Tfw right-wingers start talking about antitrust laws and breaking up monopolies because they got fucked over by tech...

>tfw right-wingers start talking about antitrust laws and breaking up monopolies because they got fucked over by tech giants
Wtf are we comrades now?

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Being right wing != being a corporatist
We leave that to the lolbertardians.

The solution is to replace them.

More like undoing the active step of governments supporting these platforms and even partially funding them

turn off your vpn because you obviously don't live in america and haven't for at least 30 years

>What is National Socialism?

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The forces of capitalism did that.

Breaking up monopolies was supported by the right for decades.

>give commies power
>take away commies power
>OMG are we ALL commies now?!
fuck no

No, fuck off

Yes, you promote traditional morality and we'll help you smash corporations.
Improved wages and national healthcare depend on closing the border. We can work together on that too.

Capitalism bestowed the state with the power to decide which companies live or die? To harvest taxes and spend them as they wish? No child

Democracy did this

Monopolies are the exact opposite of basic capitalism doctrine you goddamn retard. Couldn't expect less from a technocrat cocksucker.

>trusts tech giants
Useful idiots...

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Only if you stoop trying to DISARM US
We need the weepons for the revolution

You live in a corrupt shithole that produced the richest man in the world.

We are more alike on issues pertaining to controlling groups then either of our ideologies will ever admit. Fascism is a derivative of the socialist movement after all, It was just personalized by the numerous great war veterans that were drawn to its customized socialist message. We need to stop sperging out and just molotov-rippentrop out of our problems.

No? You want to fuck everyone over with a giant monopoly. Drink gasoline.

"The forces" use capitalism as a brand and means to exert their punishment on those that they deem threats.

Who got rich thanks to his pals in the government. Which were (((((center))))) left. Who would have known?

Classic liberalism has always been for small businesses

Crony capitalism is big corporations

The slightest bit of moderation and now you think we're commies? Fuck you, commie-kike!


Jews are censoring the goyim again.

Why do you support that?

You and I live in a shithole that imports shitholers for the fuck of it. may live in a shithole nation, but we host all of worlds shitholers for some meaningless talmudic purpose.

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I thought lolbergs claimed that in TRUE CAPITALISM monopolies were bad and wouldn't exist?

The slow march towards the third way

>all regulation is socialism
Loving every laugh.
We've been doing this shit since before Teddy Roosevelt.

>Why do you support that?
I don't. I think you Nazi's say some dumb conspiracies, but I still think you should be able to say your retarded rants. Besides, I hate corporations even more than Nazi's.

rothschild isnt mexican

This. The right has been calling for the break up of monopolies for awhile now you stupid faggot.

That's the implication. Silencing the Right will eventually lead to a docile constituency that will support disarming. You've already seen the effects of the last 50-30 years of propaganda no?

No, you're just ignorant. Being right-wing is about adherence to tradition and proper order. It has nothing to do with letting corporations do whatever they want. Especially corporations that only got their dominant position with state help in the first place.

Mexico is a shithole BECAUSE Carlos Slim is the richest man in the world and buttbuddies with Carlos Salinas. Mexico should be worth trillions with all the minerals and oil they have, but they aren't worth shit because it isn't developed correctly.

The Mexican government encourages and entrenches oligarchs, especially after the end of the Cold War when most of Mexico's publicly owned companies were privatized when the US really encouraged people to "go capitalist".

The reason mexico is then fucked up is similar to why russia is fucked up- in the 1990s oligarchs bought up a lot of formerly public corporations and these became monopolies.

Why is this bad you ask? Because a dozen corporations all fighting each other for limited customers leads to a larger economy and more work opportunities than a handful of oligarchs dividing up the pie with each getting his own guaranteed slice.

This is also why the US has become shittier, since banks and telecoms and internet companies have been fusing into monopolies (despite the US government deleting Bell Corporation decades ago, the baby bells are merging back together). Monopolies have little reason to innovate or develop resources in order to reduce costs for customers, it makes more sense to pull from established sources and scalp the customer for as much as possible.

Competition between companies and strong unions creates prosperity, monopolies and weak unions creates the great goblino empire.

Regulating capitalism is not the same as communism.

Cease the degeneracy and you have the right on your side.

Whatever, close the border.

Watch the doc "Europa the Last Battle" if you can still call yourself a communist by the end of the first episode all hope is lost.

It’s a shit hole because it’s full of mexicans you idiot

Busting Trusts is a nationalist policy

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Does this act change youtube from a publisher to an editor?

To be honest, most people in general want to break up monopolies. The only people who like monopolies are the people who are directly involved in them.

Monopolies only persist because the people involved in them like to bribe politicians and the news media.

yes bro brown red alliance, reminder lenin hated sexual degenerates and faggots

We both hate rich dudes fucking us in the ass, lets work together and rid the greedy jews together

>Yes, you promote traditional morality and we'll help you smash corporations.
Regulating corporations in a different way is likely a more reasonable solution.

>Improved wages and national healthcare depend on closing the border
That's just one of MANY factors involved.

Sort of. Corporations like to rig elections in their favor. I wouldn't call this "inevitable under capitalism" though. It's possible for the government to regulate campaign finance without seizing the means of production.

national socialists and communists were actually allies at one point - people forget about that

Not really.
Monopolies are possible under capitalism ... though not exactly unavoidable.

