HAPPENING: Legendary conservative writer condemns the GOP as a "cult of Trump":

George Will - who has been a top conservative author and "public intellectual" for over 40 years - is abandoning the GOP until Trump is gone. This is huge news, since Will is an iconic figure for many American conservatives:

>George Will: GOP has become a 'cult' of Trump

>Conservative columnist and author George Will on Wednesday said that the GOP has become a "cult" of President Trump, attributing the shift to an "absence of ideas."

>"It has become a cult," Will said on MSNBC after being asked whether the Republican Party has become the party of Trump.

>"It has become a cult because of an absence of ideas. Because they have jettisoned the ideas for years, decades, all the 20th century almost. Conservatives said we're for free trade. Trump said, 'By the way, you're not anymore.' And they said, 'OK, we're not for free trade anymore.' Or they pretend to be."

>Will went on to describe what he explored in his new book, "The Conservative Sensibility," which was released Tuesday.

>"What I've done with this book is try to say conservatism has an enormously long and distinguished pedigree of ideas," he said. "It has a momentum into the future given by these ideas. And they did not go away, and they have not been refuted by the 45th president."



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Other urls found in this thread:


Write a book like Harry Potter or Game Of Thrones you old faggot
no one knows who you are

Like any boomer faggot matters any more.

Literally who?

>literal nobody suggesting all good things came from him.
what a dick head.

I smell neocon boomer. Anybody else smell neocon boomer?

>Reaganite faggotry that dominated the party for 40 years is gone
>some faggot whose career is built on that is asshurt that we're going back to the Eisenhower era

I hate boomers so much

>orange man bad
Look at this communist tranny shill. I wondr how much the jews payed him

Well thus far the GOP has been lock step with Trump's agenda amirite guyz

Be more mad trumpcucks.

You forgot you're meme flag kike

Actually, his latest book is already a best-seller.

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get out of my party and dont come back you ovverrated obama dick sucking neocon old turd.
like taking candy from a baby.

Why would someone make this shitty thread?

Fuck yourself newfag I was never part of your party.
Why don't you go worship Israel with your kike faggot president fuckface?


You mean hasn't been relevant in twenty years?

Trump has been a major disappointment, but I actually despise George Will.

Fuck George Will and fuck magazines like the National Review. They have been whistling past the graveyard for decades. They are like a squeaky brake that barely works on the leftist juggernaut that has been subverting this country for decades.

They aren't conservative. What the fuck do they even want to conserve anymore?
They are progressive light. There, I said it, people like George Will and the National Review are fundamentally progressives masquerading as "conservatives".

Besides, things have moved so far left, so fast, that conservativism is a vacuous concept at this point. What? Do they want to conserve the progressivism from 10 years ago because today's progressivism is just too radical? Then they do the same thing in another 10 years. They are so fucking useless sometimes I think that they did it on purpose.

At this point if you aren't a reactionary of some type you either don't really want victory over leftism or you are just not paying attention.

Did I mention just how much I hate people like George Will and journals like the National Review?

oh look another neocon globalist shill who made a career pretending to be a conservative. 90% of "republicans" in d.c. are just acting to give the masses the appearance of there being an opposition party.

Conservatism is not Republicanism. Conservatives have almost ruined the party, they can fuck off back to the conservative party. Bunch dick sucking neocon faggots.

>legendary = conservative the left wants the right to pay attention to

They did the same gaslighting with McCain, Bill Kristol, David French, Lindsey Graham, and even fucking Dubya.

You can stfu, Trumps kikeloving is accelerating the actual right into politcal action.

So, he sold out to the globo homos? Imagine my shock.

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>literal who that has spent 40 years pretending the southern strategy wasn't overt racism suddenly pretends to have a spine
No thanks, Mossad.

KEK kike forgot the memeflag.


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Kill yourself slave, you would make excuses if he bit off your son's foreskin himself.

Well shadow President Kushner did just get back from the Bilderberg meeting.

