Why do people still practice paganism in the current year?

Why do people still practice paganism in the current year?

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Because the Gods are eternal.

people that actually "practice" paganism are all liberal hippie faggots
online right wing pagans are just LARPing athiests

Because aspects of certain varieties of paganism elevate them above the other religions, particularly the judeo-christian/ islamo fascist ones

Pagan gods die all the time in mythology. What the hell are you talking about?

>Because aspects of certain varieties of paganism elevate them above the other religions
Like what?

There is only one true God, but he is a silent God that we know only through faith and intuition. Some religions have claimed to have seen actual proof of interaction with God, but God does not work this way.

There is but one who is eternal. The fallen angels larping as gods aren't.

My family name translates to he who follows dyonisus, fuck you Christian Papapovitch

they can't practice it

>he who follows dyonisus
Your family is named after the Greek god of alcoholism and snake orgies? That is unfortunate.

Because they are possessed of demons. It is the same reason why 90 percent of pagans are non-white homosexuals.

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I live in NJ and there are practicing pagans all over the place.

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Michelangelo is a genius, he can express motions more than other's sculptors, Bernini too.

our current culture is dionysian lmao
you must be destined to become a tranny

>your god is fake, mine is real
>your god is fake, mine is real
>your god is fake, mine is real
according to who? believe what you want but dont be npc like christcucks or some brainwashed musulman retard pushing it everywhere even through violence. seems like divide and conquer and this is why most religions are shit

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This is because
Italians sculptors > Ancient Greek and Roman sculptors

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Kang Tatu Tatu

Why do people still worship a dead kike on a stick in current year?

It speaks to me, desu. Although most people on Jow Forums are doing it as a larp because they think it makes them edgy. Instead of doing it to find guidance, fulfillment, and happiness through communion with the world around them and their ancestors

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those aren't pagan here.

Pagan Worship\Rituals
Indo-European Prayer and Ritual
Sacred Water Places for Pagans
Pagan Worship at a Holy Well in Devon
Swedish Pagan Vårblot (Ostara/Eostre) at Gamla Uppsala
Lithuania's Happy Paganism
May Day and Easter Goddess of Dawn
Lithuanian Song Festival 2018

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I don't know but holy fuck communism is shit

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NJ is cursed as fuck so that makes sense

This heil our gods brother

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And God is Time

This is only in Hinduist religion, not in European religion.

Because they're alienated losers, which a lot of people around here are (not judging), but there is a certain type of alienated loser who responds to their alienation by actively trying to further alienate themselves rather than trying to be sane and relateable to normies. It's like the disenfranchised right wing male version of the lefty slut who chops her hair off and dyes her armpit hair pink.

Just go to church and participate in a Christian community, faggots. Make friends, get active in your community. Nothing in this world is perfect. Alienating yourself further with weird esoteric bullshit is not the way.

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yep and you described western people. now think why they like it if you have brain

They don't really practice the pagan religion of the indo-europeans but rather a large chunk of nonsense created by kikes and other degenerates as a form of divide and conquer.
While I am not saying all religions are the same but when I read the Bhagavad Gita and then read the words of Jesus I see more similarities then differences.
Personally I don't think God, or whatever you want to call him, is either Christian or Pagan but those the lenses men choose to view the transcendent with.

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99% of this is made up, you absolute retard. Start with the Greeks.

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wrong, do you know what indo-europeans are? do you know whom Perkwunos is?

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Paganism is in a semi-desirable spot right now because most of its texts were annihilated and what we know mostly came from translations/transcriptions by Christian monks, so anyone can claim to be a pagan
it's not like there are any serious priests left to enforce doctrine
it's basically "do whatever you want, just have to have some nature stuff"
I'll admit that it is refreshing to see a belief system where the deities aren't the end-all, be-all solution for everyone on the planet as is the case for the Abrahamic religions
probably a bit easier to have a more superstitious belief in gods, spirits and ancestors and ask them for advice than a god that is supposed to be omnipotent

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What's good about polytheism?

"Indo-europeans" doesn't means "Europeans genetically cluster group".
So you basically assuming that Near Eastern population and Caucasus population are the same as Europeans, which is false.

Dude, that e-celeb literally makes shit up from nothing. You are wasting your time listening to a complete dumbass.

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>are the same as Europeans
never said this but you seem to not understand where you came from fuckhead. Guess where hindus got there gods from (not the news one old original) Indo-europeans you fucking idiot.

even though varg can be an idiot at times I would rather side with him then some christkike shithead.

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So, they aren't the same population and the unique connection is the language and not the same law.

