>You should date Polish girls, user!
>They are very nationalistic and loyal to the White ra-oops, nevermind...

Attached: C7F419FE-533D-4E34-ACB8-598986492065.jpg (1125x1640, 378K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Polish girls hate nig-ooooh, nevermind...

Attached: F16BE0F0-C361-4577-B341-4860C43F7FD3.jpg (1097x1628, 479K)

Are there any White women on planet Earth who don’t have a pet nigglet accessory?

Attached: 2BE884F8-0262-470F-A73C-BD7101A9824D.jpg (1125x1581, 287K)

Bet this girl is in England though, the degenerates leave

Russia hate, Poland hate, Japan hate, China hate, all spammed consistently and formulaically, who could be behind this and why

Imagine looking at your child and not seeing ANY semblance of your heritage.

Attached: F1434D28-C21C-4669-9404-6663260BB9C3.jpg (1125x1584, 459K)

And why would anyone care about some roastie that left her country to fuck around?

>oh look it's another thread where someone scoured through the internet to find random pics that will satisfy his cuck fetishes while also giving him the opportunity to pretend to be a "concerned citizen" on Jow Forums
kill yourself

your toilet will always be clean
thats a plus point

The eternal mutt
Jelous of thier whiteness

Attached: IMG_1530.jpg (618x700, 76K)

Dude, I haven’t posted on pol in months.
I’m only showing this because I have a Polish gf and despite them being a White ethnostate, it’s crazy how many of them are thirsty for nigger or Muslim cock.
It’s disgusting

Attached: 0284A078-1E2D-4B3B-A25B-2B5A3FCB0F9E.jpg (1125x1700, 320K)

That’s her current location at the time of the photo, retard!
She was also in the Netherlands
But clearly lives in Poland (Gdańsk I think)

Attached: F6BEA813-BC65-4E56-B93F-940C1FCD94C2.jpg (1095x1517, 307K)

>scoured the net
Literally came up on Instagram Polish girls hashtag
I didn’t have to “scour” shit.

Attached: DFF94FF2-66C6-4B0C-ADD2-427CACE85F23.jpg (1125x1664, 343K)

>I’m only showing this because I have a Polish gf
>it’s crazy how many of them are thirsty for nigger or Muslim cock.
Why are you doing this to yourself user.
Anyway aren't Eastern Europeans considered trash by the rest of Yuro's something about them being whores and such ?

>not a single picture with the father
Lmaoooo, fuck polish women

>I think
I think you suck dog cocks on daily basis.

The eternal mutt, yes, but I'm thinking more contracted out by the State Department to try and a) decrease sympathy for "strategic enemies of the US" (Russia and China) and b) to negate as a source of inspiration for right wingers the figures of Poland and Japan who are evidently balancing modernity and ethnocentrism (counter to the plans of globohomo)
Also a formulaic response
Has like a dozen of these saved, at least

Or maybe some NGO if not USG

Sure you didn't, cuck. You seem really into posting pics of white women with mixed children, what's going on?

Go watch some porn then you can be productive with other things for a few hours instead of sitting around looking for interracial couples on instagram.

>the jew doesn't know that the exception proves the rule
time to gas yourself, schlomo

First of all, Polish people are CENTRAL Europeans. Not eastern.
Secondly, it’s just an observation.
Yes, a lot of Polish girls are very nationalistic and even racist as fuck (my gf is super racist), but we both notice how a lot of her friends are obsessed with black rappers and “cute Muslim boys”.
It’s just an observation.
Not sure why people getting butthurt by facts.

Best comment right here.

Sounds like a nigger impregnated your pretty Polish girlfriend?

I know that Poles date more Asian than they do with Blacks.I met a lot of Indian/Chinese guys dating Poles.I can't say the same for black and Poles.I'm sure they do but not at the rate of Asians.E Europe are pretty racist to blacks

Hmm, where's dad?

OMEGALUL. That's what I wanted to comment

Are you aware that you have a mental illness?
It’s called paranoid schizophrenia.
Medication can help.

I’m literally just a random dude online.

>Oh no, I hope he doesn’t find out I’m with the Illuminati!!!

>I know that Poles date more Asian than they do with Blacks
What are chinks doing in Poland ?

I can attest to Poles dating Pajeets when I stayed for 2 weeks in cultural exchange program.Only in Poland where Pajeet is more popular than black and that's primarily due to Bollywood popularity.

Um, it’s the same girl?
I just posted her because she came up on my Instagram #polska hashtag
You niggers always think everything is a government conspiracy theory lol

Yes, goyim.
Give into the anger!

i used to work with a polish woman who was once on their version on big brother and she was the biggest slag i have ever met

lmao kike
the funny part is that there's a high chance that little half niglet is whiter than you

There;'s a lot of Chinese -Polish couple.Again only in Eastern Europe ,Asian do better than black

Yeah, lots of Polish girls I know are obsessed with Kpop

>where’s dad?
Probably in prison

have some respect for Jow Forums
I don't think it's a conspiracy theory. I just know you're a cuck that is into interracial shit.

No amount of concern trolling will hide this fact.

Please make the Polish whore meme real like you freaks did with the "Polish women are sooo0o0o hot" meme
They'll finally stop thinking they're 10/10
t. diaspora

Yes, they call pajeets (or poos)...Asians
They’ll say, “she’s dating an Asian guy” but then you see a Hindu

she lives in hoorn retard...
all her photos are from NL

What's with white women letting niggers cum inside them? Is it a fetish thing?

