Best way to hurt youtube??

OK I just wanna do my part in this political war we seem to having at the moment. How do you block youtube ads on a mobile device such as an iphone or an android? Asking for a friend.

Pic is my new youtube recommendations. Anyone else have them completely reset?

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Other urls found in this thread:

There are adblockers you can download for either. Barring that, download Brave for your phone and use that as they block ads

>adblockers you can download for either

Such as?

Attached: 1438491547789.jpg (225x224, 13K)

Install Newpipe on your android phone

>Best way to hurt youtube
By using it as little as possible and only to market your brand then building your own website and upload your shit there. Youtube should only be a mirror of your content. Basically don't put all your eggs in the same basket.


OK thanks.

just take it user like the bitch you are, just like you pay all those taxes. Just sit back and watch your world burn.

Remember those Lizard Squad guys from 2014? Whatever happened to them?

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semes like all he does now is play league if you look at his twitter, idk about any other members

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Just use firefox with adblock on Android. That's what I do.

Thanks fren.

An ad blocker, you fucking idiot.

Download Youtube premim apk cracked, that's what I do.

In the browser, I always use adnauseam.

they're in full fucking damage control HAHAHAH youtube is sinking

Lie on the surveys if you don't adblock. If you see ads for x say you see ads for y. Ads revolve on the basis of need, more money will be spent on ads which will already have been seen, ideally on things nobody wants.

Newpipe on tablet/phone.

What is it?

I wasn't subscribed to Varg before

I will now

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Blocking ads mostly just hurts the creator. There will have to be another way as well.

It's such BS that videos have two fucking ads per video now. Next it will be four.

Post videos on Bitchute to make that site a viable alternative. Anything that's either public domain or has a copyright that's barely enforced needs to be put there.

Good thing good creators aren't monetized

... videos have ads? WTF are ads anyways?

Encourage makers to upload on other platforms and go watch them there. Encourage others to also follow through.

That's all we can do atm.

Thats what those morons dont get. Bitchute currently isn't seen as a viable option because there isn't enough exclusive content being put there. What they don't realize is they are the one at fault for this. Kind of like when feminist bitch about not having enough women in stem but they go around a get a women studies degree...

We could also invade the comment section with banter against youtube plebs. Innocent shit like:

>I watched it on bitchute and holy shit it was so much better without the censorship
Gonna make people curious like tards and drive traffic up

Glad conservatives finally understand the importance of trustbusting.

Alphabet corp is google and youtube etc. There was an idea to mass click on certain targetted ads on google that would backfire. Like lawyer specialist targetted ads, they pay an insane amount -- do a search for malpractice lawyers and click away. Google will send them a bill in the 6 digits range and they will freak out and sue google. Do this across the country and get ten thousand bloodsucking lawyers suing google.

>Best way to hurt YouTube?

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Great idea

I miss her bros

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this is a good way to do it

Just make your own platform you baby

Use AdNauseam. It fucks with YouTube/Googles advertising model and effectively makes all advertising worthless to those who pay for it.

Nassim was a cunt

a browser like brave blocks ads

or use mpsyt

upload MASSIVE 4K videos that get no views so they have to save them on disk

don't subscribe to channels, save them in bookmarks folder and periodically check them

Attached: brave.jpg (700x500, 56K)

Obligatory message to trigger the commie bastards that hate my country and my flag on this board.

To everyone else, please ignore.


Lolbergs get the gas

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Youtubers also should only use their channels as a announcement one with a link to their bitchute channel to see the actual video. Kind of like how murdochmurdoch uses his. This way people would be forced to watch it on bitchute and it will slowly move traffic to bitchute.

the only way to hurt youtube is to get pewdiepie kicked off. millions of people will boycott youtube and migrate to wherever he moves.

Mass flag the S. Africa video

You people are faggots. What; you're in some kind of war?? You're faggot babies like these homo supporters who can't deal with it when other people don't agree with you or you can't control or "own" them. YouTube is a gay corporation. You can't control what they do. If these content creators get deplatformed so be it. Don't be a tribal boomer faggot. That's when you turn into a Jew Vox entitled zoomer. Go to Bitchute, read a book, or let something develop on it's own. The reason they can'r meme, understand this place, or ever get counter culture. is because they're uptight spoiled brats who take themselves too serious without being serious about what they're doing. Let it burn or hit the Reset button, but don't be like them. Don't act as though you've been dealt some blow and take it personal...these content creators really aren't changing the world.

Is there a one-click way for creators to upload to bitchute (or other video hosting sites) when they publish to YT?
If there's something out there, we should bring awareness to it and build up bitchute's library.
Also, contact YT channels for permission to upload their library to bitchute, incentivized with a revenue split once there is monetization or just hand them the keys?

god you'd ave to make him the new god of the "Alt Right/Crist Church"

Let it go.....Really....

Jewtube banned me today for muh hate speech lol

Head to bitchute