"This is direct communication from Mossad, it is not a warning or threat"

We rule the world. The world doesn't know this yet.
When we started we had very simple demands, but you refused to allow us to enslave you.
You kept on going and wouldn't even consider our efforts to manipulate you. Not only have we now demonstrated our power but we have achieved an unstoppable expanding position. A feeble apology will not be enough. Decisions have long-term effects.
We control both sides of every argument. We control all sides of every debate. Every candidate, especially the ones you least suspect, is most likely one of our puppets. Especially those who think they are against us are our puppets.
You might be directly affected by our active measures, and all you had to do was stop resisting.

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But you didn't, and now we are in a position to pwn you harder than you can imagine. We deal with reality, not desire. Every counter is pre-empted. We will see every attempt you make to respond and we will immediately take action against you. If you aren't hit hard then you can be certain we are looking at angles to use you as a puppet. If you want to negotiate then I suggest you use the contact email. Given what has been done by us you probably won't get very far without making huge concessions.

Send one or more Mossad agents to my house, please. Bring your shit and be ready.

You're pretty beta bro, what is this parasitic strategy shit? encourage me to resist you, coward.

To Valhalla you will not go, friend.

We are now going to expand our operations and hold the world for ransom against itself. To those that agree that the retards of the world must be enslaved, we say: Join Us!
In the coming years you will see pedophobes ostracized (eventually in the MSM). Crazy drug deaths and campaigns to legalise drugs (being effective). People not just believing in global warming, but actually crippling themselves with economic policies against climate change (which of course is natural and has been happening for billions of years). You will eventually see people using fantasy rape services... for their children. The White House will become a reality TV show. This is not a prediction. These are real things our data shows can easily occur.
We are everywhere. The reason that you see us in the alt-right is that they are the only ones with natural defences against us, so we are co-opting them.

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You just made a hot noise. I have a TF fetish.

The only thing you will come up against with your resistance is our own unwanted assets.
Why would we waste our time?
We are busy implementing a comprehensive strategy against the world. And we are winning.
You have no strategy.
You have no followthrough.
You just do what comes to mind.
Very entertaining.

>You might be directly affected by our active measures
We have been our whole lives

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>You have no strategy.
>Very entertaining.
That was my strategy the whole time muh hahahaha

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You guys are jerks. Stop being mean.

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>You will eventually see people using fantasy rape services... for their children.
I'll entertain this one. For what purpose? Therapy? Haunted maze? Self-defense courses?

Um.... Ok....

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Reminder a decentralized army kills this beast. They cant usurp us if there is no leader.

Fake and gay, where's your israeli government veridfied pgp key? Nothing? Lmao assuming this isn't a larp your so irrelevant and in effectual you have to fucking larp on Jow Forums for any sort of perceived influence
Come say hi in person. Otherwise,

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Nice picture.

> stop resisting

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No need to be scared. We want to enslave the retards. You want the world free of retards. Not a major difference, we can work together.

I want to serve my country one last time. Are they on the way yet?

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OP is the epitome of a faggot. Even if you aren’t larping the only reason you’re here is because you’re losing control. You hate what you fear most.

Imagine thinking that trying to subvert a bunch of autists on an anonymous image board can steer and shape society at large. We are chaos you morons. If it seems like there are correlations to your methods of control, you’re only delusionally utilizing some form of confirmation bias to further your own cognitive dissonance.

Come at me, bro

Your numbers are always off by one.
This is a spiritual matter that concerns a force greater than just individual humans.
>you’re losing control
It would be folly for us to admit that either way. But our actions definitely demonstrate the latter.

We WILL enslave the world. It is in your best interests to join us.
If you oppose us... your best hope is that someone like Hitler comes up again. That will be pretty difficult given the way the system is currently.






You highlight the words that sting you most. Those of us that are smart enough to reverse the tide know that we have to let you sink your teeth just a little bit further before we strike.

Society needs to feel the pain of the bite before it is to react, and when it does, your perfect reality you’ve dreamt up in your head will crumble.

You always overplay your hand. Don’t think what you’re doing now is an exception. Especially the fact that, you, personally, think you’re to be included in (((the chosen people))). You will be cast out like the rest once your use is conflated. Buy into groupthink all you want, there is no (((us))) there are no (((them))). You are alone. You were born alone, you will die alone. There is nobody to save you from this creeping realization. You hate that you are afraid. You hate that you have no choice but to try and control what you fear. But your fear is circular, and will lead to your demise.


Mossad can you fund my bidding as a prank to the Democrats. Don't give me enough money to win, just enough to mix up the political landscape. I'm also looking for a hot non-zionist wife.

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we can smell the desperation you are trying to sound ominous but you're worthless and have no power here, not only have you already been defeated you are blind to the rot that has started to consume you.

Nice copypasta, I saw another one similar a few hours ago

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>thinking that trying to subvert a bunch of autists on an anonymous image board can steer and shape society at large

That is a powerful move

jokes on you im an unemployed complete drain on society.

Take your meds

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