Why does Jow Forums suddenly hate Crowder?

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Because pol is satire but Crowder is an actual racist.

lurk forever

we always hated this Israel-first neocon

racism doesn't exist you jew rat

When did any of us like him?! He was an anti trump faggot
Still a faggot

He and Ben Shapiro are so despicable. I can't believe they let these people stay on the platform.

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Because he's a fucking leaf.

when have i ever given a shit about any leaf.
maybe stop reading meme flags, and wash your penis.


We never liked him. We can smell a jew puppet from 10 miles away.

Crowder is a scumbag zionist.. The constant fake laughing by his stooges in the back ground is annoying af too.

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the left is shilling hard
thinking they'll turn the tide and make everyone see that it isn't censorship, but justice.

embarrassing, tBh


the only faggots who are spewing hate about him are newfaggot liberals who are coming here from Reddit/Twitter, jew shills, and furrry tranny discord faggots

Because Soros pays us to rant about him on Jow Forums, implying "zionism" is the enemy and that Crowder is part of it. This board is overrun with globalists larping


god damn Brittany Venti is so hot please post more

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I love how you can tell these zionist shills by the awkward buzzwords they use, like we can't see right through their nigger jew agenda. How much does that faggot Crowder pay you?

kys shill

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just remember not to reply to them inside the threads as its how they meet quotas to actually get paid. also make sure to look up the memeflag delouser addon

All the faggots from lgbt are mooching around pol. They may need to be taught a lesson.

Hes a zionist stooge. Hes literally a boomer tier Israeli firster and the definition of controlled opposition.


a person who talks like you wouldn't watch crowder, leave shill.

he shits all over the left and reactionary commie faggots like you
put on your hijab and turn in your bangstick, gay-tongue showing faggot

Because he puts Israel's interests ahead of his own country. He's a traitor.

>Why does Jow Forums suddenly hate Crowder?
if true then Jow Forums is exclusively lefty shills 1up'ing eachother