>Be German
>"The Greeks are so ungrateful, how dare they want the money we stole by setting their economy back decades then bullying them into our political union and forcing them to take a loan whilst acting like merchants which we profited greatly from while the Greeks suffered. We are the real victims here!"
Be German
Other urls found in this thread:
>We are the real victims here
Typical worldview of a Marxist
We shall see if Merkel is a big enough traitor to give them to you
>be german
>make videos about fucking nigger women in Africa
What can we do about the pending German problem?
Greece asks for reparations and not free money you shitskin.
oh no, what will we ever do.
kek question is what will they do because they wont get anything.
pretty hot desu those are the first juicy pair of tits I saw after a while thanks to this government because of the retarded porn ban
Germans are based in my book
If Greece somehow gets the money, will that set a precedent for everyone getting money from england and france?
wrong they ask for gibs.
Reparations where to be claimed after the war and not when your country is in shemebels because you cant in basic math and economics.
Then why don't they ask the turks for a change. Of course its about the german money.
You just made that up because you don't want Germany to pay for its crimes.
and you just made that up because your greek and you want gibĀ“s.
We are talking about an Islamic shitskin country that still wants to kill all Christians in the world.
why are you racist to black people when you yourself have australoid blood?
Greeks are useless shits. I wonder why people lose time discussing this 'people'.
Greeks are superior people
should still ask
>Germany pay reparations to Greece
Why not? Germany has continued to pay off their foreign occupiers whose country didnt even exist at the time in the billions almost every year, so why not Greece?
Germans are just retards, their not even people. Just slaves toiling away to earn enough to send their taxes to their foreign rulers.
>kek question is what will they do because they wont get anything.
Uhhh you retards give money away in the billions to your foreign overlords user. Its literally what Germans do is work hard to give it to anyone but germans.
>be memeflag
>don't realize that the reparations have been already paid
Then point me towards this claim i want to see for my self.
>Then point me towards this claim i want to see for my self.
If you dont know user, then your better off not knowing.
Live in the Bliss that is your ignorance.
But when will greece pay dem debts?
Exactly. Germans are working hard to supply Italians and Greeks and all they get in return is 'debt' which will never be repaid. How much did you earn on your hard earned euros in bank, Hans? Nothing? Mario Draghi and other shitskins will make this sure.
kek, based fatherland grabbing neetbux
Are you actually attracted to that? Tb h i find dark-skinned girls repulsive.
Aren't all the turks in Germany anyway?
Lmao youre almost as retarded as these Greeks
you think our government has any kind of sovereignty? We have been taking orders from your government since we lost WW2, which you, by the way, won for the Kikes.
Good job, pat yourself on the back
You are Israels vassal state, and we are yours.
How can you be this fucking dense, seriously?
Don't insult Greeks you shitskin.
How about you go ask Israel you dumb nigger
Greeks are subhuman trash, I cant believe humans can actually be as retarded as them
Germans are subhumans by their own definition of the word. Hitler would love modern Greece and gas most Germans.
Germany should pay for it's sins!!!
you retards lost east front to a commie mario from f***kn Gori
Most people aren't even asking for reparations, they are asking for you to pay debts from the loan you took forcefully. Also, the shit about us not asking until recently is bullshit, we've been asking for it for a while now