We sent more troops than you did and we had more dead. The French also sent more than you. And you performed the worst out of any of us.
Why do Australians and Zealanders moan about Gallipoli?
You slaughtered them for shit and giggles.
The whole world knows you're a bunch of idiotic sadists and Rothschild puppets.
That's why we're not saving you from your own stupidity this time.
>That's why we're not saving you from your own stupidity this time.
Thanks Juan, we really need you right now.
Yeah they were pretty fucking useless lol
>shits and giggles
Not our fault they couldn't take a bit of banter
>thats why we
LMAO! You couldn't get your fat arse up a hill lad.
Because it demonstrated The crown really did not care about us and did not deserve more loyalty
the entire thing was retarded
brits should have just said fuck the french and landed at alexandretta like they originally intended
The antipodes had a smaller population, a way larger percent of their people were dying, and they died at a battle that was poorly planned by the Brits and that the British generals had no heart in.
They pulled out, despite making some progress, just because two ships hit mines. That shows a real weak will, and a desire to sacrifice the lives of Aussies and Kiwis for fucking nothing.
If they had stuck to it, the war could have been over early.
because it was a lot of people from small and young nations
That applies to people sent from the UK too
I'm calling VPNigger and if you screen shot proof otherwise I'll claim MS paint. I genuinely use to pro samefag that way.
The whole thing was a retarded idea but... the whole anzac thing is a myth. The Australian ruling class wanted a founding myth for their nation and they latched onto Aussie journalist accounts from the battle.
Problem is those these myths inform current Australia and kiwi views of the war, so you get plebs acting like the heartless british threw Aussies into a meat grinder ignoring the fact british soldiers saw and took part in the brunt of the battle.
No they pulled out as the Turks actually put up resistance, the whole plan was based on the assumption the Ottoman army would disintegrate.
In what way? You weren't treated any worse than anyone else.
We pulled out because we lost the battles. We were there for months and we failed in that invasion.
The real objective of the Gallipoli campaign was to prevent the Russians capturing Constantinople and to keep them fighting the Germans. This campaign was not intended to succeed.
Literally none of us was alive when this happened so “we” had nothing to do with it.
The old generation that was tricked into this wouldnt have done it either if they had access to what we know.
it was churchill's fault desu. and in ww2 attacking all the way up through italy was his dumb idea too
The invasion wasn't a bad plan and took out the second largest enemy from war. While we put too much effort into it by the end, the invasion did pay off.
Oh aye, because things usually turn out so well when you 'save' people.
Unironically let Europe burn so we can actually learn from our mistakes this time.
>Actually thinking invading italy and removing them from the war was a bad idea
Nice. Shoulda just sat in north africa and fucked camels right? Fuckin civvies.
I know, it's retarded. For some reason 5 year olds in primary school get pumped full of this stuff. Most Australians are sheep and don't question these things.
They'll be the ones burning first lad.
The Turks resisted for months, they didn't pull out until much later
The British occupied part of Gallipoli for months though ,and they were never chased from the peninsula they evacuated only because Kitchner agreed to it after Bulgaria joined the central powers. He could have chosen to stay, it took weeks and weeks and thousands of lives to break out of Anzac cove and they just threw all the gains away due to worry about mines, Bulgaria, and public opinion.
Yes but the whole thing making the plan viable was the low expectations they had for the ottoman army. As soon as they failed to make significant gains and Ottoman resistance stiffened it became an impossible task.
Ignoring the fact the plan was stupid due to the very geography, Turkish mobile artillery batteries meant they even taking out the forts didn’t do shit to the logistical nightmare.
Kiwis and Aussies were drafted by George VI. They didn't "send" anyone, they were given orders by their King and followed them.
>The British occupied part of Gallipoli for months though ,and they were never chased from the peninsula
Yes, and we couldn't progress. The situation was untenable. We withdrew because we lost the battle. Of course we could stay longer but that would only mean more dead Brits and further losses. Staying would have done nothing.
our soldiers weren't even given enough guns. they were told to just charge and pick up the enemies guns. there was like 1 gun for every two charting soldiers. never mind the fact we are in a different hemisphere and the war in Europe wasn't OUR war.
The king is a figure head, Parliament decided to go to war.
Also the Dominions eagerly went to war.
Never heard of this, but the fact the forts and artillery batteries weren’t taken out meant supply ships were under constant fire, you wouldn’t have got any more or less supplies then the french or British.
It was no less your war then it was ours.
