Why does the left do this?

>transsexual muslim communist

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think of the shit childhood someone must have to get to this point. like how many times do you have to be molested to get to THIS point

I'm increasingly convinced that modern leftism is simply mass suicide. This person doesn't just want to kill themselves, they want to take everyone else with them.

>transexual muslims scottish communist
They got raped at 4 didnt they

Oppression Olympics, the most oppressed wins.

For attention.

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she has a nice face. shame she's pozzed.


90% of this board has no idea what those words even mean

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Jow Forums is fucking doomed

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What the fuck is wrong with Scottish people

HE needs some real Islam,Flying of a building comes to mind.

Justin, get off the computer!

Comunism is big government, and no God.
That's big time haram from what i understand.

Yea, they stone to death gays, i wonder what they will do to trannies.

Oh and fpbp.

>they stone to death gays, i wonder what they will do to trannies
In Iran they give trannies free surgery. I'm not even kidding, go see about it if you want.

Please Biden when you become president, shut down this website and torture this guy to death
He was mean to a minority once so it's ok

You mean brain operation?
With axes?

because they been taught racial identity is fiction, but they still crave it. niggers is still in the closet while white women are trying to adopt them rather than cook a potroast. Fuck modernity. If rather die of starvation than deal with two dozen Stacy's everywhere.

No they cut their dick off

Simple. They want to be all the things we don't like.

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Not to start a fight but technically there's no government under communism. Socialism is the allocation of power to government in the stages of communism. This is where it always fails and why it always will.

>is creating nonsense
Yeah, that's one way of putting it.

How many more adjectives and nouns could you add to that bio to possibly make it worse?
What's the theoretical worst person Jow Forums could ever encounter?

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The person in the OP seems to be a weird mix of tankie and contrapoints libneralism.

Another revolting creature.

Up again.

In Iran they have a found a loophole for that. If you are transexual, you aren't classified as a homosexual so therefore you get a free pass. Islam is weird.