>1 gay mexican
>10k white males
Who would win?
and what does that say about which organism is superior?
>1 gay mexican
>10k white males
Who would win?
and what does that say about which organism is superior?
When we fight each other only (((they))) win.
who is this faggot?
This. Mexicans are based and part of the white race! We're literally the same.
(((They))) are only trying to splinter us so (((they))) can defeat us.
Carlos Maza is a kike, not a spic and this whole crackdown was in the works long before this staged drama between him and Crowder:
4/11/2019 CHN was terminated on YouTube with zero warning or strike
>2years of videos, 8k subs and a great following
They despise anyone who motivates and rallies the anons
They are coming for everyone
They wont stop till ALL our heroes and monuments are gone!!!
We need to protest these control freaks !!! Fuck the Jewish NWO
Remember the fallen,.,,.
Jews did 9/11 and 4/11 and Jews started Adpoc
Did the ten thousand white people jump the fence to come to our inferior white country?
report this duplicate thread
OP is literally a faggot
>1 gay mexican WITH A MEDIA PLATFORM
>10,000 white guys without