>I don't think it's a conspiracy theory. I just know you're a cuck that is into interracial shit
Yes, Muhammad. You caught me.
Oh please give me that black cock!!!
Lol faggot projecting your fantasies on me

The myth has been debunked already that eastern european women are traditionalist and loyal. They are actually massive coal burning whores once they have the chance outside of their countries.

It’s so obvious you’re triggered.
Is it because the girls you like always fuck Tyrone, but never want your tiny peen?

Yes but why are Chinks living in Poland is it exclusively to date White Impoverished Girls ?

so we are not paying anything kike? am i correct?

Honestly, this.
I love my gf, but they are NOT 10/10

Polish girls have a weird inbred Down syndrome look about them...just being honest

Imagine bragging about being treated like a Kleenex, and that you mated with someone that wants nothing to do with you or his son?


Ok ok, calm down.
Just because she moved doesn’t mean she’s not Polish anymore, faggot.
>Durr Durr she left Poland so it doesn’t count durrrr

I think it’s a cultural phenomenon where they think it’s the cool thing now to have a pet nigglet like an accessory

>Polish emigrant
Pick one.

haha imagine thinking that you're whiter than the average eastern european while rocking the 56% mutt flag
you're delusional Bro, probably with polish roots and the fact that they make mulattos triggers you.
Stop giving a fuck and do your own, so many underage newfags this summer.

They certainly shouldn't think they are 10/10 atleast.

Dang, I really hit a chord with you today, didn’t I Dominique?
Are you still a Virgin while every girl in your class fucked a Muslim during Euroweek?

Bet she's a hooker.


Attached: 5468485734.png (1070x601, 507K)

Central Europeans.
Can we please at least TRY to sound educated on this board?

>she clearly lives in Poland
kek, even shitposting faggot like you should know how her life would look like with this nigglet if she was living here instead western shitholes accepting this kind of abomination.

Yeah, I knew this was a kike just trying to demoralize
fuck off

There are BILLIONS of chinks on this planet.
It’s like asking why cockroaches are in Poland.


There's no such thing as 'nationalistc' woman, it's all about society control on females.

in terms of sexual attitudes, only Western Europe is more liberal than eastern europe


I dated a Polish girl for a couple of years
Best gf ever

Attached: FB_IMG_1559785701405.jpg (808x960, 80K)

Lmao Russians and even Ukrainians are coal burning whores. Look in the inner cities here in the country. They dress like subhuman white trash and have this unwarranted self-importance kind of attitude. But yes, I know Poland is technically central Europe.

This so much.

whare's the dad?

Damn I hate Chinks

>Polish girls
99.9% of them is absolute thots. Materialistic and entitled. Spoiled to the core. If you need a very expensive in maintenance cum-bucked pick a Polish girl.

sage all blacked threads

No i was just showing you what "thinking" without any facts implies... but it just went over your poor brain after murrican education.

That is a kikess and you know it.

i just see a mother that loves her child...what is wrong here?

Based flip.

>Polish woman
>Jew phenotype
Pick one and stick with it... Mario!

Why did you split from her user ?

>All Americans are mixed mutts
>There’s no way this guy can be White
You do realize America is a giant global marketplace with immigrants from every country on Earth?
My family came here from Europe.
There’s no “American Race” despite what American Dad cartoons taught you.

Attached: muttmap.png (1748x2310, 340K)


>Loses the argument
>Accuses me of being a Jew
Nice. Captain of the debate team right here folks.

>My family came here from Europe.
Potential kike.

Went to buy cigarettes

literally the same woman.

You spend hours of your life browsing the internet looking for white women and black men couples so you can be angry or more likely jack off to cuck porn. Go outside.

Attached: 4F194BE5-1329-4A2A-AC80-139F000298B3.jpg (1080x731, 181K)

>Bet she's a hooker.
If you see a Russian, Ukrainian or Polish girl from humble backgrounds traveling the world; ie, Amsterdam, Saudi Arabia, etc. then yes it’s a prostitute.

There seem to be an organized effort to blackpill Jow Forums on eastern europe lately. Some mentally ill cuckold posts russian blacked threads every day and now this thread as well.
Tranny discord maybe?

Attached: 2ZB.gif (240x228, 857K)

This Mexican gets it.

So you found a retarded polish girl and are spamming her? What the blacked rate for say american girls? Faaaar higher. Also race mixers are shunned here

all niggers are rapists and need killed.

>oops I'm a guy
>and I let niggers live

In your own country you may not see it, but outside of your country the women of Russia are actually more inclined to being coal burners and general whores. They dress really trashy, even worse than american standards; they are literal human trash.

They have been doing this type of shit in media in the west for 70 years. LOOK YO WOMMINZ GETTING BLACKED ABANDON ON HOPE!

Italian you inner city nigger.

Polish girls are hot. Especially around Anglo girls and other shitskins

Yes, yes, Jesus Christ.
2 years dating a Polish girl has taught me that you Poles will jump on each other’s ass holes as soon as someone makes an error.
You are the South Koreans of the White race.
And yes, I know about your schools, fucking teachers trying to trick you on tests and asking exact dates like when did the first Polish President masturbate to tranny porn and what time was it?
An entire country of White Chinks.

what hashtag do i need to search to find fappable polish thots?

this is the fault of all the men, more than polish men, but rather, all white men.

I have to agree.
The evidence shows a direct causal relationship between women’s rights movements and the decline of family values/conservatism.

Yeah, I’m happy with my Polish gf desu