

Attached: gab.png (673x484, 57K)

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What does this mean? That anyone can host a website they want without being shut down?

I love Gab, they are actually doing something against the censorship by Jews.

Distributed commenting.

open source their software and federalize it? ( I think that's the term). Interesting. I will be spinning up a gab instance for sure on one of my servers.

So what happened to the dissenter thing

Remember when shills tried to divide and conquer against gab?

this is highly problematic

Andrew Torba is doing God's work.

checked and tru

no one wanted to sign for his fed honeypot but somehow he think peoples will take that bait

>"Anyone who does anything is a Fed"

Still going but the userbase is relatively small

>He also thinks Feds aren't on every single Jow Forums thread 24 hours a day

Or, in the MSMs eyes, a site festering "hate speech." Alternative options are slander eyes to the point where the user base doesn't accumulate

I think it will be something like P2P where someone acts like host and everyone is the client, then the host changes and so on.
Kinda like how Dark Souls 1's online is managed (contrary to its remastered version).

If it were something like that, it would mean that there are no "real" servers, therefore the costs for Gab are incredibly reduced, the connection will be slower though, but they will also be untouchable.

distributed self-hosting is the early stages of j*w protection, yes

Interesting enough idea, but it's irrelevant to most, who either doesn't care or shitpost in here anyway.

Bump. Gab is literally the only 1 doing anything to combat leftist censorship while everyone else just whines and bitches.

Yeah me too! They are awesome! Andrew Torba is such a based Jew!

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Now thats an interesting development for sure

Man, can't wait. Gab is truly a bastion of free speech.

Though, needs a wee-bit of user-friendly interface.

If Twitter goes the way of Youtube and FB, Gab will do well, because it will be the only alternative.

Wrong, there's also bitchute.
The difference is that the media talked so much about Gab that it actually became popular and has a consistent user base, contrary to bitchute.

>doesn't realize Jow Forums has been a major honeypot for like 15 years
get a load of this newfag over here

That's bretty cool. It'll be like P2P hosting right?

almost as if needing user logins makes a difference

More like Yahweh's work? Am I right??! Based!

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There's another alternative that boomers keep spamming about but I can't remember the name because nobody cares about it.

They are now using Mastodon's code because theirs was complete shit.
Mastodon is a federated social network similar to twitter where anyone can make their own instance about whatever they want. Something like 8gag with their board creation feature, except that you own the server where it is hosted.
I expect this shit to implode and generate cringe kino because Mastodon is developed by SJW and the main instance is no better than Twitter in terms of SJWtardism.

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Needs more information

you don't understand the concept are you ?
Jow Forums is an ocean of piss you just piss in an ocean of piss
gab is a hugebox for radical idea and require login
Jow Forums is monitored by the NSA and probably others alphabet agency but it's still a complete mess
do you think the NSA see your post on Jow Forums and can instantly request the ISP information about the owner of the account linked to the public IP used ?
I that's the case the NSA would have to have direct access to every ISP database ever
that's not how a honeypot work
also fuck gab and it's kike creator

Gab needs to fix their interface, and fix their app, they also need to lure more lefties, being on a platform where everyone agrees with each other is no good, it will just turn gab into Twitter or Tumblr.

It's not P2P. There are servers (that can be hosted by anyone). What makes Mastodon (and Pleroma, another federated social network approved by Jow Forums) is that you as an user of the instance A can see what happens in other instances in the same page. For example, if you join an instance about dogs you'll be able to see the content from instances connected to that one.

I agree, people get arrested all the time now for merely shitposting on fb, twitter,... but you never hear someone getting arrested for writing something on Jow Forums.

Does it mine gabcoins?

>usernames matter to the NSA

the problem with requiring logins is that you have a public post history that people could search and potentially dox you.


>all are welcome
>except snowflakes

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They can get you pretty fast if you phone post. But those are bugged to hell and back most likely anyway. It's not like anyone means what they write here anyway so it's all satirical good fun.

>Trying this hard

You post something the government doesn't like on Jow Forums and they can easily find you.

Andrew Torba is literally a Greek Orthodox Christian who literally NAMES THE JEW frequently. You fucking KIKE

>all are welcome
>free speech
>Rules: >No threats >No doxes >Nothing illegal >Graphic images must be behind a NSFW filter >No spamming (flooding for the sake of flooding) >Dont mute all admins

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same but only if its opensource.

>More like Yahweh's work? Am I right??! Based!

You stupid FUCK. Torba is an Orthodox GREEK Christian. And he's posted about Jewish subversion frequently. You Schizo fucks are retarded.

Tig if brue

>all are welcome
>free speech
>only christian post stuff

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Lolis and shotas are banned from Gab too, even if they're SFW.

All you would be doing is forcing the gov't to regulate cloud platforms. You have been warned.

They are going the route of Wordpress, where you can launch a server, install a template and have your own site. It's fucking brilliant. Will it take off? Not a chance in hell because Twitter will see this as direct competition and spend billions squashing it. They may even buy it out and turn it into a honey pot. They don't even have to do it directly. All they have to do is have one of their people present as an angel investor looking to put money into Gab in exchange for a certain amount of say so and they are in there.

