
What happened? He was supposed to save Denmark.

Attached: fat faggot.jpg (960x545, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:åvirkningslov-er-vedtaget

giant media blackout started a few weeks before the election and they only covered shitty tabloid rumors about him from then on





I just searched a bit, you're telling me the social democrats won even though the right was already in power before with Rasmussen?

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your country clearly loves us brown people. should i come to denmark or sweden? :)


His polling numbers was 2-3 % and he got 1.8 %

Nothing would have changed if Stram Kurs had received 3 %. You should unite all nationalist /our guy/ parties and get 20 % to that party

we can't do anything until boomers die off, they'll never allow us to deport people because muh nazis

So you will become the next Sweden then?

Implying that 20% of the electorate can overcome the pro-migrant 80%.

>what happened
scandicucks are cucks and suicidal

Denmark is just like Ireland, one of those nations nobody was particularly worried about until, out of nowhere they sprinted past the likes of Sweden, UK and France in the race to reach peak multikulti destruction.

Finland is another, these places are where the globalists apply the best strategies learned in other countries, they get the distilled concentrated roll out of white genocide that the rest of us were used to test.

If UK, Sweden, France etc are the guinea pigs Denmark, Ireland and others are the first patients.

Will Italy save Europe?

Attached: ''italian'' or refugees.jpg (1128x945, 149K)

What's hilarious to me is that Danes deluded themselves that they'd be different. They love BBC as much if not more as everyone else. And they'll get it :)

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Optics is everything. This guy looks like a down syndrome faggot. Also fat and unhealthy. He should visit the iron temple.

Your mom.

>boomer meme

in scandinavia you do realize its the college student mostly being females that vote these left parties?

Like a man who burns the Holy Quran to seek attention will win anything in life
Expect this guy to go down hill from now

>Implying that 20% of the electorate can overcome the pro-migrant 80%
well the 20 % party gets the most important committee seats

Granted the party is planing to have a "harsh stance" on immigration. Even the PM is known as having a hard stance on immigration. The social democrats are not super liberal, they're quite divided on the issue of Immigration.

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we have a functional democracy here, we don't have a one party system. all the nationalist parties still get a say even if they are "divided".

yes boomers here are largely red pilled, or at least well intentioned.

italy will save itself, we have far right at 40%

I hope so, we count on you. Achse Berlin-Rome will rise

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the "right" in denmark are the most cucked of them all. I'm pretty sure even the commies don't want as much immigration as per the depression of wages for the common worker.

Get ready to work more and lose even more money every month. Oh and also get ready to be raped/mugged by the new influx of niggers that is comming .


He looks like a literal albino nigger. See what he did there with the extravagant suit color.

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desu i would stay clear of europe lol it'll be ground zero within 5 years.

>this time we will be though on immigrants we promise

Yeah and when you do win, don't align with kraut autists again, just spark the fire on your own and stay the leader. Don't listen to this user because they will fuck it up.

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He looks Mexican.


Why are we so easily cucked by (((globalists)))?

in Scandinavia/Northen Europe climate zoomers are the problem

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Why does he look so weird? Like a Mr potatoe head. Is that how you guys look?

No you fucking mongs. Only a handful of edgy zoomers and his own Youtube crowd actually believed in the man. While Jow Forums may think his rhetoric is good and redpilled, it falls completely flat when aimed at the general populace. He comes off as autistic, childish, and ill-mannered. His appeal extends no further than hillbillies and that's just not good enough in DK. He self-admittedly proclaimed Trump to be his rhetoric idol, and copying a character like Trump is not a good move in our culture; that sort of personality is intensely disliked by almost everyone. It was a losing game from the beginning and I'm happy he's out because, quite frankly, he has been "poisoning the well", as it were.

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He has had severe head trauma and I think it messed him up. Really. Banging your head and having several operations can fuck up your endocrine system. No wonder why he is such a fat fuck if his metabolism has tanked due to injury.

This election was one massive experiment on how far things could be pushed.

Danish people are relatively content with their lives.
The current situation of Denmark is such that you can only be elected if you are the Civic-nationalist type of anti-immigrant.
It will have to become much worse than now before the Ethno-nationalist type of anti-immigrants can be accepted.

>the "right" in denmark are the most cucked of them all.
This is true.
Liberal Alliance,
They are all servants of the Globohomo.

The recently shrunk the Danish Freedom of Speech, so now you can get 12 years in jail if you say bad things about Nato and USA during an election.



The Globohomo of the left are:
Radikale venstre,

holy shit

I only voted for him as a chaos vote just to fuck with the rest of the parties


Digits confirmed that.
Also I think he's actually hurts the right wing more. Kinda like then there's a terror attack and people start shifting right. The reversed happened with Paludan

>if in collaboration with foreign intelligence
I see no problem
glowniggers can rot

I det mindste tabe han storre end KD

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Skrid nu hjem Ali