clown.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak for me.

You thought you were winning the culture war, you were not.
We are deep deep in the abyss, there is no turning back.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good now maybe stop watching fags on YouTube and actually do something for once

Use alternative sites.

/pols/ themetune.

Nigger, we spoke out against all of those. Where were you?

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Outside of Jow Forums the world isn’t crumbling. Take a break and go outside, talk to your neighbors see what they’re up to, get to know them. Most importantly, have sex.

>You thought you were winning the culture war, you were not.
We are deep deep in the abyss, there is no turning back.
Well I guess it's time for the real war.

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And our absolute impotence was clearly demonstrated. What is the next step?

>have sex
Just ask me how I know that you are a fat tranny faggot who never had sex with a women and made the transition hoping to have a bit of attention in its life but you are so disgusting that not even gay man want to fuck you, Jessicah?


Reminder that he's just a pawn too

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Uhhh...I'm dry.

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this. I found myself a sexy EDM girl. She rocks my world. Let it burn.

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You know that crowder called up black buisnesses and harrased them over the phone without their concent because they where black for laughs right? Assuming your talking about crowder your implying anyone who isn't racist is a clown are you not? Is that really the hill you want to die on? That your afraid of brown people? Litteraly what are you losing here a shit tier "comedian" who's jokes consist of I'm dressed like a woman? Listen to cum town and actually quit being a mainstream cuck you can have free speech without being a retard

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Sounds like a lot of projection. Seems like you know quite a bit about the psyche of a tranny.

They're only appearing the win the culture war. They control the airwaves, not people's minds. Most people are not bluepilled, they just want you to think so and despair.

Enjoy your herpes

This is just your friendly reminder that Trump is a false hope and a zionist stooge. The elections are a fraud.

The only purpose they serve is to the (((elites))) who use them as a means to monitor the opinions of the masses. And thus provide a great opportunity to monitor the social conditioning and brainwashing that is inflicted on the population. With this knowledge they then make adjustments in policy to further cement their reign. Remember, all wars are won in the hearts and minds of the people, and the Jews practice a constant spiritual warfare against their host nation for control of it's destiny.

The left and right paradigm is a fraud that is designed to divide and conquer the population and stall all change via a yin-yang of tyranny. Except of course change which is (((permitted))).

Trump's election was used as a means for the kikes to study how the goyim could use a grass roots movement on the internet to overthrow their grip on the narrative. And now that the election has been thoroughly studied, the kikes are using this knowledge to censor every last avenue for free discussion they find.

This is why big-tech is Censoring you all across the internet. It is also why no politician will ever oppose them, because EVERY politician works for the same masters that google does. They only say they'll bust the trusts to give you false hope and thus placate you. Just like the border wall and repealing DACA have not occurred, the regulation of these tech companies will NEVER be happen. They keep playing this trick on you emotionally driven idiots over and over and you never learn.

Spread the truth, then fight back. This is the only way to freedom from (((them))).

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Shut up kike.

I spoke out for all of them and I was ignored, along with everybody else. That's the blackpill, no amount of speaking out changed a damn thing

And the stormer got it before all of those faggots. The fact you forgot about them shows you're just as harmful and part of the problem as the enemy

"There are consequences for challenging the revolution, and losing."

See you in the Gulags kameraden

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This doesn't end until he returns, and apollyon rises from tartarus.

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>That your afraid of brown people?
If he called them to laugh at them he doesn't sound very afraid. Maybe if he sent a mob after a teenager for smiling while white I would be convinced of hate. Show flag

daily stormer was made by a bunch of guys that were shooting at their feet everyday.

This 100%.

Keep pushing back. We need to win the info war before we can fight in the race war.

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And you said this meaningless drivel, why? Even if my voice is taken, I won't falter from my beliefs. Your words are empty ans shallow, and I bet you just wanted to shitpost for (You)s. Take this one and off yourself. You will have to kill me to end my anger.

>You will have to kill me to end my anger.
You're already dead.

May I ask, who are you?

>dox yourself

The pettines of the vermin that king David left behind.

Uncle Chang
Seguir Seguir a @UncleChangNYC
Youtube deleted the video where all I did was replace "white" with "jew" in @HuffPost @Salon articles

It's a slow boil.

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Dude if you want a real suggestion, stop being hung up over dreams of insurgency and get a grip on your life. Banking on politics to solve your issues is like asking money from a loanshark, except the currency you end up paying with is time with overwhelming interests.

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yah herpes is not very rare these days though

my life is fine. But our culture is sick, and the thought of trying to raise a family in this environment horrifies me. It needs to be changed politically.

Milo isn't even really on the right. He's just a faggot troll

Fuck off to the woods then. I doubt you aren't already living in one though.

>seek momentary pleasure
>kill your own people
>do not resist or think for yourself
>pussy pussy pussy
>candy drugs movies
>eat the bait and shut up, goy

Nigger CHAOS speaks for us. We don't rely on human might.

Daily reminder That Walter Leland Cronkite Jr., aka Walterstein CronKIKE, Is the father of 9/11.

If Walter never openly opposed The US Vietnam War, America would have defeated the NVA and caused the Soviet Union to suffer a morale defeat. The lack of confidence would have brought upon the recession of the USSR's ambitions and prevent their occupation Afghanistan. US involvement in would have never been necessary therefore eliminating the need to put the Mujahideen through Glownigger training. All of this ultimately enabled Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden to turn on the US and plot numerous terror attack against the American people. Walterstein's actions brought us nothing but trouble, and that trouble came to a climax on November 11th, 2001 leading us into more wars and more American lives lost.

Let us never forget the actions of the horrible media propagandist known as Walter Cronkite and the many other members of the (((media))) who lead us down this path.

Press S to spit on grave.

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you are telling people to run from the problem. This accomplishes nothing, as eventually it even comes to the woods.

K so you don't actually care about censorship if it's someone you personally don't like. Get fucked kike, you're a part of the problem and completely lack any awareness