RIP in Pasta

>German police storms/SWATs homes of "far-right activists".

>29 people got arrested for "hate speech".

>They have to spent at least 5 years in jail for anti-shlomotical comments on social media.

Boys the world is now really coming to an end. The history is repeating itself but on the other side of the spectrum. The left is now literally killing other opinions by jailing everyone up who isn't on their side.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Any literature about getting of the grid?
I have some land in a rural backwater where I want to retreat and build myself a hideout where I can live a self sufficient lifestyle while observing everything hidden behind every possible von/proxy

You failo to realize the future tho, brother.
Islamo-fascism is the future.
And the left WANTS it.
I say we give it to em.

That article is so old.
The ones arrested are out of jail already.

I'm sorry Germany. When Germany lost the war, Europe died with you. Seeing the end of the world and the European people is depressing.

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You know this is exactly what the germans did before the war right?

The article came today, user.

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That's the only solution, I think. Shit's getting weird at this point.

And because these people are not ecelebs their persecution by an authoritarian gov will go unnoticed.

If you are going to show us an old as fuck article, at least provide an archived link first you selfish, lazy fuck.

We will eventually miss the days of hitler.




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Germans > Jews

Artice came today, user.


its going to have to get a lot worse before it starts to get any better

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Shoot traitors in the face.


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This issmwhy bluelivesmatter conservatards s are hopeless cucks

Nothing more traitorous and a pathetic than the Enforcers of the System

You get these golems have heard at least 20+ two stories by shoreline by colleagues but with the same cold , robotic soulessness they went out and bought dissenters heads to their masters

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Castros son must feel proud of you.

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* Heard 20+ rape stories by shoreline from collegues

have fun going to jail for posting nazi stuff.

No it didn't you fucking liar. It came out in 2018


Will russia be on our side this time?

They'll never find me. I'm hiding behind 6 gorillion proxies and vpns.

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Wrong link sorry, boy.

AHAHAH, I see what joo did there! XD

Don't let yourself get cucked fellow germans, we have been quiet enough for a long time!

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>the world is now really coming to an end
Naaah, just Germany.
Better late than never i guess.

I'm glad that I was able to incite joy with my post. Have a good day fellow user.

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>The history is repeating itself but on the other side of the spectrum.
Antifa was founded before Nazis really were a thing
History is indeed repeating itself though

Thanks, have a bump.


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>unironically shitposting on facebook
madlads, shouldve sticked to a satire site

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I like how the Germans are as good at being Nazis about imposing anti-Nazism as they were when actual Nazis. It's like the underlying tendency is always there, it just comes out in a slightly different way now because of the ZOG yoke.

East Germany also had the most totalitarian secret police in the Eastern Bloc when it came to being the Sword and Shield 'defending the Party and socialism from the fascists' or whatever.

>imagine getting arrested for hate-speech
>imagine voting for politicians who make hate-speech laws
>imagine spending 5 years in prison for naming the Jew
Can you guys get arrested for posting on Jow Forums?

If their "hate-speech laws" haven't been repealed than it's still relevant.

At least post the original

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