Monopolies are due to cronyism.
Of course it had to be the leaf with the retarded post.

National SOCIALISM still means commies get to eat lead, nothing's changed.

>You want to fuck everyone over with a giant monopoly.
This is only true if he is a Leninist.

national socialist and socialist are so close if you actually look at what they stand for, it would blow your mind.

>Logical loopholes
>Ignorance of IQ graphs
>Blaming all problems on one problem, ignoring the macrocosm of variables.

Sounds like you are a liberal man. Face it, Its because Mexico is full of bean people.

>It was DEMOCRACY that gave the government more power than it should have!
>the solution is FASCISM!
What a fucking galaxy brain take lmao

Throwing aside convoluted political intricacies that nobody worth considering cares about we differ only on the scope of who we want to kill and how we want to accomplish it. I think you are retarded as well but the retards of the world need to unite against the tard wranglers. We have to stop kvetching about the little shit for once.

>monopolies aren't a problem

It doesn't really matter what you say because lolbergs are so childish as to ignore the first and most important rule of humans. Numbers are power, faggot. Individuals lose. Enjoy getting gulag'd, little faggot.


>Classic liberalism has always been for small businesses
I'm pretty sure that the original "classic liberals" were united in their opposition to the divine right of kings, but disagreed on everything else.

>The slightest bit of moderation and now you think we're commies?
Regulated capitalism is still capitalism.

>The right has been calling for the break up of monopolies for awhile now you stupid faggot.
The right?

Simple Christian farmers have been calling for the breakup of monopolies. Neocon CEOs? Not so much. The right is not all the same throughout.

>Wtf are we comrades now?
lol no

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>Being right-wing is about adherence to tradition and proper order.
"Right-wing" and "left-wing" mean a lot of different things to different people.

>It has nothing to do with letting corporations do whatever they want.
Tell that to the neocons. They have a definition of "right-wing" that differs with yours.

Anybody who wants to take down the rich is a comrade to me in these days. We'll deal with our differences later

To be fair, Teddy Roosevelt was all over the political spectrum. He wasn't easy to categorize.

>right winger

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Lenin actually legalized homosexuality in the Soviet Union. It was Stalin who made it illegal again.

I'm a Fascist, not a retard.


It was always a very tense agreement though. That's why it didn't last.

What would prevent monopolies in a "free market" system?

This is why I'm Libertarian and not Ancap.

... except that socialism was originally about collectivizing the means of production. The Nazis never did this.

Jow Forums has wanted to break up monopolies for years though

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>corporations control the state
>anti corporatist
money beyond a reperesentation of simple barter is a retarded concept

No. You still get the rope.

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We can unite, don't listen to those that wish to toil in obscurity!

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What party broke up the oil companies?

The Republican Party, before it became over run by neo-cons and Libertarians over a century ago.
The GOP today are literally the biggest obstacle to right wing success in America. Free Trade!

No, that's the private jewish-owned Federal Reserve that did that. Capitalism only exists when a cabal of criminals don't print money for their black ops pet projects.

I'd fuck a cute commie

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We both follow revolutionary goals.

Even libertarians were against big corporations.

It was always small business.

if the monocle man had a star on, it'd be perrect

Free market capitalism isn't right wing.

Capitalists funded communists. Now what?

But there are no communists in the US that support the working class there. They are all open borders shitheads.

He has stated that he is against open borders. Stating that only greedy billionaires and corporations want it for cheap labor.

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It's right wing in the sense that it's the promulgation of a certain kind of hierarchy.

>the democrats have fought corporatism

Maybe if you admit that
>Faggotry and Transgenderism are symptoms of the corruption created by the bourgeoisie and needs to be suppressed for the benefit of the state.
>Racial grievances are a tool of the corporate class specifically designed to cause infighting and tension among the worker classes to distract them from the truth of the class struggle.
>Merit and work should be the only determiners of position, advancement, and reward.

Stop using minorities as foot soldiers for your ideology and then we can talk

Obligatory message to trigger the commie bastards that hate my country and my flag on this board.

To everyone else, please ignore.

Just because I don't want to see a monopoly in the market place doesn't mean I support communism. The United States built the internet and for the longest time we have enjoyed first amendment rights in its use, It is now a staple of our society and we must guard it from the machinations of the Bourgeois. I just want to protect our liberal democracy which is under attack right now. I would say I'm closer to a February Revolutionary than an October one.

He's a pied piper who gave his huge war chest to Hillary even though he could have kept it and had a bigger head start on 2020 than anybody.

The dude's a shill and you got played. No refunds, cuck.

Rino nigger lovers get the rope

Lolbertarians get the rope.

Pretty much this. Almost every classical liberal or pro democratic thinkers were against monarchy cuz muh rights to select the low denominator to lead

Eliminate limited liability corporations. All owners are now personally responsible for the actions of its employees.

>1 post by each of these IDs
>posts nearly identical comments
Why even bother cycling the VPN if you're going to be so obvious? Unsage BTW.

Only leftists and their neocon cousins like giant corporations, the former when they're nationalized, the latter when they pay lobbybux or bring in war profits.