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>all photos taken under obongo

bump stocks banned under trump
Supressors soon to be banned under trump

trips of truth

Fuck your mentality
I'm gonna reverse this trips fuckery this time

You failed. Now begone.

Do something if you care then.
That isn't "bomb the capital building kiddo". I mean organize or something.
Fucks sake.

Double dubs dab on trips


Yeah, Drumpf is a bad boy, vote for Bernie, goy-...uh, I mean fellow white man.

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I like the bombing buildings option more though that's probably because of my potato nigger ancestry.

So is losing so there is that.

t. Spook trying to use reverse psychology

>Being so incapable of having someone criticized you make up strawman to attack
Our only hope at this point is the supreme court.

Trump is unironically a kike. Get fucked schlomo.

If you subscribe to the belief that the Jews control everything, I doubt they'd want Sanders in charge. He's pretty clearly pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist. He'd probably get along with Netanyahu about as well as Obama did.

>criticized you
Wanna know how I know your nose is visible a full second before you round a corner? It sounds like you've been found out

Guys, instead of just complaining here, complain to your representatives. Join the Firearms Policy Coalition, Gun Owners of America. Have educated informed discussions with people to spread awareness. Participate in all, yes every single one, of your elections.

WHAT? How dare you try and peddle your logical thinking here! Don't you know this is Jow Forums?

Jews will push anything that creates division amongst whites and distracts people from recognizing our actual problems. Having progressive trash like Sanders win would create more chaos and allow them to implement more globalization and centralization.

Are you a retard? Trump absolutely failed in every point he promised. That doesn't mean voting for a commie is ok.

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"Trump has failed you, we should all just give up and open the borders, it's over for us. And that's a good thing!"

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Join the GOA and start a protest.

Suck my dick, faggot. Don't vote for either.

"I'm not trying to demoralize you, goy! Orange man bad!"

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Lol a Democrat will win 2020 I'm not voting for hairpiece newyotk faggot again

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Neither of those comments alleged that. You're the fucking problem, trump is a turncoat piece of shit.

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>Poltard cope

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"Be a good goy and give up."

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"Orange man bad, you crazy reactionary!"

>I heard you goyim hate us uhh I mean those jews fellow American Nazis
>Im sure they would hate it if you vote honoray kike Trump
>I mean no like we care because all your options are kosher

Do you know what a shibboleth is? You should just leave. No arguing, you have been found out. Just go.

My friend
I am doing just that.

Suck my uncircumcised dick you anti 2a piece of trash.

I love eating the kosher sandwich.
If it's the top bun- it's conservative policies that further jewish interests
And if it's the botttom bun- it's liberal policies that further jewish interests

pffff hahaha. Thanks for the laugh, needed it after all these shareblue FUCK DRUMPF threads. Holy shit people do you want to replace RGB or what?

>create more chaos
And Trump hasn't? If anything, he's unified support for more globalization by associating anti-globalism with his stupidity.

>implying Ginsburg hasn't been dead for months
Totally not suspicious at all that she was in the news daily right up until people started asking for proof of life, where we got one single still photo which, when examined, revealed it had pixels from the actual photo they cropped her out of still attached, wearing an outfit from 3 years ago like no one would notice

Jow Forumsedditors now loves obama. based drumpf

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Is dead

everyone knows it
but no one is talking about it
news papers are owned by the jew

No one's saying that you massively low I.Q. retard. The fact is, Trump is working with (((them))). It doesn't matter who wins the election because in the end they all march to the (((beat))). Bernie could win and it literally would make NO DIFFERENCE as to what happens. Trumps presidency proved that. We had a President who openly talked shit about illegals, closing the border, being pro-SA, but his presidency was worse for conservatives than Obamas in many ways.

While i used to laugh at this summation.

We now see a BLATANT over the TOP
display of what you are bringing up to

Its LITERALLY taking place.

>give up
You're giving up by continuing to vote for a system that has proven itself beyond a reasonable doubt 100% rigged. The only thing left is armed revolution but we know you won't cast the first stone.

Exactly. A president who openly stated we need to shut the internet down because of the thing people read on there aka FREE SPEECH. He said forget due process and take the guns. He banned bump stocks and is going after suppressors. And that he wants RECORD NUMBER immigration numbers so long as it's (((legal))). How the fuck is any of that based? Can any serious fucking cuckservative explain this other than their 4D chess bullshit?

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take it to pol faggot


"Just give up or start an armed revolution, but also don't start an armed revolution cause you would be the only one. This is unwinnable so it would probably be best to just stop having white children, you know, fellow white man?"

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"It doesn't matter who wins so definitely don't vote for Gronald Plumpf, goy."

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Both the GOP and DNC exist for corporations, and corporations will always eventually exist for Israel. Advanced market controls are the only thing that will break society back down to individuals willing to actually live virtuously.

You cannot change my mind.

Why are you straw manning that user’s argument every single post.

You do understand that their may be quite a few gun owners on this board that hate any politician that isn’t pro gun, right? I mean fuck, I’ll probably vote for the retard because he’s slightly less likely to sign anything too bad but he’s still a New York liberal that only goes to NRA convention because it’ll give him votes. Name one pro gun policy or EO he’s adopted, both his SCOTUS picks were pretty shit.

Oh I see, you're a Jewish demoralization agent.

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Now you're getting it, Shlomette. Trying to advocate for the "Drumpf is bad, better to just totally disengage from voting," is shekel-think. Baby steps, you fucking clowns.

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I literally said I was gonna vote for trump


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you would think the handgun longgun thing would be the opposite

Now I understand why republicans said never Trump.
They apparently knew he was a fucking Retard 80's Democrat that was far worse than McCain could have ever been.

You've been found out. Now fuck off

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So you admit to the first part and now you're trying to distract. Begone kike. Your pilpull is weak

everybody actively participating in this thread is a summerfag

Jews are not uniform. Zionist jews and the jews that control America are not the same.

Or we are so pissed that we are here venting.
or that.

t. guy that came here a few times in 2016 and now calls anons summerfags

Where did this come from

Moved from Jow Forums. Can't talk about gun politics on a gun board apparently

A sign of Jow Forums failing?

What the fuck happened to the poster id's?