Neocon dirty rat octogenarian windbag.

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You are not wrong about them wanting to "conserve" progressivism of 10 years ago

>so irrelevant and out of touch that he doesn’t realize how horrible his timing is

>Legendary conservative writer


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I wondr who's behind this post.

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(((George will)))
((( (((George will))) )))
((( ((( (((George will))) ))) )))

You know you got a shitty argument when you have to drag that skeleton out of its closet.

Nobody cares about your boomer demigod.

Must be some downtime before bingo starts at the retirement home.

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>impeach hillary
Seriously though, the embassy brought more bad than good to Israel and they don't have a dime of that $38 billion, antisemitism is inherently wrong and so is racial supremacy. That goes for kikes too. There's literally a single Army company worth of troops in Syria or less by now as well.

>Inb4 show proof Israel doesn't have billions
Now fuck off.

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George Will helped get Ronald Reagan elected. He was Reagan's advisor while Reagan was prepping for his critical October 1980 debate against Jimmy Carter. In fact, some of Reagan's campaign advertisements were taken directly from themes presented in George Will's 1978 book "The Pursuit of Happiness." Will is not just some random jackass; he has a DOCTORATE in political science from Princeton.

Show some respect.

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This isn't really a "happening" user, unless he's left the republican party and is also shooting at them from a book suppository building.


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>shadow president

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Reagan introduced amnesty for millions of illegals, and ran the country according to his horoscope. He never got space lasers, despite talking about them for eight years, so no.

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>5 book reviews on Amazon, all from people without having a verified purchase
This seems like online marketing to me

He was being respectful. George wills success is manufactured, like his intellect. Another national disgrace posing as a patriot.

>Must be some downtime before bingo starts at the retirement home.
Or the next mass shooting happens

you mean amnesty Reagan?

> a book suppository
To each their own I suppose, it's a think volume.

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George Will is a faggot and needs to move on to his next life.

The American political system isn't a war between left and right to ultimately be "won" or "lost". It's a constantly oscillating back and forth between the two that finds a functional balance. Compromise that "most" can live with is inherent to the system and it's proper function.

>book suppository building


The left is the side showing classic cult behavior. Do Republicans shame people into supporting Trump? Do they ostracize anyone in their movement that has a different opinion on something? Do they threaten unbelievers with violence? Do they argue using pure emotion and declare everyone who's an outsider as some evil buzz word?

The left does all of these things. The right doesn't.


George Will is a long time common sense conservative with thoughtful moderate views on everything. He came up in an era when the moderate left and the moderate right weren't that far from the center, and it was possible for them to talk to each other, respect each other, and work together.

Maybe he just isn't able to grasp that those days are gone, that the media and the universities are utterly dominated by shrieking Marxist postmodern loons, that conservatives-so-called have failed to keep a check on the slide to the left, that moderate liberalism today is the extreme left of yesterday, that the Bill of Rights is at risk from the left, not the right, that now is a time for reaction not conserving.

I know old-time leftists who marched with MLK who still think the racial thing is about a hungry black man who steals a loaf of bread to feed his family and gets locked up for 80 years by a racist justice system. They cannot comprehend that those days are gone and have been replaced by something opposite and worse. Old-time conservatives are probably out of touch in the same way.

it is not oscillating

it just moves left with each passing year
This country has never moved right. If there is any oscillation, it only oscillates between slow and fast acceleration and deceleration but always toward the left.

Conservatives in the US just end up fetishizing the progressivism of an earlier decade and call it conservatism.

He's probably just mad that he cant influence the party like he used to.

> angry never Trumper who lost a huge audience and lots of money by trumps populism is still angry.
You’re welcome for fixing that for you
> sage

If you dont accept trump you dont accept half his base. So of course people are so defensive. Hes like bait. Like sticking your hat around a corner to see if someone shoots it.

Right because the democrats are a viable alternative. This fuck needs to form a new party or fuck off.

