I found a non degenerate white girl

Problem is the evangelicals jews have their claws deep in her. I kid you not, she is always babbling on about Israel.

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Marry her and mold her politics yourself, user. It's what your grandfather did.

show her all the degenerate shit that happen in israel if she is a good christian she will stop supporting it

>degenerate shit that happen in israel
such as?

This, her personal politics go away once you ejaculate inside of her.

pride parade , non biblical law , the discrimination that christian face in israel , majority of jews in israel don't practice the torah so they're "atheist" , you can also talk to her bout the pharisee and kabbalah ( basicly "modern" jews practice babylonians satanism)

these can easily start the process of redpilling a christian who defend kikes

>the discrimination that christian face in israel
Isn't that against Arab Christians though?

By the way you wrote this I get the impression you are new to this. So guess I should say welcome to the popular Christianity. I grew up in the evangelical church as well as many others and most of are super pro Jews and Israel. They're all extremely vocal about it too.

put your dick in her head and use it to swab out the devil

from what i saw it's christianity in itself that they hate ( exemple they degrade old church where nobody go )


ask her if jews have to accept Christ to go to heaven and why would you support Israel if you believe that

Marry her. Move. Find a different congregation where they don't get a paycheck from AIPAC.

There was some Mar- is a whore graffiti in Hebrew in israel

If she's not Christian she's not a 'non degenerate...' Case in point she would indulge someone like you!

tell her those are no real jews, every synagogue is to worship satan and that their biggest trick was to make Christians believe they were the Chosen ones, while that can only be devote believers in Jesus, but they hate Jesus, proving they are no real Jews

>Case in point she would indulge someone like you!
I'm hurt.

Take her to israel and parade her around with a cross on her neck until a kike spits on her for being christian.

ask her what she thinks about the depiction of jews in revelations (particularly 2:9)

And when she says Bibi and all them are the good jews?


How does she feel about this?

Court her.
Marry her
Impregnate her.
Then you can drop the jewpill on her and there's nothing she can do about it because she's already carrying your baby.

I'm really going to have to grit my teeth through all the Israel stuff for a while. She's really wholesome. I think my sense of humor would shock her.

All this advice is on point. My girlfriend was a hardcore feminist when we first met. At this point in our relationship I'm 100% open with her - she knows I'm a fascist, she knows I'm full on 14 words, she protests intermittently (though usually only for optic reasons), but she's with me.

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Unironically based as fuck.

Just bring your views out slowly and only when relevant - she'll get used to it.
I can still remember my woman saying "X said you're racist, but you're not racist are you?" and I replied "Oh no, of course not!", now we talk about niggers and jews openly.
The transition happened so gradually I don't think she even noticed.

>non degenerate
>evangelical babbling about israel

She will come around. Just have a good relationship and do what’s right.

Listen to me she believes this shit from the bible you cannot do it. Its going to take time and the only fucking way to do this is to date her long enough and pull her away from the jew worship christkikery. Having her watch or telling her all this shit wont change shit it'll make her fucking mad at you because she currently knows the (((truth))). When it comes to religion women cling to that shit harder then any thing else possible. Christkikery is cancer never listen to these fucking tards.

Feminism isn't a religion unless they are extremely extremely deep into that shit a lot of women might say they are feminists but really they are just suffer level pretend. Plus politics doesnt really matter for a women if you actually are straight with her. However religion is something else entirely.

>Christkikery is cancer
It kept here a good girl so far. I'd want daughters that would be as naive until they get married.

>I'd want daughters that would be as naive until they get married.
if you honestly believe there are any women like this you are the naive one.

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as if paganism and atheism is better
lgbtq degenerate and feminist are usually one of the above

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Germania by Tacitus
"The mode of execution varies according to the offense. Traitors and deserters are hanged on trees; cowards, shirkers, and sodomites are pressed down under a wicker hurdle into the slimy mud of a bog"

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I didn't say she was catholic did I?

evengelical are not christian they're the worst with protestant and catholic pedo they never read the bible

image was related.

Christianity has never been tried!

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show her what jesus says about her friends

How do you know Jews don't accept Jesus in the final moment before they die?

Read this. This is how US Christians are so blinded by a false bible.


stop using commie argument against christianity because it doesn't work real christianity have been tried and worked perfectly fine , real chritians are the ones who follow the bible and it's teaching , protestant remove verse that are not polliticly correct , catholic never read and worship mary and the saints

These threads are fucking pathetic. Reads exactly like some shit youd read on Jow Forums.



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>he thinks this is a modern concept

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Wait you unironically visit Jow Forums/

Sit her down and the both of you watch this and follow this channel. I did all the hard work by finding someone telling the truth. Your welcome.




If she can watch that first video and even second and look you in the eye and still be stupid then she is asleep and does not want the truth. That's all i can really offer you at this point my dude.

>her: I have to ask my pastor about this

>Jews + Muslims in Iberia

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how about Chuck Baldwin

I wonder what all of these shitheads have to say about race.
listen you arent going to convince her right away by watching shit like this. It takes time and if anything a VERY long time. Christkikes are cancer and the best way is to have her break free from the jewish shit entirely.

Christianity has nothing to do with support of Israel. It's been subverted the same way your government has.

I concur

Well obviously don’t lay it all out at once... sheesh

Fuck what a gay post. What's wrong with canadian guys?