>1 gay mexican
>10k white males
Who would win?
and what does that say about which organism is superior?
>1 gay mexican
>10k white males
Who would win?
and what does that say about which organism is superior?
When we fight each other only (((they))) win.
who is this faggot?
This. Mexicans are based and part of the white race! We're literally the same.
(((They))) are only trying to splinter us so (((they))) can defeat us.
Carlos Maza is a kike, not a spic and this whole crackdown was in the works long before this staged drama between him and Crowder:
4/11/2019 CHN was terminated on YouTube with zero warning or strike
>2years of videos, 8k subs and a great following
They despise anyone who motivates and rallies the anons
They are coming for everyone
They wont stop till ALL our heroes and monuments are gone!!!
We need to protest these control freaks !!! Fuck the Jewish NWO
Remember the fallen,.,,.
Jews did 9/11 and 4/11 and Jews started Adpoc
Did the ten thousand white people jump the fence to come to our inferior white country?
report this duplicate thread
OP is literally a faggot
>1 gay mexican WITH A MEDIA PLATFORM
>10,000 white guys without
OMG he’s literally the mutt meme come to life.
Why are you pretending that all fags don't want to be plowed by a white chad
White males are so superior not even 10k of them together can create or associate themselves with even a single media platform in an age where a clever person can reach 10 million people in a matter of hours FOR FREE
don't forget to report OP for spamming these duplicate threads
duplicate thread
duplicate thread
OP is a nigger
1 gay mexican + the entirety of traditional media backing him
>makes the same thread twice with the same memeflag and nearly the exact same OP image
>doesn't even wait until his other thread has 404'd before shitposting again
fuck off
If white males are so superior why didn't they create or ally themselves with media outlets? We live in an age where a global media behemoth with hundreds of millions of eyeballs can be created for $0.
LMAO you can't even do that. There's what, 500 million of you.
Worthless trash.
>Who would win?
It's over, look who won
The CHAD of Chads.
The ultimate alpha male.
The peak of masculinity.
The apex predator of the multiverse.
Carlos Maza
he looks quintessentially american, tho
niggers bumping both his threads and not sage ing him.
nigger mods not b&ing him
**blocks his path**
nothing personal, kid
He is a kike as well.
>and what does that say about which organism is superior?
Oh whiny fags are definitely superior, licking each others assholes like a Dairy Queen ice cream cone until they have a bacterial infection in their stomach, sphincter stretching to the point shit permanently leaks out their blown out anuses...totes superior.
>destroys the entire right wing media machine by making a short lispy faggot video
Pshhhh nothing personnel kid
Oh my, we do all that and still one of us can take down 10k of you. What does that say about you?
Sit the fuck down.
more like 1 gay mexican against the entire left on the internet, and he's winning
kys shitskin. enjoy living in filth. let me tell you something, nigger behaviour is a choice is here, but in your country, it is a necessity. white englishmen dont behave like your video, however, all your natural citizens behave far worse than that. why dont you eat cyanide and save america the hassle of genociding you when they tire of of your shit?
Shill your shitty regurgitated Jow Forums content elsewhere you turbofag.
>billionaire kikes at jewtube want cover to censor the goyim
>hire some faggot to stir up a media storm
this dude is self-destructing his own people for a few shekels from the kikes. too bad no one read him the bible as a child, or he'd know that judas isn't the path you want to go down
>conspiracy theories with no proof and WUAAAAAAH THATS UNFAIR WUAAAAH like a little baby
behold the intellectual might of the white male, everyone
>literal porkistani calling anyone a shitskin
Top kek
Spic's gonna get murdered tonight.
>don't talk about things that I don't like
People like you deserve necklacing.
no difference between mexshits and pakistanis. both are the same shade of brown skin
>our white male brains are so powerful we consider necklacing a form of rhetoric
literally stonethrowing cavemen
The 10k white males. Everybody fucking knows that youtube is broken as fuck. But still you can be morally correct when it comes to moaning about the system. However saying that a conservative online comedian is harassing you isn't going to make a mega-corporation to ban homophobic comments. You need more evidence from more sources.
stfu you literal nigger.
