What motivates your views Jow Forums?

Just curious to see what guided you all to right wing beliefs.

I used to do a lot of work and volunteering with pride, immigrants, disabled kids, etc, and I noticed as I adopted less liberal views my life had more meaning and productivity, hence I thought it best to expand those doctrines to the general population.

However I just had a talk with my boss, and apparently the things I care about (productivity, combatting depravity, meaning, etc) need only be considered by their implication on the individual and I need to take some time to rethink everything.

I want to keep believing in all that but pretty much all my coworkers have made a genuine heartfelt attempt to intervene with my politics and I'm just hoping to see that you guys hold your views with more conviction than just reactionary knee-jerk responses to liberal encroachments on your percieved identity, regardless of the nature or origin of the "encroachment".

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>what guided me to my beliefs
Relatives, they are racist as hell, and I love'em for it.
>What keeps me going
rage, pure unadulterated rage.

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i am 100% motivated by hatred for people that tell me i cant say things.

Life experience honestly. Almost everything I hear left leaning people say proves to be outright false, after thinking about what this might mean I looked into right wing views. I don't align with all of them, but at least they don't deal in quite so many falsehoods.

Generally I'm pretty lolbertarian, but if I have to pick left or right, I'll take right every time.

Having my country flooded with spices, niggers, and shitskins really opened my eyes.

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>What motivates your views
I just really hate social engineering

Cleanliness and infrastructure on par with Japan. A lower crime rate.

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The arabic I hear when taking the train. The frequency of black moms rolling around strollers with 3 children in them. Seeing 90% of my country say that immigration is the most important problem and 70% of my countrymen vote for parties who swore that they would tighten the immigrationlaws, to then be betrayed by a red headed whore who fucks goats at bilderberg meetings. I am a nationalist in a country that hates itself.

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My mere existence
Even as a child I had nationalistic ideas and viewpoints
Pretty strange being a 5th grader with the political consciousness of a Jow Forumsack, noticing all the propaganda and tomfuckery of primary school and even back then, hating shitskins with the energy of a thousand white hot suns.

my country history and i was born right wing, didnt need to become one like some

That when you lend a hand to people, they take the whole fucking arm. Just look at the gays for example, I lost any belief in being liberal.

I despise savagery, vulgarity and stupidity. People with this in their nature regularly hurt decent people and often take pride in having done so. They swagger while hocking up phlegm in public view. I don't think its wrong to hate barbarians that act like animals, especially when they refuse to be fixed and in theory should have a brain more the less the same as any other human.

I admire civilisation, technology and culture. The civilisations I admire most produce the finest examples of these. The ethnic groups I like the least squat on otherwise useful land and let it go to waste or worse act in ways that hinder civilisations growth. I don't think Its wrong to be disgusted by the sight of them.

If it were up to me I'd have them become civilised and live good lives, I don't want to be racist or classist or basically despise 90% of the people I see or cringe at the complete shit that comes out of their mouths. It doesn't bring me any joy at all, I wish humans were equal and the lies the population regurgitates were true. I wish I could be happy staring at tarmac, red brick and concrete or feel a sense of pride that humans are one big family going somewhere hand in hand. But I'm not and the only hope I have any real faith in is that technology will advance to the point where either humanity (including myself) can be fixed artificially or enough people who believe in civilisation can escape and start again elsewhere in the Universe.

and the worst realization that everything I hate about ethnomasochism can be attributed to my parents. They are great, but they are SUPER boomers. Even prefering to sell their cars to an immigrant student couple before another swedish student, even though the swedish student was prepared to pay more. My dad always is prepared to defend immigrants, and everytime some immigrant does something well or he hears a statistic(usually falsified) that speaks well of third worlders, he treats it like its some natural thing that immigrants are hard workers EVEN IF WE DISCUSSED THE REASONS AND FACTS SURROUNDING THEIR USELESSENESS and low productivity THE NIGHT BEFORE. I love my parents to the point of a fever pitch. This is why it hurts so much when I hear that they just wont listen to me.

tl;dr: I think I need somebody likeminded to talk to.

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Living with and working around blacks. Also noticing all of the crisis and suicide prevention centers in the gay parts of town. Seeing how bad latins are when working with them and finding out they make up the majority of sexual harassment issues n the work place.