You sent us to the wrong bloody beach you mong.
We stalled the Italians in Tobruk for weeks. ... Though admittedly that's probably more because they were Italians.
because your pom generals were the worst mass murderers in world history.
But in context with hundreds of thousands of men dying in the west for nothing, they were at least somewhat successful, if they had stayed and forced the straits it would have been all but game over for the Central Powers, Russia could get supplies from two world empires and Turkey would be all bu knocked out. Just putting more effort and better strategy into taking the straits was all that was needed, instead the generals decided to run off back to the west where they stagnated and lost hundreds of thousands of more men for nothing.
>wasn't our war
But it was, you were white, you were British, you were Anglos and you wanted in. Stop playing the victim like some nigger.
Everyone had shit supply, what you even crying about?
we don't moan about it, we just dish out the truth. The British generals didn't give a fuck about the troops, be it Australian, Canadian, Poos, Kiwis or even Englishmen. British Generals of the time just wanted to LARP as gentlemen of war but in reality butchered good young men for no reason, World War 1 shouldn't of ever been fought
If they had stayed it would have just meant more dead men and wasted resources, forcing the straits once the initial attack failed was just not achievable.
Especially with the Ottomans being commanded by a german and getting german big guns.
Pretty sure we had the highest general causality rate due to our generals getting so close to the front lines. While they did fuck up a couple times, everyone else did.
Hind sight is 20/20 were there shit generals sure, but the whole scale of the war and the technology meant that the tactics for dealing with it simply weren’t there.
British generals were no more or less callous then any other powers.
We should’ve fought with Germany, we could have saved the world from WW2
Next time you want to get involved in wars just go straight to the source and nuke israel
That's my point, why do Australians moan so bitterly about it all?
Because they are a meme country who try and lampoon brits as the ‘other’ just escape the facts they are just brits in the sun.
>And you performed the worst out of any of us.
Because you fucks sent us there. Sipping tea in some fucking tent away from the battle.
And now, you get explosions, child grooming, acid attacks, stabbings, rape and murder from an endless wave of muzzies and other third world slime. Here? They act up and the police put them down with extreme prejudice. As it should be.
Ok you little shit go look at the casualties for the great war more british people from one city died then from your entire country.
I say country but really what are you except our colonial offshoot.
to be fair losing around 100k men in both world wars and being given an entire continent and granted independence is a bargain 2bh
They weren't drafted, they were volunteers.
That was WW2 you >mong.
Entire thing was a cluster fuck, mainly Churchill's fault.
>what are you
Prepping to nuke you if your third world populace attempts to transplant here.
Yeah, pretty much.
Plus it gets taught in primary school, so it's a bit of adolescent edginess to go about saying that the ANZACs in Gallipoli were set up to be cannon fodder.
Two thing.
You don’t have nukes.
And you’re just as fucked as us, you’re going to eventually become an asian version of brazil, and with your mutt population there will be no way in hell you’ll be able to compete with the Asian juggernauts to your north.
We don't. It's propaganda garbage from the ruling class.
*moans* mmmmm Gallipoli
I know your pessimistic about the UK but we are going to become a republic. Anyone who opposes this is a traitor.
And we are going to create the greatest white ethnostate the world has ever seen.
LOL Australia is officially dead when it becomes a republic. Our garbage politicians only want this so they can rewrite the constitution and get rid of what little rights we have.
>For some reason 5 year olds in primary school get pumped full of this stuff
(((for some reason))). Just like all the other bullshit they are taught now. Putting your child through the education system should be considered child abuse by any sane person.
Our constitution is going to guarantee free speech and the right to bear arms.
Ha! Sure and you'll also become the largest importer of brown people in the world too.
the British.
Aussies fought for WWI is similar to today's muzzies travelling from Australia to fight in middle east.
They got radicalised to fight for other country's war.
No I am a separate entity from the other 2
No, they fought because they were loyal to their blood rather than an arbitrary flag.
>Why do they moan?
You know about any other significant battle Kiwis fought? Me neither.
yo hol up
why the fuck were we fighting in the middle east anyway if we were at war with Germany and Austria-Hungary?
Hint: it's due to a certain desert tribe
>a traitor
To what? Your nation was founded by british blood, sweat and tears. You didn’t emerge naturally and organically by throwing aside your british past what are you? An arbitrary construct in the Pacific that only exists due to the weakness and collapse of the british empire.
you need a loicense to jerk off shut up