Or maybe, it's all just a show, and none of it matters, and politics is a theater to pacify the mob of unwashed slaving pay pigs, or what you said, maybe, who knows?

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He was so butthurt when ¡Yeb! lost he wanted the GOP to introduce Superdelegates.

Fuck conservative surrender fags. These are the kind of weak cucks that put us in this mess. fuck em all.

>”Free Trade”
So he’s a shill for China.
Tariffs are what made us an economic powerhouse.

More like a cult of Christ-denying Yids.

>faggot is gay
Shocking, thank you for alerting us to this developmemt OP

When I am mentally exhausted, I am more and more inclined to think that it is all some sort of scripted psychodrama with elaborate plots and stagecraft. To what end? I do not know.

"The thing ya gotta know is....everything is showbiz"

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players"

meh, who knows?

Literally who?

The legendary cuckservative who conserved nothing and allowed the left to be victorize.

This vision of "conservatism" that emerged after 1945 deserves to die a well deserved death. Boomer cuckservative.

Basically what he's saying is that he's a leftist who likes to call himself conservative.

George Will is a massive faggot. Fuck him.

Anti Reagan George Will doesn't like any conservatives. Who gives a fuck?

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Obligatory message to trigger the commie bastards that hate my country and my flag on this board.

To everyone else, please ignore.

>(((media))) acclaim
Oh so he’s a pedo, then?

Hahaha kys boomer

You idiots do realize boomers are the core of Trumps base right?

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He's only a legend to the RINOs. The rest of us look on him as a joke who should just stick to writing about baseball.

Q predicted this post.

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His baseball books are actually pretty good.

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Conservative intellectual complains conservatives have no ideas.

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>major disappointment
>makes a long textbook post like anyone's going to read it

Literally who?
I don't give a shit what this crusty cunt thinks.

Everyone knows Bill Kristol is the genuine vice of true conservative values.

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Do not bully orangutans, you fucking faggot.

Yeah and? Useful retards screaming about jesus until they start to cry about their pensions and need a quick pillow to shut them up.

It isn't just that they are cucks. The level of naivete is almost shocking.

My jaw was agape at the end of this interview about our relationship with China (link below). I always preferred to believe that we just had a poorly thought out strategy. Instead, I found out that our representatives were just absolutely, breathtakingly naive. They went to China fundimentally believing in the progressive agenda of democratic transformation of the globe. They were true, doe-eyed, believers squaring off against wolves.

This is the same modus operandi of "conservatives" like George Will in the US. Fundimentally, they are pushing a progressive agenda and even when they do resist sudden and dramatic moves to the left, they underestimate the enemy, naively assume good faith bargaining, and always end up ceding more than they conserve. They come unarmed to a gunfight every fucking time.

inb4 Mark Levin just watch the interview. For once he manages to shut the fuck up and let his guest talk.


watch it, it is worth your time if you want to find out how we fucked up so badly with China

Boomer Cucks like him are THE reason American voted 45 in. I hope George Will lives long enough to watch Trump 2020, then as he should, fucking DIE already.

stop linking youtube faggot

Q is a Jew.
Well they are dying off fast enough on their own. Hence Trumps base is dying off.

>never trumper
>ass blasted he’s been exposed as a uni party hack
Really makes you think

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>Literally who is coming out of the woods of nowhereshire and professing his hatred of blumpf



I would love to stop linking to youtube but:
1.there is no other sauce for this interview
2.Hiro needs to allow bitchute embedding here

If he refuses to acknowledge that they have lost control and is just passing the blame on trump then he truly is an academic and a douchebag

or vote for a third party or just kill the tyrants

The cucked boomer faggot that the cucked boomer GOP loved for years.
This level of "conservative" selling out unironically shows you exactly how Trump was able to win.

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archive it, bitchute it, anything, webm and link, dont care

I recommend you describe things to people with slides

George Will is an irrelevant hack.

>I recommend you describe things to people with slides

death by PowerPoint is my favorite torture

None of this matters and is not deserving of respect.