>song festival
>pagan worship/prayer/ritual

If this is your thing you should check out some of the work done in Generative Anthropology. Particularly how the construct a historical scene for the creation of language. It centers around sacrifice and delay of gratification, and the threat of violence. Long story short there is an object that people in the group want to acquire but for some reason delay that acquisition and that event is the event that spawns our world of language.
When I first started to look at this I was reminded of the indo-european creation myths and out of sacrifice was born the world in which we live and how that event is then replayed in the repeated sacrifices.
To be honest I have just started to look at the stuff but it provide an interesting framework to view these things with.

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>it's basically "do whatever you want, just have to have some nature stuff"
We already have things like naturalism for that. Its just hiding behind superstition because 'pagans' are so fucking retarded that they think Christianity is blindly following God with no philosophical backing, so its okay to just believe whatever the fuck you want. 'I can act like an insufferable dumbass because its my religion.' This is the fault of public schools.

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>Polytheism allows for religious plurality
>Polytheism allows for flawed, humanized and relateable gods. Achievable aspirations.
>Polytheism develops a more nuanced understanding of good and evil as aspects of various gods rather than "what would jesus do"
>Polytheism develops a more nuanced understanding of our world as the interactions between concurrent primordial forces (Aphrodite-Athena-Ares for example) rather than "GOD MADE IT SO" non, the gods don't agree hence conflict.
>Many of the monotheological complaints such as the problem of evil or the teleological arguments cannot apply to a polytheistic framework. Unfortuantely the great majority of theological philosophy is rooted in KIKE RELIGIONS, which is why it has myriad contradictions.

all of that is bad retard
look at India

Who writes on this? I agree for the most part.

How so?

> renaissance art good, ancient greek art bad

How is it possible to be this retarded?

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Why side with some e-celeb when you have the entire exegesis of the church to choose from? Saints are more interesting than some washed up pseudo-homeless welfare leech/ex-con that used to make edgy 'music' for teenagers.

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India is a bad example because they have to deal with some of the most intolerant examples of Islam. Hindus got along just fine with Jains and Buddhists and even Portugese Christians. When fighting a radical enemy, oneself becomes radicalized.

old-shcool anthropologists and sociologists that don't follow the conflict theory paradigm or symbolic interactionism.

>Polytheism develops a more nuanced understanding of our world as the interactions between concurrent primordial forces (Aphrodite-Athena-Ares for example) rather than "GOD MADE IT SO" non, the gods don't agree hence conflict.
On the contrary, historically speaking Christianity catapulted the consciousness of Europe forward at a much faster speed because it gave them the courage to tackle preternatural phenomena that were no longer surrounded by superstition and mysticism. (God will protect me from forces I perceive as malicious)

Everything else you have listed is mostly negative or completely ignorant of what Christianity is actually about.

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Because I want to re-establish satan domain on earth

i might give it a look

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>jew worshiper
>man who burned jew worshiping churches killed a commie faggot,has 5 white kids, and made pagan music
Yeah m8 no thanks your jew worshipin trash isn't for me. It isnt for any white person.

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Please don't use Minerva for your LARPing.

shut the fuck up jew worshiper

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Try again faggot, pic related. The catapulting of consciousness was a result of the Renaissance, a step away from the catholic church

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i cant wait for the Aquarian incarnation embodies and tears the veil. you faggots have totally lost the thread.

remember when moses told the people to kill themselves when he caught them worshiping Taurus?

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>fucking pagan larpers
>don't use a pagan deity for your larping


Countless people, Theology is the study of all religious belief, which draws overwhelming similarities between all the polytheistic religions...well, all religions really and starts to get to the bottom of what it all really means, because [generally speaking] everyone is telling the same story (which is ultimately coded information) using different names and a different flavor each time. I don't really know how to put it into words, but once you find the core, everything begins to fit in this obscure diagram you've probably viewed hundreds of times without having any idea what it actually was. Then you realize there's more to it all. Plato is a start.

>pagan music
No it isn't. Its completely made up. All the surviving pagan music we have sounds nothing like that.


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Any other examples?

Listen since you don't understand.

Paganism is not "Oh Odin, help me get through this day." Odin doesnt give a shit, paganism is fatalistic.

They are seen as stories for ways in which you should interact with the world. Concepts thw reason you don't understand is because your vison is clouded by the bible and its influences on the world. Even if you have never read it, it has influenced qestern laws for about 1400 years.

If you worship Zeus or Odin or w/e you are a LARPer. They are simply ways to live your life.

Concepts when one worships "Phobos" z "Fear" what you are supposed to be doing is thinking about fear, how it influences you and the events around you, how do I use fear, how do I control fear.

Look at this calendar and tell me qhat they actually worahup in the germanic traditions.

The forces of nature, Yule for example is about celebrating the return of the Sun after it is shitty and dark in a pre electric era. Eostre is important because that is when life "appears" ie a fertility festival, that is why we have "easter rabbits" and "easter eggs" it is celebrating the return of life.

