Do kikes realize their actions make people hate them?

Do kikes realize their actions make people hate them?

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They do but their neuroticism won't let them stop.

No. And if yes, they don’t care goy

Yes but they know people will just bitch and they will advance as they as always have impressive very impressive

Why would they care?

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That's why they get elected to pass laws that condemn hating them.

When you believe you are God's Chosen, literally everyone else on the planet is wrong.

jew jew cum good
white mans cum bad

most certainly
they have been given over to reprobate minds
though their version is that they are acting towards a divine purpose
it may sound crazy
but both are likely true
love the sinner but hate the sin - it's all a big test

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>whats than? Somebody hates our greatest ally? Prepare the fleet we are going to war!

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They invented a God that appointed them special. Thats peak autistic narcissism.


The rate at which support for Israel is falling is accelerating. What are you going to do about it? Censor Twitter? Pass hate speech laws? Do you think that will work?
Censorship is not the tool of people that are winning, censorship is the tool of those that are desperate to maintain their grip on power. Tick tock Schlomo.

Spoiler next time OP!


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no, they have autism

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Steven Crowder was one of the biggest Israel propagandists on YouTube.

This thing is not human.

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kill it with fire

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They do but they don’t care because they have money and power.

Somebody’s gotta make your kids gay!

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Not enough to ever change their behaviour.

They don't think of us as people at all.

I have been in a relationship with a jewish woman for many years now. (I know, I am sorry. Got into it long before being redpilled) She was raised in a typical new york, left leaning jewish family so she argues for all of the degeneration, and garbage that we expect from ZOG, but she is oblivious to the effect this has on others. So, I would say no, the average jew is as much a victim of ZOG propaganda as we are. But I have little doubt that there is an "elite" of more wealthy jewish religious fanatics who totally understand, but just don't care.

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Imagine the smell

A few do, but most are incapable of self-reflection. Think of the myth of the vampire.

smells like baby blood