Im an alcoholic

kicked pot
kicked nicotine
havent kicked caffeine
am drunk
want to kick all of it

but holy fuck im bored as FUCK and want to get more wasted but that wont help

what the fuck am I supposed to do to trigger some dopamine fuckin fuck fuck fuck

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i have tons of hobbies but, alas, i cannot kick the drink either. for me it has something to do with my attention span being reduced to that of a flea, from years of the internets and vidya

When you sober up, find some shrooms, eat 5g alone and you'll understand why you need to quit booze too. Maybe.

trying to make things or work on things like fixing stuff or building crap is what keeps me away from the substances.. easier said than done i know. i hope your doing better soon

Just quit and take some GABA & B-Complex supplements to balance your brain's chemistry out. Oh, and remember to hydrate well. You'll be fine.

Find christ. Spread his word. Kill Jews and muslims.

Forgot to mention that I just recently quit pot. Starting to feel much better. Next up is the nicotine/caffeine jew.

Alcohol is fucking boring. It doesn't make your life any better. I just recently kicked pot and realized my dependence on it was all in my head. Then it became easy.

ive never tried this remedy, does it work well for you?

Hello CIA

Yeah, balancing out the GABA levels makes me feel relaxed & alert at the same time, aka normal, something I'd only be able achieve with alcohol/benzos because they primarily affect GABA receptors.

>I just recently kicked pot and realized my dependence on it was all in my head.
Pot definitely produces withdraw symptoms for a few days.

Drink some water and put two table spoons of sugar in it.
Go for a walk.

Google AA meetings. See how bad it can get.


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It really does. People saying that pot is not physically addictive are idiots. I'm on day 3 now, just starting to get over the cold sweats and residual anxiety. Starting to dream again as well, though they've been kind of nightmare tier and will probably remain that way for a week or two.

The next president is in our thread!

>Starting to dream again as well,
Be careful, you might blow a load while sleeping.

cannabis is relatively easy to stop. I have half of a vape pen left and I don't plan to renew my card. alcohol was relatively easy for me. pot is, at most, mildly psychologically addictive. the same cannot be said for cigarettes, the gateway drug.

unironically go to an aa meeting
seeing how absolutely fucked up you might eventually get is prime motivation

Life's boring. Sorry.


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I'm at rehab in Costa Mesa, California AMA

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Also on day three. Stay the course, user. I already feel better. Used to wake up at night and raid the fridge. I only do that if I have smoked pot that day. Waht a fucked up habit.

How do I know if I'm an alcoholic?

if u drink too much

this + porn

Take up hunting and fishing. You'll realize then that real fun, fulfilling fun, can be had without drinking.

Maybe you have ADHD in that case you're going to be painfully bored no matter how sober you get

son of a bitch how do I not drink

this shit is harder to not do than breathe

I doubt it. It's never happened before, but probably would if I went NoFap.

motherfucker im from kentucky you do both of those activities as wasted as possible from age 7

Watch some porn, edge for a couple hours.

Part of being a white man means drinking lots of alcohol, its the only way our kind can cope with reality. Pot is really hard for me to kick, its so cheap and it makes almost anything fun.

It really is a dirty, grimy habit. Weed helped me through problems as a teenager somewhat, but does jack shit for me as an adult.

Read the power of habit

I found booze is really easy to quit with some kratom tea to relax.
I used to drink a bottle of wine every night.

I know it's trading one degenerate habit for another but the hangover costs and damage to the Jody that alcohol does is extreme. Kratom doesn't seem to have any hangover although it makes you feel Kinda slow and stupid, at least there's no physical pain

i tried kratom 2 years ago

all I did was use it to get more effect from my alcohol

Well, not really something I would recommend with loaded guns and all.

>What the fuck am I supposed to do to trigger some dopamine fuckin fuck fuck fuck
Kill yourself. You were brainwashed into wanted more dopamine by the msm and no you have to get a dopamine hit every second bc you would die if you don't. You can either become a sheep getting likes on social media or you can kill yourself. Your call.

I mixed the two once and lost completely control of myself and went on a rant to my friend about how much I hate niggers, we were out with a bunch of people I had never met before and they stopped inviting me out lmao

Go work out.

dude you're a big pussy
that's all you need to realize
is you can't quit because you're a fuckin wimp at your core
either you quit and you aren't or you're just a fucking wuss at the end of the day

that's all there is too it
do you want to be a sissy for the rest of your life?
I know plenty of people that have quit
and others that talk about how much a badass they are or were
but can't stop taking drugs or moderating any behavior or doing anything remotely aesthetic
they are spiritual give ups
those who see the mountain and cry
instead of just starting the slow walk through it

btw google should give me a free automagic car for filling out these fucking captchas

I went on a huge full auto destruct bender for the last few months with booze. I hate booze. Have been a weed man for years. But since Xmas I’ve been drinking every few days and drinking hard. Not relaxation drinking but full obliteration. Drowns out the screams and world noises. Also have PTSD which explains a lot. I’ve cut back to once a week now and I never want to drink that much again. Hit an AA meeting bro. Fuck anyone on here that calls it down. It works and you’ll have support. If you want to get sober bad enough you’ll literally do anything. Triggering dopamine just leads to further addiction whatever it is, drugs, gambling, gash, vidya. You’ll just be a dry drunk.

This-- go for a run right now in your drunken state and quit the shit tomorrow. Everytime you get a craving to drink, workout. You don't have to go to a gym either. Do 100 pushups at your own pace or run. This naturally boosts dopamine and after 3 months of doing this you'll be a savage.

Goodluck user

Try surviving abstinence.

Get back with your gf

Where can I find shrooms

Drink GHB instead

on day 90 after 120 days of swed.
So close, yet 9 hours drive away. :'(

I quit drinking and found that it was quite boring. Had to take up other pursuits, mostly exercise. Couldn’t watch TV anymore cause it was too stupid. So join a club. You need an activity to fill the time. Maybe get buff and go on tinder.

Ow pasture.


I tried to find a park and I'm out of town for work and Indiana sucks dick none of the parks have trails so I ended up just buying an 18 pack and doing 100 push ups in my hotel room. I really did want to do cardio until I puked. Fuck Indiana.

I will consider your words.

how does a canadian get ptsd

when did you fight for israel

I'm in fantastic physical shape and after a 16 hour shift at my construction job it would still require ironman tier bullshit to make me drink less than 12 beers

but I owe her money and she lives 2400 miles away so I can't

in the ground

This from a man whose country just gave $38 billion to Israel. Cope Amerinigger. You’re a Jew bitch. $38 billion. And you’re one accident away from total bankruptcy and family ruin. Enjoy your freedom kike groupie.

did you not understand my question

to think I'm the drunk fella