Minding my own business since day one and screaming lefties get all up in my face trying to take my property and calling me a Nazi just because I don't want a dick up my ass.
I was all for live and let live until they decided that wasn't good enough so fuck'em.

Niggers moved and ruined my neighborhood

hoping for a racewar.

>people you know in real life making a "genuine heartfelt intervention" because they legitimately care about
>people you will never meet on the internet who would happily dox you for the lolz and who most likely have scant aptitude at anything

OP, what the hell are you doing here? You're one of the lucky ones. Most of these incels are Newtown school shooter types with no support networks.

The reason people come here is that no one cares about them, and that breeds anti-social attitudes, which leads to delusional thinking that is so absurd and clearly wrong it needs to be repeated in an echo chamber daily just to lend it a sense of legitimacy.

Drop this site. Talk more with your co-workers. You don't have to be a liberal, but you don't have to be a creepy lonesome goon on a Bavarian knitwear forum, either.

I hold right wings view because of my all pervasive cynicism, which does not allow me to partake in the quasy religious experience of a left who proclaim to do what they do because of an appeal to some kind of virtue of superior value. I can't buy into the dream or the myth of the unified humanity and all encompassing inclusivity that animates the left, and I'm more inclined to believe in the existence of unbridgeable gaps between various systems of values which are bound to enter into conflict as leftists insist that we should all be mashed into one another in order to arrive at the ideal generic / global a-historical human being.

For more, read John Gray.

I came out of high school a full on Colbert-watching white guilt atheist liberal-lite from eating all the public school programming. working closely with minorities taught me that colored people aren't the shining beacons of bravery and strength the TV said they were. Around that time I went lolbertarian and discovered Jow Forums, I guess 2012 or so.
Now the accelerating clownworld and Jow Forums reading just reinforce my politics. There's no going back to being a normal person, I've been on this fucking site too long and the outside world is so tiresome. I wanna go back to the days where Ron Paul was gonna save us all

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An unrelenting quest for truth

I noticed there aren't that many arguments against it. Take the election today in Denmark, all the critique of the new anti-immigration party is that the leader is evil, ugly, gay, looks like a troll, acts like Hitler etc. They never attack the belief.

>make it so every view but the company one is wrongthink and punishable
>people naturally seek freedom and a safe place to avoid the control
>hurr durr no one likes u cuz ur insane and that's why you won't bootlick and brown nose with me
Kill yourself, faggot fucking nigger lover. There's no such thing as an incel

Any rational person once they learn about the Jew comes to the same conclusions and beliefs

If you're going to operate on the hypothesis that the views that are held here are generally "obviously" wrong and thus marginalized in ordinary society then it immediately follow that people who do hold these views and what to talk about them will congregate in those places that are outside of normal society. The left usually refers to this as marginalization or something and I here they think that concept is important.

But being from the dominant school of though, you merely need to show up and present your analysis-as-insult of people here by "explaning" that they're on Jow Forums because they're losers. When you try to explain someone's behavior by saying that they have a small dick, are you actually convincing yourself than you're doing anything other than finding a convulated way of calling them dicklet?

I'm just a center left man who likes to hear different opinions from both sides. I don't like censorship and I don't like people telling other people what to do with their lives.

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>implying there isn't a wide spectrum of political thought outside Chanthink

Do you see this, OP? These are the kind of people who come here.

Look at all the other comments admitting that Jow Forums functions as a reinforcement mechanism for brazenly dumb ideas. These are miserable, lonely people, OP. They're losers. You have something they don't, and they're going to do everything they can to pull you back down to their level.

Scoff at liberals, needle academic blowhards, read Nietzsche, but for your own well-being, stop associating with these cyber-untermensch.

You must know on some level that this site is not conducive to a healthy mental or social life; otherwise, you wouldn't have poster such a thoughtful thread. Don't give up on your potential for the few shots of dopamine using racial slurs online gives you.

Notice that the OP doesn't even ask about whether he should keep coming to Jow Forums but rather about whether or not his views can be better motivated.

I'm happy to admit I think the people who gather here are losers. I'm confident I live a happier, and, yes, more normal life than most people here.

