Would you rather have:

Would you rather have:
>a) The white ethnostate be established
>b) Anime become real

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B causes A to happen, so B.

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White ethnostate established. thumbing my nose at kikes is better than sex

Attached: 1429423132418.jpg (314x246, 21K)

white ethnostate, literally retarded question

They are the same thing

I would

They're both equally probable.


Is said anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
If so: yes.

>everyday living is a chance getting killed by some rando stand user


fuck white people

Attached: D7-jaFdUwAAqwRW.jpg (786x1200, 158K)


make anime real
if you make anime real, the path to a white ethnostate can be enacted swiftly

>fuck white people
b-but anime are white people

B for A

Attached: 1559777732311.jpg (520x537, 35K)

so you are planning to get rid of all things you own that are invented by white people, right? along with never using them again


B for A

Attached: Senko-San 10/10 Waifu.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

Anime become real, is that a fucking joke??? Take me to fucking anime land! fuck the white race.

You're Hispanic, stop worrying about white people things.


Anime is non-White and doesn't belong in White nations.

Anime was created by white people you idiot

B for A

Attached: tanya.jpg (640x960, 180K)

>perfect waifu
consider suicide

Anime, because Rednecks are annoying retards

>thinking you have to choose
A will invariably lead to B

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Why even fight? B is already real and one step closer with robo waifus coming along.

B is A, but even better.

the only correct answer is A
if you answer anything else then you're a weeaboo faggot and/or a kike


Attached: Tanya von Degurechaff | Youjo Senki .jpg (650x650, 100K)


Fuck off stormfags

Pick up a book you dumbass mutt.

>b) Hentai become real

a fang is cute

Attached: Senko and Shiro.jpg (714x1000, 220K)

This is why fox women should not be allowed in the police force.


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b happens and then suddenly it causes a to happen.
But A of course if I had to choose


Attached: Tamamo no Mae.jpg (846x960, 95K)

Fpbp /thread