Do you get it now? There is obviously much much more.

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What you are talking about Guenon covers well enough in his first work when he talks about metaphysics and how it differs from religion.
While the exterior forms, the names and symbols, may differ the object of study of all metaphysics is the same and therefore all ultimately describe the same singular truth.
He would argue along the lines that if metaphysics is truth while religion is truth plus consolation. Religion goes beyond simple truth because it tries to console.

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>conflict theory paradigm or symbolic interactionism.

I'm brainlet, what are these?

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Do you understand what you are saying? Go listen to his music.
>All the surviving pagan music
Yes it sounds good yes it sounds different but vargs music is absolutely pagan. He is a pagan therefore he is making pagan music.

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Can you make an argument instead of making shit up?

You are wrong and you can't just reduce the Gods to forces of nature. That is what happened in Egypt during the height of Rome, Egyptian religion had deteriorated to such a state, and the Romans rightfully made fun of them for being stupid.

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>He is a pagan
No he is a LARPer. He used to pretend to be a satanist, too.

>we didn't need salvation
>entire empire converted and spread christinaity across europe


>Can you make an argument instead of making shit up?
I'm not making shit up. The conquering of the preternatural is part of church history. Aquinas wrote about it quite a bit, but obviously it was occurring long before that. You are out of your mind if you don't think Christianity advanced Western knowledge of the world, modern science is a product of the church.

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I was responding to a poster asking for a starting point and didn't say it was religion, did I? I gave the standard definition for Theology and pointed him in a direction which certainly beats seeking out some random polytheistic religion to research.

the same Romans who took up kikery?

Cite some works or gtfo.

Just because you put a label on something, does it make it so? These shitskins are putting a label on what is essentially still a jewish way of thinking.

Obligatory message to trigger the commie bastards that hate my country and my flag on this board.

To everyone else, please ignore.

"conquering the preturnatural" was a way for the Church to establish itself as the only force 'beyond' physicality. one god, one church, one place for all your billions in donations to go to. it was a power grab. The burning of witches (women, wise in the pagan ways) is the equivalent of destroying centuries of knowledge to establish the church as the only source of knowledge and power

Which one btw?

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In fairness to the christians here, seems likely the dsrk ages in Europe very much more likely had to deal with the chaos that came as the Empire of Rome collapsed.

he never pretended to be a satanist you fucking tard. He was always a pagan shithead.

>he believes jewish lies

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Introduction of the study of the Hindu doctrine. Although to be honest most of it has nothing to do with the Hindu but gets one familiar with metaphysics in general. Before one picks up anything by Evola this really is required reading or they risk some really bad interpretations.

because you asked nicely

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Fair point well made, though I cannot help but wonder at what the graph may have looked like, had the kikes been driven from pagan lands after the Romans fell.

That said, Pagans wouldn't drive them out unless threatened. The default position of the pagan is "oh hey, you have a god too, that's cool, lets chat about spirituality." Back in the day one of the first questions travelers would ask is "what gods do you worship here" Because it would tell you so much about the people that live there

>The burning of witches (women, wise in the pagan ways)
They burnt whores that spread discord and superstition. You would think if any place on Jow Forums could appreciate order it would be Jow Forums.
>destroying centuries of knowledge
Dancing naked in the woods is not centuries of knowledge. We still have a pretty enormous amount of information regarding the pagan practices of Greek, Rome, Egypt, etc., because those places were civilizations that actually had things to leave behind. Nords were barbaric niggers that left next to nothing.

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The destruction of traditional religions is the antithesis of order you mong.

>Fair point well made, though I cannot help but wonder at what the graph may have looked like
Without the church Europe never would have recovered and we'd be conquered by sand niggers.

>The destruction of traditional religions
There was nothing to destroy. Why is this so hard to understand?

If there was nothing to destroy, why did it take them 150 years to destroy nothing?

>why did it take them 150 years to destroy nothing?
the same reason europe failed to civilize africa


The church is full of spics.

paganists creep me out
i was stuck on guard duty with some guy and he starts talking about how he can see auras and shit, i was like uh wtf and he says "yeah your aura is out to here" and marks like 2 feet in front of me between us and rants about how auras change depending on how people are emotionally and how confident they are

i brought it up to a coworker later and he said "yeah he's a pagan like me" and i didn't want to get fired so i tried to back track but i had already told him i thought it was creepy. they were both really creepy and definitely mental but hid it when it counted. the latter guy got fired because he pretended he wasn't getting paid more than he should've been kek fuck both of them and fuck pagans

>carve eyeballs in because too shit to paint the statue like the Romans

>implying Christians are whiter