
"Today, we're taking another step in our hate speech policy by specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status."

Looks like YouTube just banned the state of Israel outright. You know what to do Jow Forums

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I miss when we actually had the ability to argue and win rather than just being censored


Fuck drumpf

I do know what to do, stop living like the internet is real life.

Can we get JF's channel demonetized please? The man is a sexual predator and by his own admission makes 100K a year on youtube. He also takes extra care to not get demonetized, so it would be funny to see how upset he gets. He's only pretending to be alt right to rake in the shekels and will ban his supposed ideological friends to keep the shekels flowing. If anyone deserves to be demonetized it's the retard rapist

This unironically. Move our dialogue into the real world. They can't deplatform us from real life without a war.


yea sure they cant do that i mean its not like they can stop a website from being there or anything like that.
fucking faggot. demoralizatoin propoganda cianigger here faggot

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Notice how all those channels that just had WW2 songs on em are all shut down. Also they did this on D Day.. Its no coincidence also the government leaders are meeting to discus targeting "hate" online.

Who the fuck is ''we,'' tranny?

And do what exactly? preach on the streets?

Internet may not be real life but is a huge funnel of information, on the real life you can redpill some people but pages like these are a portal to the world.

It will be fun if we put more wood on the fire

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now all the moderates will get demonetized and have no reason to stay moderate.

you and me

>I miss when we actually had the ability to argue and win rather than just being censored
They censor us because if we are allowed to argue we will win. It's not about peoples feelings being hurt.

Good. I hope YouTube also removes those White Supremacist bastards from the face of the Earth as well. That way, my Suni Muslim family can sleep peacefully at night.

Funny how people with common sense are shills now. Some of ya'll take this shit way too seriously and need to just go camping or some shit, get away from it all for a while.

They tried that and lost to Jf and Alt Hype. Resorted to doxxing and smears instead of arguments. Remember?

>yea just dont worry about an intenret let them take over this nothing burger
then they come and chip you and track you everywhere and come kill who ever they want
go talk about it now nigger. let others just know the happening or the news. no, just let them take over this means of gettign news out. yea sure why not huh?
fuck you go kys

Thus Trump lost 2020.
Yang gang yang gang.

Free market, bitches. If you don't like it, start your own "YouTube". God bless America.

He should be demonetized for fucking a literal tard alone. I hope his drooling tard gf at least sucks a mean cock


Ya, every single time its tried, it gets (((shut down))). I cant wait to gas you kikes for real this time

enjoy that (((echo))) chamber. why dotn you jniggers since u like sucking nigger cock so much, go to a nigger lover island and go fuck yourselves. cut yourselves off from the rest of the world instead of atempting to push everyone else to go along with you becuae you know noone gives a fuck about you. and you need some sort of validation because its all you crave. its all you look for.

Not YouTube's fault it's more popular.
>I cant wait to gas you kikes for real this time.
Hah, you have to go through my golems first. pathetic right-winger.

May you choke on 6000000 foreskins

>You know what to do Jow Forums
Create alternative to youtube and go there.

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That's what you'll be doing soon. I'm surprised you encapsulated your future in so little words, well done.

They could do that.
But it won't have the large normie audience that they need to propagandise.
So, it would just turn into a giant echo-chamber.

huh? i talked about what you are doing. go somewere and do it, nothing you do matters. you only crave validation. go fuck yourself

read it for yourself
its only youtube e-celebs so this is a marketting scam by youtube. anyway stop linkking them fuck me how do i link this with something else?

who gives a fuck man. aren't they busy pushing their faggot shit
they push fags who hate everybody but then bitch at everybody. stupid.

Bahahahahaha lick my balls

Gab is great, though. Don't you like all the schizo circle jerking narcissists who blame all their failings on kikes?

It'll be selectively enforced, meaning only Whites will be targeted.

By retard, do you mean potato?

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Organize in your local community and come up with a plan to save the West.

This is the best thing that ever happened. Does anyone know what category that tranny le sticks and hammer 666 (soedgy) faggot falls in? I’d love to see him being taken out along with other useless E-CELEB cancer

Who or what is pf?

I meant jf

Who demonetized?

The Internet is disintegrating. The corrupt think they can control it, while simultaneously trying to keep it the same. They can't take over the Internet without destroying it.

You can't fuck for virginity!


Fits the Jow Forums description perfectly

Can't discriminate on age that 90 yr old is perfectly capable as an 18 yr old...

We already won the arguments man. That's why they are censoring. There are no more arguments to be had. It's just a matter of time and having people see and hear the winning arguments for themselves, which is exactly what they don't want.