I'm not trying to convince anyone other than the OP, because, unlike most other posters ITT, the OP has a support system in place that cares enough about him to reach out, even if it produces discomfort on both sides.

I think showing him that Jow Forums is, for the most part, an addictive coping mechanism for socially inept, kissless blogger thugs is an effective way of revealing the contrast between he and his co-workers on the one hand, and all the people ITT on the other.

Er, actually, I'd rather like to engage in buggery with a woman on a more somewhat more regular basis than never.

I believe Deontology is a better moral system than Utilitarianism in fairness because of the freedom. Modern left wing beliefs are greater good arguments.

>Censorship for the greater good
>Affirmative action for the greater good
>Deplatforming for the greater good

Using Authority to create equality creates systems that push down privileged individuals rather than bring up unprivileged people.

But precisely because the OP allegedly has this support system yet came to hold the views that he hold, which I assume is what you consider to be problematic in the first place, he forms a counter example to your own insult-as-analysis retort and I strongly suspect that it doesn't do much for him. He presumably already know he's "not like those losers" and that he's not likely to become one. He didn't come here because he was socially disfunctional, and if he's been absorbing right wing thought for more than a little while, he must have a certain appreciation of the fact that there is plenty of, let's say, glorified disfunction on the left, albeit perhpas disfunction of another kind. (One could make the argument that the left is in the business of normalizing certain genre of dysfunction as an integral part of its program.)

One view on life does nothing but create, the other does nothing but destroy and loot, which side would you want to be on?

The only truth is going off center

Compulsory "equality" simply introduces various kinds of distortion in the system because of its mistaken belief that people can be _made_ equal. In the end, the only thing that can be bought out of these effort is the pretense -- for a certain powerful class who like to indulge in these kinds of pretenses -- of achieving equality. The pretense of equality is the taste of a dominant segment of society, imposed on the rest of us in such a way that it reinforces their own belief in the effectiveness of the pretense. (Somehow it feels more real if there's an enemy.)

Shocking based for a memeflag, that example was a real eye opener for me. I remember my dad telling me that gay marriage was the slow drip of indoctrination when I was young and I thought he was an ogre. How assured and wrong I was.

the truth

I think it was a bit shocking for all of us to see the end of the gay marriage debate immediately give way to the transgender issue and the great awokening.

>plenty of glorified disfunction on the left

Which is why I am not attempting to steer him to the proverbial "left," something I make clear in my posts. A broad matrix of social, political, and ethical thought exists in the world. I am solely trying to convince the OP that Jow Forums is not conducive to living either a happy life, or an intellectually rigorous one (and before you point it out, I know those two things don't always go together).

Anyway, the OP hasn't commented, and if he doesn't find my points convincing, so be it. If anyone is going to convince him of anything, it's going to be those people in his life who know him and who care about him.

>Which is why I am not attempting to steer him to the proverbial "left," something I make clear in my posts.

I basically interpret all of your coopting of right leaning language (e.g. your use of the word "untermensch") and of your middle of the road approach as being deradicalization strategies designed to make you seem friendlier than you really are.

"Fellow right winger, I'm here to tell you that you should step in the direction of moderation."

Gee weez, really mister?

>I am solely trying to convince the OP that Jow Forums is not conducive to living either a happy life, or an intellectually rigorous one

I hope to god no one comes to any online forum anywhere in search of intellectual rigor.

Which is why I recommended John Gray.

Obligatory message to trigger the commie bastards that hate my country and my flag on this board.

To everyone else, please ignore.

you weren't alive to remember you dumb leaf

Goons should have their throats slit.

Well I used to be oblivious to the outside world and believed in open borders, “free markets”, the media, etc. I did more work and casually stumbled on a video talking about our greatest ally. The comment section was a wasteland. I did more reaserch and eventually came to the conclusion that Jews influence everything and hate humanity for some reason which I still don’t understand. You couldn’t find a group of more vengeful and deceitful lying people if you tried. Meanwhile on the other hand seeing how minorities and others acted started to annoy me. Why can’t non whites be grateful for what they have here ? Why do people not care about the crumbling state of society? You have trannies galore, Israeli propaganda blasted everywhere, mass migration, faggots, lesbians and who knows what else. Beneath all those racial slurs you will find morsels of truth and the harsh truth on Jow Forums,