Most browsers shut it down so you couldn't use it
Was a fantastic idea though, which is why they killed it.

>all are welcome
>free speech
>no current events
>no memes
>no conspiracy theories
>no racial slurs

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Chrome and firefox block it

You're in a honeypot, faggot

yep and pedos will be banned from real life too

Torba seems like a genuine dude. I love gab.

Both browsers changed their policy to ban it.

i mean the whole internet is like that
the advantage of Jow Forums is the massive bullshit being posted non-stop covering the rest of the bullshit
you hide between bullshit
an AI must be doing some work and manual review must be made of some post but do you think the NSA as an army of employee working 24/24 reviewing post from Jow Forums and looking directly at the user behind the post ?
isn that A Scanner Darkly scenario ?
sadly life is legit more complicated than that

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based. gab is awesome. the updater on their browser doesn't work though if anyone is listening.

who said anything about surveillance? I am talking about user engagement
or do you really think that the average person takes that into account? kek

>all are welcome
>free speech
>zero tolerance for spam

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CommieTrannyFaggotNiggers Eternally BTFO'd

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>user created groups have their own rules
Wow how awful

Daily reminder: Gabbai is a fed honeypot run by a kike. Oh, Varg, Steven Crowder and every other eceleb is a controlled op gatekeeping Zionist Mossad plant too. It's good that they got banned and demonetized. Don't be sad. Celebrate!

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youre picking certain groups on gab, you fucking moron

>all are welcome
>free speech
>keep it clean
>nothing NSFW

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>Will it take off? Not a chance in hell
Gab is just another instance of Mastodon, and Mastodon has around 3M users (most of them are from Japan). If something happened to Gab and Mastodon it would be as easy to host a new instance.



>I don't want to post on gab because of le feds but I'll post on Jow Forums

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I'm in. And I have access to some pretty big pipes.

Source? He is quite obviously a Jew.

>Be literally the ONLY tech underdog actually resisting

Yea with "people" like these it's over for concervatives and the right

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spoken like a true fed, you fed

This is why you're genitally mutilated. Dumb Jewamerican.

So? If the governemnt keeps regulating one thing after another, sooner or later even the normies willg et tired of it.

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Drop your gab accounts for follows bros

>don't do anything, anyone who does anything is your enemy
Does anyone actually fall for this?

Not really. There are multiple Mastodon instances that allow loli/shota porn. This is the best part of this. If you don't like the rules of an instance (like Gab) you can move or make another (like Pawoo).

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>Muh login
Lmao , not like 4chinz openly admits it stores and vets your IP indifinetely

4cuck is a honeypot and were content with it
I know I'm on 5+ watchlists already propaplby but my life is shit So I don't care

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except it's owned by jews retard.

>What is controlled op

Movements that genuinely resist get shut the fuck down. Naive little bitch.

Didnt that faggot said (Im paraphrasing here):
>Any social media without steady moderation will inevitable turn into a pedophile heaven
Dont trust this fuck at all.

gab is touted as the new bastion of free speech.
user created groups implement speech rules.
gab is basically little safe spaces.
it's ok, but i am just illustrating the point that gab is no different than any other platform for "free speech"

Back to direct connect modem tech
I love it

>sooner or later even the normies willg et tired of it.
>A-any day now...

Sounds a bit like tor the chat app to me, people can set up Gab nodes all over the world. Add some encryption and wahay Abdul and Mohammed are gonna love Gab as they plot their bombings.

Still definitely a plus for free speech

it means that anybody can have a gab mirror that will download CP so the NSA and CIA can use you as a scapegoat for future terror attacks by blackmailing you (ala las vegas shooter guy)

yes i know.
i created an account like a few minutes ago. i had no idea what to expect so i joined groups. first thing i see our rules and stipulations.
which is basically no different than any other platform.
on the internet, with regard to free speech, the grass is not always greener.

> no different than any other platform for "free speech
Because users can choose what they look at? How is that 'no different' from the platform itself deciding what is allowed?

>but you never hear someone getting arrested for writing something on Jow Forums
Several people have.
A couple wannabe school shooters and pedophiles.
But you're unlikely to get arrested for something that isn't illegal in the US.

Maybe Gab is owned by jews, but Mastodon, the thing Gab is based on, is open source and allows you to host an instance about whatever you want and even block other instances. And even if you don't trust Mastodon either there are alternatives like Pleroma that are compatible with Mastodon.

But can you post loli?

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Was exited for it, installed it and then realized you cant say nigger, kike and whole lot of other banned words. Free speech platform indeed.
I mean whats the point then? If i can only put NPC comments might as well do it on whatever pozzed site im viewing the content.

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Would you need a commercial isp account to host one? I would be willing to invest in hardware for one but unsure of running it out of my residence.

Not on Gab, but you can post it on other Mastodon instances.

Every user gets tagged with his own glow nigger, the few million hits the site gets has a glow nigger for each one, in the US we have 320 million fbi agents, one for each person regardless of their internet use

kys plebbitor

fucking britniggers

How will the new EU laws affect this? I'm sure there are counter-actions lying in wait to shut it down.