>19-22 y.o. >120 lbs (scales with height) >under 5'8 >long, naturally colored hair (at least shoulder-length) >size 6 feet or smaller >athletic body type >must have done sports >B-C cup (perky) >loves animals (all kinds) >eats meat >skis / snowboards or is willing to learn >likes winter >pink nipples >innie >pH of 7 >Master's equivalent or higher >hates libtards (does not have to be conservative) >white socks (outside of formal wear) >parents are still married >owns and iPhone >drinks water >straight teeth (white) >good smile >no smoking >no drugs >falls asleep after drinking a (one) glass of wine >watches popular tv shows >wants to live on a small farm >can and will cook >wants a large family (3+ children) >respects the elderly (willing to take care of parents as they age) >has pretty friends >friends get along with my friends >hobbies include: instagram, netflix, painting nails, sleeping, and eating at restaurants >virgin (bj/hj/ fingering etc included)
This is why you will never meet someone you love. Too many prerequisites. You would not believe how little my wife and I see eye to eye on but we are extremely good together.
you must be 18 years old to be on this site and post or something like that
Hudson Reed
How long is got cock How big is your bank account How do you rate on looks what's your status in society And I will tell you what's your chances of catching and keeping this unicorn
Pro tip, you'll have to travel to fairy tale lands to find her
Xavier Rodriguez
add must be oriental
William Rodriguez
This. Plus:
>Physically fit. >Younger then 25 for baby making reasons.
Jace Adams
Fucking degenerate bug people fucker
Nathaniel Morris
Right, the list of dude requirements to get a girl like that should be an equally long list. Step your game up, or find a mess like you and work together to be better.
>hobbies include: instagram How is being a thot a hobby?
Jaxon Evans
I want the same
Ian Powell
You likely had premarital sex. It’s called an opioid addiction, specifically oxycodone. It’s released during sex, creating a codependency that typically leads people to marriage if they have few other sexual prospects (like you).
I bet you had doubts on whether she was the one or not, and if you had other options (women willing to have sex with you) and had sex with one of them, you would have dropped your current wife like a hot potato. But you didn’t, so you settled for your current addiction.
Now what you have to look forward to is a slight weenie off your opioid addiction and subsequently a man unfulfilled marriage as you realize sex was the only thing holding your relationship together.
Fucking fornicators. You go to hell with the faggots, user.
OP, you know that if you aren't doctor/politician/rich and also handsome. You could forget to find a woman like that
David Bell
da fuk did I just read a dude actually got a pen and paper...time elapsed...and he wrote this shiet out, thought it was a good thing to do and posted it.
Josiah Hill
No mention of her penis size. Gonna have to narrow it down a bit more m8 there's some girls with 10 inch rods.. I learned this from pol
Leo Barnes
>premarital sex. It’s called an opioid addiction, specifically oxycodone i just cant
this kind of comfy, pedestrian-oriented street is utterly banned and illegal nearly everywhere in the US. Parking requirements have destroyed US cities and need to be abolished.
This is an amazing post Haha should stir up a ton of seething roasties and white knights Excellent b8
Joshua Rodriguez
>go out with women I met at dating app >she seems fine, cute, smart >date is going fine, great chemistry, might be the one >she makes clear she wants to have sex with me right on the first date >she takes me to her apartment, already taking off my clothes as she drags me to her bedroom >she opens a drawer and pick up a condom, size big >I look in the drawer, lots of condoms, lube and some small towels >starts sucking my dick like a pro, knows exactly how to make me nut >mechanically change positions with finesse, cums, and tells me that I can finish when I want to >she takes a shower, tells me I was amazing >i say the same, just put on my clothes and head back home Should just have stayed home and jerked off. Fuck this shit world, lads.
And I would like somebody this instant to knock on my door and deliver me a dozen fresh shucked oysters on a bed of ice with mignonette and minced horseradish, and a crisp cold lager to go with it.
Fucking tranny niggers doesnt count you faggot. GTFO of here Crowder
Brayden Wood
>letting your sons cuck you before they're born with giant tranny-proportion frankenstein wife >not throwing your sons into a river at age 3 and telling their asses to swim
Easton Clark
>owns and iPhone >drinks water >watches popular tv shows >hobbies include: instagram, netflix, painting nails, sleeping, and eating at restaurants What in the actual fuck is this?
Camden Baker
>lbs >feet Where do these savages have civilization, gentlemen?
Luis Edwards
Here’s mine >female version of hitler Thanks
Sebastian Harris
Only low IQ brainlets don't get addicted to things, everyone but me gotta learn that.
Joseph Hall
Man you don’t understand, your mind doesn’t work right under addiction. It doesn’t evaluate things properly in the literal sense of the word. You start to value shit that just isn’t good for you, but you can’t comprehend it’s valuelessness, if that’s a word. I understand why our ancestors believed in gods and demons / demonic possessions. Shit is real and you just haven’t lived long enough (or lived) to experience it either in yourself or in another.
People say this a lot when they stop fapping. They start to see landwhales as fuckable, truly, when they go without a fap for a week or so. True /nofap/ occurs when you make it to the other end of this hellscape, and you look back wondering how you could ever conceive of fucking such creatures.
Anthony Diaz
the declaration of someone who will never have a gf
Cooper Taylor
I found one that checked nearly every box you listed but I can assure you in time she will not stay 120lbs.
>wants a large family (3+ children) >(3+ children) >large family You were brainwashed by white genocide media into believing that's a large family. Literally. White genocide media repeats that talking point often in the dialogue of degenerate shows. A large family is over 10 kids. A modest family is at least 5 kids. Expect at least one of your kids to be gay or die by health or random acts or be degenerate, even if the odds are they won't be with redpilled non-public schooling.
>have your tried having se? Drunk rantings confirmed.
Luis Myers
requirements to be MY girlfriend: >you can't. no roastie is good enough. fuck off.
Josiah Lewis
Based and funny
Nicholas Jenkins
This one is a hoax and photoshop. It's not amy who is in the original pic.
Nathaniel Turner
But we have been together 8 years. We have both been with other people. We just love each other. Despite her flaws and my own we just get each other. I hope you find that one day user.
Julian Parker
>pH of 7 wut
Adrian Howard
It is good you have so many absurd standards ...
People like you don't make good parents.
You also don't create good humans... I hope you don't reproduce its not more "yous" that this world needs.
Nathan Peterson
Hand size = tranny
Jose Brown
You picky fuck, being that selective isn't helping whites. My requirements are as follows >not fat >white >not a whore The rest just follows. Women are pretty malleable to ideologies and hobbies.
Robert Diaz
brazil isn't in this world.. you cannot se it becaue it's your culture but your society and country are absolute train wrecks... to the outside observer from better countries.
Long story short your women are fucking whores.
Nathan Campbell
Its the framing technique that is being used. Enter framing and read it up in Wikipedia. Same with "high capacity magazines". If a G17 is available since 1980s then 17rds is standard, not high
Bentley James
Thanks friend.
Josiah Thomas
Mine is: >Hates niggers >Is decent looking and white