This is the side that goes around calling people "cucks". LOL
why should I care when retards destroy freedom of expression? they will eat dead meat and enjoy the diseases that come from it. allowing my enemy to do this is supreme victory as I will outlast them and live well and healthy undiseased.
Well it's good not having cartels going up to your door for money.
Eat shit faggot.
There's nothing to discuss. You deserve a brutal death and you're begging for it.
go get your arms and legs cut off and stomach sliced open by cartels
Behold the might of the white male intellect
Fucking amazing how dumb you BITCHES are. I love it :-)
You believe that just as much as i belive you're getting extorted for your tv loicense.
Last reply to a nigger for today.
>Oh my, we do all that and still one of us can take down 10k of you.
It means you are a narcissist, a racist, and a charlatan, because you did nothing, you are nothing, and you will accomplish...nothing.
>thinks violence precludes intellect
>>destroys the entire right wing media machine
This level of narcissism and delusions of grandeur is truly astounding. You are the same loser today you were yesterday, nothings changed you are still a big fat worthless zero, whether you troll Jow Forums or not.
Lmao I like how you have to use some meme as an insult where in reality you're country is in deep shit.
The faggot spic would probably demand all 10k of them "finish inside".
Must have AIDS. There's no such thing as a thin wetback.
>behold the intellectual might of the white male, everyone
I bet you can't even read and comprehend this you dumbfuck inferior genetic specimen, get some listerine...your breath smells like farts.
>literally stonethrowing cavemen
A faggot from Vox
Shouldn't you be out beheading women and running drugs? Get back to what passes as work there.
It's gonna be pretty funny when one of those stones lands on your head repeatedly.
The day the right gets off it's ass you will be on your knees (as usual) and your dick sucking days will be over. The patience has it's limits.
Hes a literal faggot who stood in front of the incarnate of youtube screaming IM A FAGGOT LISTEN TO ME IM A FUCKING FAGGOT YOU MUST LISTEN TO ME! At full volume until he got his way. No one would listen to him if he wasn't a faggot Mexican he can fucking die for all I care im sick of faggots the lot of you have like 1% of you who are tolerable otherwise you're objective weak worthless people who abuse taking dick more then blacks abuse slavery.
That motherfucker in the OP is definitely diseased, it seems he has herpes on his face.
The gay Mexican because the right wing never does anything but bitch about whatever the left enforces
>Fucking amazing how dumb you BITCHES are. I love it :-)
No you are just another run of the mill faggot acting like an asshole. It's nothing new. I bet your family hates you as much as I do...
Let me show you how it works outside of your fag bubble you stupid fucker...
This faggot is throwing a faux hissyfit.
His overlords want full control over the conventional mediums.
You could punch 100 left wing protestors tomorrow and it would still be nothing compared to what a single queer Mexican can do to you with a few tweets.
It would be funny if Maza was made fun of his character growing up, but thought it was homophobia. Based on how he treats. It sounds like it.
Nice try, kike. Keep shilling. Beaners aren't white, kek
Run those stats by me again when this kinda shit inevitably will erupt into violence.
And You made 10,000,000 new enemies that just saw what happened.
You lack the ability to understand
Who looked like the tyrant
and who didn't.
. . .
You're so clueless - mental degeneracy as usual i guess. Say - do you keep a paraglider on hand for...you know?
Thanks, now I can BTFO even more white males
Mexican Steve-o
1 gay mexican + an unknown amount of jewish handlers.
Reminder Carlos lives in Gay Hell and will die miserably alone.
shills on overdrive today...sheesh
It's like having certain opinions stops you from getting into big tech or something......
Thanks for generating so much anti-LGBTQ material you goddamn faggot
Somebody post his nudes. I'm going to spread them around.